The farmer has a mall

Chapter 873 Collision

Chapter 873 Collision
The last round of attacks is over.

As expected, there was one less warship in Yang Kingdom.

General Dong was furious and ordered all the artillery fire on the ship to be aimed at Gu Yunge's ship.

"General of the Jianan Kingdom, I advise you to surrender."

General Dong shouted from the air, with an indescribably gloomy expression.

Now he regrets that he didn't try his best to defeat the opponent earlier, which caused him to lose more than [-] warships.

But he is a talented person.

If this person was sent by Jianan Kingdom to fight against him, he must be the best general in this place.

If he can be made to surrender, it will be easier to tame this land in the future.

Besides, the opponent's warship is also what he wants.

Compared with their stronger hull, the speed is many times faster.

And weapons with a range and power far greater than theirs.

In his eyes, it was already his trophy.

Since it was a trophy, it was also his own.

He doesn't want to destroy his stuff.

But right now, he can't care so much.

His attack plan was once again delayed by this ship.

Just like last time.

General Dong felt that no matter how powerful the opposing general was, he was still not as good as himself.

It was that warship that caused the current situation!
Recalling how he fled in embarrassment last time, General Dong clenched his fists tightly, and even Gu Yunge in the distance could feel the resentment.

It can be seen that the other party wants to destroy him and the ship together.

Gu Yunge smiled.

This is his final attack!

Without ammunition, he still has this ship and hundreds of soldiers on board who can fight!
"If the Gu family does not surrender, the Jianan Kingdom will not surrender..." he said softly.

His voice was blown away by the sea wind.

Ashlan behind him took a deep look at him, then silently stepped forward and stood by his side.

He clenched the steel knife in his hand tightly.

"Good boys from Jianan Kingdom!" Gu Yunge suddenly shouted.

"What you are stepping on is the sea of ​​my country of Jianan, and it is our home!"

"Someone wants to pollute our sea, occupy our home, and bully our brothers and sisters, what should we do!"

"Kill them...kill them!"

"Yes! Kill them! Never let the enemy step into our house!"

"Fight with these bastards!"

"Yes! Fight!"

The soldiers in the rear were filled with righteous indignation, facing life and death without any fear, only filled with anger.

For the past three days, they have been pressed and beaten all the time, and they have long since suffocated.

Now that the ammunition and food are running out, he has no scruples and just wants to vent his anger on himself.

"Okay! Then we will..."

Gu Yunge closed his smile, raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes.

"go home!"

This sea is the sea of ​​Jianan Kingdom, and Jianan Kingdom is their home.

To die in this sea is to go home! !

"Go home, go home..."

The soldiers responded one after another.

The shocking sound of returning home resounded across the sea.

Don't talk about beating, don't talk about killing, just talk about going home.

But it is even more frightening than the screams of killing all over the sky.

General Dong, who was full of confidence, suddenly felt a chill down his back.

This is using your own life as a weapon, and you have to fight them to the end!

It is true that death is like home!

Their Yang Kingdom also has fighters who are not afraid of life and death, but the feelings of the two sides are completely different.

The soldiers of the Yang Kingdom are loyal to the lord and are willing to die in order to fulfill the lord's order.

When necessary, he is even willing to take the lives of himself and even those close to him with his own hands!

But these Jianan warriors were different.

They are more like fighting for themselves, for their family and friends.

This kind of courage to protect the family is the most terrifying.

General Dong, who had experienced many battles, suddenly had the illusion that he had been defeated.

He resisted the urge to back away, hesitant to continue.

Continue to implement the plan to sink the opponent.

However, his hesitation had just arisen, but the other side did not give him time to hesitate.

"The helmsman obeys orders!"

Gu Yunge suddenly shouted sharply.

"I will aim at the enemy's main ship, charge!"

This is to use the hull of the ship to fight against General Dong's hull!

The main ship of the Yang Kingdom, which is the one where General Dong is located, although it looks the same as that of the Jianan Kingdom from the outside, is made of metal.

But the ship in Yangguo is only wrapped with a layer of iron skin, how can there be an all-steel Jianan battle bow iron!

If this is true, with the opponent's speed, can't they make a big hole?
General Dong never thought that Gu Yunge would be so crazy.

He felt that there were probably only one or two such powerful warships in Jianan Kingdom.

He even felt that it was rare, and the other party should cherish it even more.

Who would use such a precious thing as a weapon!
That's a boat, bro!

Not a hammer!
Are you crazy! !

Being manipulated by Gu Yunge's coquettish behavior, he almost went crazy.

General Dong ordered the gunner to reload while ordering to retreat.

The other party's ship moved forward without any regard for its own safety, just rushing forward like this.

That is to say, the time to load a bomb is already close at hand.

At the same time, four white dots appeared in the direction behind Gu Yunge.

Those four white dots were also moving forward at an extremely fast speed.

Originally, I could only see the size of a grain of rice, but in the blink of an eye, it was already the size of a fist.

Four white dots came into view, and General Dong's heart thumped.

No, it must not be what he thought.

It is impossible for Jianan Kingdom to have so many warships!
He suppressed the ominous premonition in his heart, gritted his teeth and asked his subordinates to fire at Gu Yunge.

More than 20 cannon barrels were aimed at the opposite ship in an instant.





Four cannon blasts were deafening.

But it wasn't sent by General Dong's ship.

The four escort ships behind General Dong were instantly shattered into pieces.

Without even sinking, the wooden boat turned into firewood and shot out in all directions.

The people on board were also blown into pieces, and the airflow formed by the explosion hit the surrounding ships.

For a moment, all the nearby ships, including the main ship, looked like a Shura field.

The flesh is bloody and the meat is full of flavor.


These people have never seen such a cruel scene. Their comrades were slaughtered, and their flesh and blood fell all over the sky.

Even someone couldn't help but spit it out.

Vomiting will have a chain reaction.

Where there is one, there is a second.

The sound of retching sounded one after another, and Yang Guo's morale fell to the bottom in an instant.

All of them looked like dishes, as if a pregnant woman saw braised pork.

Among them, the one with the ugliest face was undoubtedly General Dong.

When the gunfire sounded behind him, Gu Yunge had already ordered the boat to stop.

General Dong stared at the four Yunzihao ships in the distance without saying a word.

His eyes were dark and shocked.

Taking a closer look, I found that standing on one of the boats was still an acquaintance.

"Gu, Nan, Yan!"

It's her again!
She ruined her good deed again!

Why is this man so haunted! !

A mouthful of old blood welled up in General Dong's throat.

You said that you belong to a girl's family, why don't you come out for a walk when you are not at home and teach your husband and son!

It's fine for you to stroll around, but you're still making fun of people!
(End of this chapter)

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