Chapter 875

What's coming?
Gu Nanyan frowned, and looked in the direction of the man's finger.

I saw a warship from the Yang Kingdom coming this way.

The speed of the boat was slow, and the draft was very deep. It seemed that something heavy was loaded.

Gu Nanyan's eyesight was excellent, and before the boat approached, she could clearly see the person standing at the bow.

Jilan's little princess was bound hands and feet, and was grabbed by a Yang Kingdom soldier, struggling desperately.

Gu Nanyan turned her head to the side and looked at Li Yi.

Li Yi also frowned.

"Hahaha, heaven will not kill me!" General Dong raised his head and laughed.

As if seeing his own ancestors, he personally brought Jilan to his boat.

"Gu Nanyan!" He proudly pushed Jilan forward.

"Look, who is this!"

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "I don't know, your friend?"

General Dong choked.

This attitude is different from what he imagined.

"You don't know her?" He took Jilan forward suspiciously.

Grabs her hair and pushes her face overboard.

With his mouth gagged, Gilan's eyes widened in horror, and a scream came out of his throat.

Gu Nanyan glanced at her indifferently, and leaned out half of her body, as if she was seriously examining her appearance.

After a while, he spread his hands: "I really don't know him, but he looks pretty good, it's a pity that it falls into your hands."

She shook her head regretfully.

General Dong sneered, "It doesn't matter if you don't know her, I can tell you who she is, she is..."

"I don't want to know." Gu Nanyan waved his hand to interrupt him.

The concubine Daguan condescended to marry a foreign lord, which aroused the empathy of countless people back then.

For this princess who died for the country, both the common people and the soldiers respect her very much.

If she knew that the person in front of her was her daughter, it wouldn't disturb the morale of the army, and she would definitely be a little moved.

This is the most taboo thing on the battlefield.

Once the soldiers arrive on the battlefield, they can only be killing machines, without the slightest feeling that hinders the completion of the task.

Otherwise, the subsequent chain reaction, even if only a little bit, will cause immeasurable consequences.

From mild to sluggish, to serious, he began to question the decision of the chief general.

Gu Nanyan himself is not afraid of being questioned, but Gu's family members are not.

Seeing Princess Jilan staring at herself in disbelief, those eyes seemed to accuse her of being ruthless.

Gu Nanyan ignored her and impatiently patted off the moisture on her body.

"Why did you bring a woman out to show off? Can this battle still be fought?"

"Or are you afraid of Bengong, and deliberately diverted your attention to take the opportunity to escape?"

She clicked her tongue and said: "It seems that your Yang Kingdom is also at this level. There are many people who bully others, and you don't say anything. You also bully the weak and fear the strong in an attempt to escape without fighting. Is this how your lord educated you?"

"I'm afraid I don't want any face."

Gu Nanyan was stubborn for a while, not saving face at all.

Successfully aroused the opponent's anger.

"Who said that this general is going to run away? This general is the number one general in the world personally appointed by our lord, and he will never disappoint the lord's expectations!"

Just now, he hinted at the helmsman's escape, which was noticed by many subordinates.

Now that the hostage was in hand, he immediately regained his confidence, and had the illusion that he could fight Gu Nanyan again, and actively sought compensation for himself.

"Hehe, it's the best sauce in the world. I'm afraid your king likes sour taste."

General Dong:? ? ?

He didn't understand what Gu Nanyan meant, but it didn't hinder him from playing.

"However, for the sake of fairness, you and I each retreat ten miles."

"I'm offering hostages in exchange."

Gu Nanyan refused without hesitation: "You can't do this palace even if you retreat a hundred miles each. It's a waste of time, don't do it!"

An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, and an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time.

Lao Tzu's time is precious.

"Are you sure you don't want to retreat?"

"No retreat."

"it is good!"

General Dong's eyes were fierce, and he suddenly pulled out the firecracker from his waist.

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan was about to make everyone dodge, but he turned his gun and pointed it at Jilan's leg.

With a bang, Gillan staggered, followed by a lifelong scream.

It's a pity that her mouth was blocked, only a muffled grunt remained.

At the same time, there was another scream.


Just now a woman ran out of the cabin that brought Jilan over.

The woman described herself as embarrassed and her hair was a little messed up. It was Li Qing, Princess of Daguan.

Unlike Jilan, her hands and feet were not restrained, and when she ran all the way, the soldiers of the Yang Kingdom avoided her instead.

Gu Nanyan narrowed her eyes.

Li Qing didn't care too much, ran to the side of the boat shaking his mouth, saw that his daughter's dress had been stained red with blood, and glared at General Dong angrily.

"You said you wouldn't hurt her!"

Her daughter, the daughter she raised in the palm of her hand, has never suffered this kind of pain!

Li Qing was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

General Dong smiled coldly: "I did say that I would not harm your mother and daughter, but this is also forced out of helplessness."

He nodded Gu Nanyan with the tip of the gun.

"This general doesn't want to fight a fair fight. This general can only come up with this bad policy."

It is very dangerous to point a gun at someone. This action immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the Zhenbei navy, and they put their hands on the long leather holsters around their waists.

Li Yi, Gu Yao, and Gu Shen were also taken aback, wishing they could fly forward and stand in front of her.

Gu Nanyan raised his hand to signal, and everyone stopped.

General Dong smiled when he saw this, and glanced at their waists indifferently.

Some wonder what that is.

Li Qing was not so polite.

"Gu Nanyan, why don't you retreat, are you trying to kill the little princess!"

The old and new grudges combined, Li Qing gritted his teeth in hatred.

"How do you say that, I don't know you well, and I will kill you if you are full."

"Then you agree to his request and retreat ten, twenty miles!" Li Qing ordered.


If you say retreat, you will retreat. I don't want to lose face.

Her sloppy tone was like adding fuel to the fire, which successfully annoyed Li Qing.

"Just because I'm the princess of Jianan Kingdom, and the elder sister of the Holy Majesty!" Li Qing yelled angrily, "Li Yi, you are so cowardly, do you want to watch her kill us!"

Knowing that Gu Nanyan would not care about her, Li Qing turned to attack Li Yi.

Li Yi squinted at her: "This king is cowardly?"

He and Gu Nanyan looked at each other, and lowered their eyes to think.

Then he seemed to nod his head.

"Indeed, this king has been cowardly for more than a day or two. Sister Huang just found out now?"

He is afraid of his daughter-in-law, so he loves to watch her misbehave, so what's the matter!
Is there anything wrong with fear?

His daughter-in-law is afraid, but he is willing!
Li Qing: "..."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Gu Nanyan wanted to cover her face.

Speak as you speak, can we not be so righteous.

How proud you are!

Those who don't know how fierce I am!
Gu Nanyan glared at him angrily.

The dog man will settle accounts with you when he goes back!

Li Yi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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