The farmer has a mall

Chapter 872 There is no retreat at all

Chapter 872 There is no retreat at all
Li Mi sighed, stepped forward and helped Li Qing's arm to get up.

"Zhen will order Gu Qing to lead the way and fetch half a load of ammunition for you. You can wait here with peace of mind."

Although he knew where the ammunition was, he had no right to use it.

Gu Qing has.

Li Mi was depressed.

The stinky girl is on guard against him!

Summoned into the palace by Li Mi again, Gu Qing couldn't help frowning when he heard his request.

"Military reserves are the most important thing, how can they be handed over to others at will."

Li Mi smiled dryly: "I know it's difficult, but I can't just watch something happen to Jilan. She is my niece after all... You can say she is Sister Nan's niece."

"If you don't save yourself from death, it will not be good to spread the word."

Li Mi discussed with Gu Qing in a good voice: "And it's only half a car, sister Nan transported a total of more than [-] cars, it's not bad..."

"Yes, Mr. Gu, just for your niece's sake, save me." Li Qing also begged.

Gu Qing was not happy when he heard the words.

He said this, as if he was deliberately stopped by the wicked to save people.

"It's not that Weichen is reluctant to part with this half-load of ammunition. Sister Nan has always been strict with the management of these things. Without her permission, Weichen dare not make decisions without her permission."

"You are her uncle and you can't make the decision?" Li Qing asked unexpectedly.

Lu Qing smiled: "Don't say Weichen is her uncle, even if her real father is here."

He paused, then cupped his hands to Li Mi and said, "You know Miss Nan's temper, in case... I'm afraid she will be displeased."

If she is not happy, the culprit will suffer.

Anyway, he didn't dare to provoke her.

Lu Qing looked at Li Mi meaningfully.

You taste, you taste carefully!
Li Mi: "..."

Is he the culprit?
"Cough." Li Mi coughed awkwardly.

"That's right, many people outside are staring at this thing, so you really should be careful."

Or, think of other ways to save Jilan?
Li Qing looked at him with red eyes, the hands holding the sleeves were shaking.

It seems that as long as he says no, he will break down and cry,
Li Mi: "..."

"Actually, I don't think Sister Nan is a person who will not save her. Aiqing might as well spare half of the car first, and I will write to Sister Nan to explain to her now."

As the king of a country, he still has to explain to a little girl when he does things.

Li Mi didn't take it seriously, but Li Qing was greatly shocked.

She knew that Gu Nanyan's status was extraordinary, but she didn't expect that even the emperor couldn't be her master.

Even the emperor can't control her, so what about Li Yi?

Wouldn't it be even worse.

Then if her daughter really enters the palace, how can she have a good life!
It seems that the matter of marriage still needs to be carefully considered.

Li Qing lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

To be honest, Gu Qing didn't want to agree.

But the emperor had already issued an order, so he had no choice but to agree to it for the time being, thinking about how to do it on the way.

Rescuing people is like fighting a fire, so Li Mi immediately ordered him to go to Dongfu County.

With the speed of the steam car, the ammunition can be prepared within an hour.

Li Qing was impatient and insisted on going with Gu Qing.

Li Mi felt that since the other party knew that the ammunition was stored in Dongfu County, they might send someone there to wait for the handover, so he agreed.


Gu Yunge waited until noon but no supplies arrived.

The sea was calm and the sun was slowly rising.

The fog has begun to lift.

"It's not an option to continue like this, let's withdraw." Ashlan slowly put down the binoculars in his hand, his bronzed face was extremely serious.

The pier behind them has a defense line composed of garrisons, and even if they retreat now, the enemy will not be able to directly attack the city.

But if they don't withdraw, they will all die here.

Ashlan is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that he will not be able to complete the mission of his master.

His mission is to protect Gu Yunge's safety.

Others, as long as they are not ordered by the master, have nothing to do with him.

"Can't withdraw."

Gu Yunge shook his head, his eyes still determined.

He took the telescope from Ashlan and looked into the distance.

"Most of the soldiers in the Yang Kingdom hold firecrackers, and the garrison is vulnerable to a single blow in their hands."

He might be able to delay it for half a day if he stands here.

The garrison may not be able to withstand the fire directly for an hour.

"But..." Ashlan wanted to persuade her again.

"No but!" Gu Yunge's young and handsome face was extremely calm at this moment.

"As the son of the Gu family, there is no retreat!"

Even if he knew he was going to die, he couldn't take half a step back and lose his grandfather's face.

Gu Yunge turned around and looked at the tired soldiers behind him.

After a few days of roundabout battles almost day and night, everyone was tense, and they were extremely tired at the moment.

But they still stick to their posts.

"Ben will know that you are all tired, but we have no retreat, and we cannot retreat." He raised his voice and shouted.

"Persist for one more day, the reinforcements will arrive in one day, you can do it!"

"Yes!" came the uniform reply.

"Very good!" Gu Yunge grinned his parched lips and pulled out a smile.

"If we can successfully hold off the enemy today, we will be the heroes of the Jianan Kingdom, and we will be the good sons loved by the people. If we fail..."

He paused: "Then don't be afraid."

"We will become heroes of our country! Admired by all people!"

"The imperial court will give our family a pension to support our wives and children, so that we don't have to worry about the future. What else is there to be afraid of!"

"We are not afraid!"

The soldiers said in unison.

"We believe in General Gu. Since the family is safe and sound, there is nothing to be afraid of. The worst thing is death."

"That is, to be admired by all people is a matter of glory."

"It would be a good thing if I could die here. My name will definitely be written on the first page of the family tree. I'm not afraid!"

"I'm not afraid, I want to honor my ancestors!"

"Yes, don't be afraid!"

The soldiers expressed their opinions one after another, with high morale.

Perhaps it was Gu Yunge's words that boosted morale.

The fatigue of the soldiers for many days was swept away, and their ordinary faces were full of courage.

Gu Yunge nodded in satisfaction, his gaze swept over their faces one by one.

"You are all very brave, you are good sons of my country of Jianan!"

Gu Yunge turned around after finishing speaking, and walked to the bow of the boat under Ashlan's helpless eyes.

"The helmsman listened to the order, turned around immediately, and headed towards the enemy's left flank!"


There is not much ammunition left, just enough to fight another wave.

But that's enough.

Enough for him to take another enemy ship.

Under Gu Yunge's command, the ship turned around and headed to the left.

At the same time, the enemy's artillery sounded again.

It seems to be showing off something.

A Shilan looked at Gu Yunge's back and sighed quietly.

After he followed the master, the master gave him many tasks.

He finished them all.

Unexpectedly, this time, it would fall into Gu Yunge's hands.

I wanted to knock him out and take him away...

Ashlan sighed again.

I hope the master doesn't blame him.

(End of this chapter)

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