The farmer has a mall

Chapter 871 Li Qing asks for help

Chapter 871 Li Qing asks for help
"What did the queen say?"

Li Mi was very surprised: "Jilan was kidnapped? How could this happen!"

"I don't know either. A few days ago we left the imperial city and headed all the way to the pass. Unexpectedly, we met a group of men in black just after we left the city, and arrested Jilan and me."

Li Qing described it as a mess, the makeup on his face was already worn out, and his hair was a little messy.

The clothes are still neat, but all the accessories are missing.

"Those people released me after they caught me, and asked me to come back and deliver a letter to the emperor..."

Li Qing whimpered, holding back the tears welling up in his eyes, not letting himself cry out.

"My carriage was confiscated by them, and I didn't have much money with me, so I had to hire a carriage to drive back... My son and my daughter are still in their hands..."

Perhaps because of anxiety, what Li Qing said didn't match the preamble.

Li Mi frowned.

He calmed down his temper and said in a slow tone: "Sister Huang, don't be in a hurry, let me explain the matter clearly before I can find a way to rescue Jilan... You just said that those people asked you to bring a letter to me, what about the letter?"

He glanced at Eunuch Zhao, Eunuch Zhao understood, and came to Li Qing with small steps, and stretched out his hand to signal her to hand over the letter to him.

Li Qing grabbed his sleeves tightly with both hands, and looked at Eunuch Zhao in front of him.

He shook his head choked with sobs: "There are only a few messages."

If you have a message, you should say it quickly!
Li Miji's brow was sweating.

He always thought that his sister Huang was a responsible person, but now it seems that she is nothing more than that.

You said that your daughter was tied up.

After so many days, she didn't know what would happen to her as a little girl in the hands of thieves.

Can't you just get right to the point? !

Li Mi anxiously wanted to grab Li Qing's neck and let her talk properly.

"What the other party said, sister Huang slowly narrated it to me, one word, no, fall!" He said seriously.

It was the first time Li Qing saw this younger brother showing such an expression, and his heart was slightly touched.

"The kidnapper said..." She took a deep breath, "He told the emperor to hand over the ammunition supplies from Dongfu County, or he would kill Jilan."

"Ammunition supply in Dongfu County?" Li Mi's voice sank.

"Yes, they also said that the deadline is today, otherwise not only will Jilan be killed, but the Yangguo warship will also launch a general attack in the afternoon, occupy Dongfu County, and enter the imperial city within a day!"

"What a big breath!"

Li Mi sneered, and the table shook three times with a slap.

"Just relying on them to dare to speak wild words, they are beyond their capabilities!"

"Do you think our sister Nan is a vegetarian?"

Li Qing: "..."

It sounded like that before, but why does the last sentence feel like a dog?

"The emperor knows who the other party is?" She heard that there was something wrong in Li Mi's tone, and she asked hastily.

"Who else can it be, it must be those bastards from Yang Kingdom!"

Li Mi gritted his teeth for the last two words.

"I ask you, do these people speak with the accent of Jianan Kingdom?"

Li Qing frowned and thought about it: "It's not like, only the leader said a few words from the beginning to the end, and the words were very stiff and unclear."

"That's it." Li Mi said angrily.

"I'm afraid they found out that Gu Yunge's ammunition was insufficient, and they were afraid that they would not be able to attack for a long time after the supplies arrived, so they sent someone to use evil tricks."

It seems that Gu Yunge's progress is going smoothly. If it weren't for this difficult bone, the other party would not have made such a bad move.

"How many people kidnapped you?" Li Mi asked again.

"Less than twenty."

"There are only so many people?"

That's right, the capital city has been strictly censored recently, and the nearby towns are no exception. If there are too many people, it will be easier to be discovered.

"Didn't you bring more than 100 guards with you when you left the city? Why can't you deal with less than 20 people?" Li Mi was puzzled.

"Those people poisoned the water we drank in advance, and all the guards I brought out were fascinated."

Li Qing was a little embarrassed, the poison was colorless and tasteless, they were not prepared in advance, and they couldn't even hold the knife before they started.

It's easy to hide a hidden arrow, but it's hard to defend against it. The opponent secretly poisons it. It's normal to get caught without precaution.

Li Mi nodded slowly.

"I know about it."

He glanced at Li Qing and said firmly, "It's just that I can't agree to this."

Those ammunition are not only related to the success or failure of the war, but also related to the life of Gu Yunge and the safety of the common people.

No matter how you look at it, he can't do favoritism because of a Gillan.

"But what about my Jilan, the emperor must save my daughter..."

Li Qing obviously knew that this request was too much, but she couldn't ignore her daughter.

In desperation, he cried out loudly, and the tears fell like money.

How can there be the arrogance and arrogance before.

Seeing this, Li Mi sighed, feeling heavy in his heart.

"I am the king of a country, so I have to be the king of a country. Don't blame me, Miss Huang."

"But don't worry, I will send people to search now, and Jilan will be rescued!"

How can there be time!
Li Qing shook his head while crying.

It was less than two hours before noon, and when he found him, Jilan's body would probably be cold.

Thinking of the torment her daughter will suffer and seeing her dying on the ground breaks her heart.

"Your Majesty, Miss Huang doesn't ask you to hand over all the ammunition, just a load... no, half a load is fine."

She suddenly knelt in front of Li Mi and took a few steps, begging: "Please give me half a load of ammunition, let me fool the other party to rescue Jilan first."

"Sister Huang assures you that Da Guan will definitely give you enough money afterwards, so how about treating it as Sister Huang who bought the half-load of ammunition?"

"What's the use of only half a car?" Li Mi was puzzled.

"I will replace the others with other things. Li Daitao is stiff." Li Qing gritted his teeth.

"I will hand over the half-carload of real ammunition to the other party for inspection, and then take the opportunity to ask to see Jilan. Then I will trouble the emperor to send more people to follow, so that Jilan can be rescued."

The most troublesome thing now is not how to save people, but where to save people.

This is the only way to find him before noon.

Li Mi pondered for a moment.

"It's not impossible, but those people are so easy to fool."

But don't steal the chicken and lose the rice, the ammunition is gone, and the people haven't come back.

Those are all the things of the stinky girl, and only he and Gu Qing know exactly where they are stored.

If one fails, he will lose it too!

The most important thing is that if the other party finds out that the imperial sister has lied to them, they will probably tear up their tickets, which will threaten Jilan's safety.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, if something unexpected happens to Jilan, the Imperial Sister will not blame you, but her bad luck..."

Faced with Li Qing's earnest plea, Li Mi couldn't help but soften his heart.

The Huang Jie in his impression has always been a high-ranking, noble and majestic person.

Have you ever seen her beg for help like this?

(End of this chapter)

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