Chapter 874

For General Dong, Gu Nanyan is a shadow, demon, and psychological obstacle that will never be erased from his heart for the rest of his life! !

And the day he fought against her was the most painful experience in his brilliant life!
He was a little lucky that he didn't see her this time.

He felt that the men in Jianan Kingdom couldn't tolerate her making troubles by a woman, so they asked her to go home and have a baby.

But it turns out that he was thinking too much.

Not only was she not detained in the inner house, but her power became even stronger.

General Dong swept across the four oncoming Yunzihao one by one, with a very gloomy expression.

Gu Yunge was very happy.

He knew that Sister Nan would definitely come!
And looking at the posture of blowing up the enemy ships just now, these four Yunzihao may have been remodeled, and they are more powerful than the one he was on!
Gu Yunge couldn't help looking at Cangyun.

Sure enough, there was a new weapon next to Cangyun's original gun barrel.

The caliber of the weapon is similar to that of a city defense gun, with a thick wall and a slender barrel.

A cannon barrel was half the size of a row cannon.

It can be seen how powerful it is.

And the tragic situation of the four ships that were blown up just now also proved its power.

Not only Cangyun, but the other three ships also have the same gun barrel.

Gu Yunge was not surprised by his sister's blockbuster appearance, but the rest of the soldiers were very excited.

Some even had red eyes.

The princess is here to save them!
No one wants to die if they can live, and they just wanted to die with each other because they had no other choice.

Seeing the hope of life, how could he not be excited.

Gu Nanyan stood at the bow of the boat, ignoring everyone's eager gazes, and slightly nodded to Gu Yunge who was looking over.

Then the line of sight slowly moved to the opposite side.

"General Dong, please stay safe."

General Dong: "..."

Is this woman crazy!
He had just destroyed four of his ships, and turned around to greet him.

"Heh, it's a coincidence that the princess came here." General Dong said with a fake smile.

"Oh, what a coincidence?"

Gu Nanyan put her hands behind her back, with a smile on her face, the sea breeze lifted her hair and the hem of her clothes, making a loud noise.

It seems to be doing homework.

"Coincidentally, if you come a little later, I will shoot down your Jianan Kingdom ship."

If you lose, you don't lose, General Dong also walked to the bow.

He held the firecracker hanging on his waist with one hand, and put the other behind his back, standing with his legs in a figure-eight shape.

The head was raised high, looking down at the opposite side.

Gu Nanyan smiled but said nothing.

She could see through the binoculars just now.

Gu Yunge planned to hit the opponent with the hull of the boat.

With his speed at that time, General Dong's main ship would definitely suffer.

When he said this, he just thought she didn't see it and tried to save face.

Gu Nanyan said that he is a magnanimous person and cannot do things that pick people's faces.

"You're right, I believed it."

To save face for others, a poisonous tongue is not her style.

She said so, but her eyes seemed meaningful.

In the eyes of General Dong, it was mocking.

General Dong was anxious: "If you don't believe me, back off, I'll call it down and show you!"

Gu Nanyan: "...I say I believe it."

Is there something wrong with this person's ears? Why is it leaking?
"You obviously don't believe it like that!"

The more she said she believed it, the more General Dong jumped angrily.

"If there is a kind of you, get out of the way, we will start all over again!"

Cangyun's position at this moment is almost at the same level as that of Gu Yunge, or even more than half a meter away.

It was inserted obliquely between General Dong and Gu Yunge.

There is a sense of protection.

What's terrible is that Cangyun's cannon barrel is already aimed at his head!
If this is a shot...

General Dong trembled.

His head is probably not as big as the opponent's cannonball, even if he gets rubbed, he has to go to see his ancestors.

General Dong's anger is really angry, and his anxiety is also really anxious.

Scared is also really scared.

He has already seen the power of Yunzihao.

They bombarded a boat of people with one cannon, and bombarded a boat of people with one cannon...

Who can stop this horse!
Even though he was mentally prepared before coming, he was still shocked at this moment.

If the opponent has only one ship, he is still sure of winning.

He can also fight for two ships.

Add up to a total of five ships...

This is a fart!

Even if one of them is out of ammunition, the other four are not something his iron-clad wooden boat can compete with!
When he hid in the territory of Jianan Kingdom last time, he clearly heard that they only had two ships.

They're all just made!

But in more than half a year, how did it become five ships!

You know, it took nearly half a year to build the outer iron sheet of the ship he was sitting on.

How did these people manage to build four more ships in a short period of time!
Fight hand speed!

The situation is very bad for him, especially when the enemy's artillery fire is aimed at his head.

Combining the experience from last time, General Dong thinks.

According to the bandit temperament of the woman in front of him who would strike at the first word, he would become a headless ghost at any time.

He suddenly had the idea of ​​running away.

Don't forget that there are more than 70 ships behind him!

As long as you hide in it, even if you can't fight, you can run away.

Isn't there a saying in the other country, "If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood".

When he fled back to Yang Country, he gathered his troops again, and this time he made enough preparations to fight back...

However, his thought was quickly interrupted by Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan hehehe heard the words.

Tell me to retreat, you will treat me as a fool!

I've seen you winking at the helmsman, so I'm sure you didn't take it easy.

Either make dirty tricks or run.

You want to run before you fight, what do you make the audience think!
The audience can figure it out, but I can't figure it out either!
Gu Nanyan said quietly: "Don't move, move your head!"

General Dong: "..."

After seeing through Gu Nanyan's trick, General Dong's face turned red.

He turned to the other three Yunzihao ships that were staring at the rear.

Li Yi, Gu Yao, and Gu Shen stood at the bow of the boat, looking at him coldly.

At the same time, he ordered the cannon barrel to be aimed at his head.

General Dong: "...You, don't you think that the general will be afraid of you if you have more people, and you will be bullied by more people than you are, this is how your Jianan Kingdom treats guests?"

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

God's hospitality!

I haven't seen anyone who went to someone's house as a guest and brought a bomb with him.

And are you serious about saying that more people bully less people?

Why don't you look back and see who bullies more than others!
Sure enough, no matter where the dog's life goes, it doesn't make sense.

Gu Nanyan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

She looked at the distance of only two meters between the two sides, rolled up her sleeves and made a starting posture, ready to rush to beat someone.

Anyway, there are four cannons in town now, let's talk about hand addiction first!


The young general behind General Dong suddenly shouted.

Gu Nanyan, who was just about to jump over, was taken aback.

The foot on the side of the boat slipped and almost plunged into the sea.

Fortunately, the people behind her gave her a hand, so she was not ashamed to be thrown abroad.

General Dong also shuddered.

"What are you shouting, this general is not deaf!"

He slapped the man in a circle, but saw that the man stood still and pointed straight to the rear of the fleet.


(End of this chapter)

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