Chapter 876
"Gu Nanyan, you and I just had a few words of quarrel, are you really going to die for our mother and daughter because of this trivial matter?"

Li Qing didn't expect that.

My ninth younger brother, who seemed proud and cold, had such a shameless side, admitting in public that he was cowardly and fearful.

She couldn't answer the words for a moment and froze on the spot, so she softened her attitude and turned to talk to Gu Nanyan who seemed to be able to communicate normally.

Gu Nanyan put her hands behind her back and said nothing.

His eyes wandered back and forth between her and General Dong, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing this, General Dong took the opportunity to attack, and pointed at Gu Nanyan, filled with righteous indignation.

"You said you didn't recognize them just now, so you have known each other for a long time!"

He snorted coldly, "In order to defeat this general, you didn't even recognize your husband's family. Your heart is too bad!"

"Don't put gold on your face, whether you know them or not has nothing to do with victory or defeat."

Gu Nanyan didn't even look at him, and he couldn't get angry with one word.

"In any case, you will fall into my hands."

After all, I gave the other party a look that I look down on you.

General Dong was so angry that he was going to die.

"What a big breath!"

He kicked Gillan aside so hard that she rolled in a circle.

It caused two screams again.

Gillan screamed in pain as his kick landed right on her wound.

Li Qing felt distressed.

Since she knew she was infertile, no one understood the pain in her heart.

In a strange foreign country, with a noble status, I endured strange eyes from others.

There was ridicule, there was curiosity, and more of them were the concubines of King Daguan, all of whom were waiting for her to fall.

Perhaps because of too much psychological pressure, she suddenly developed a high fever that night.

In a daze, she could hear the eager footsteps of the palace people, and the sound of pen and ink running on the rice paper when the imperial physician prescribed a prescription.

You can also hear the impatient attitude of King Daguan when he asked about his condition.

But she just couldn't open her eyes.

In a panic, she passed out completely.

Then in the dream, she dreamed of a vague figure in white clothes.

The man's voice was indistinguishable, and he told her that he would give her a child in three days.

After Li Qing woke up, she felt that she was crazy about wanting a child, so she didn't take it seriously.

The imperial physicians even diagnosed that she could not conceive a child, and she did not have sex with King Daguan recently, so where did the child come from.

Did it fall from the sky!
Li Qing smiled wryly to himself.

Unexpectedly, on the third day, King Daguan actually brought a newborn baby girl to her.

It is said that the child's mother had a difficult delivery and survived with great difficulty, but her body was destroyed and she had no energy to take care of it.

So he wanted to put the child under her name to make up for her regret of not being a mother.

King Daguan said it nicely, but no one knows what he actually thinks.

But Li Qing didn't care what he thought at all.

Her sight has been completely attracted by the little figure in the swaddle.

Since then, the child has become her daughter, named Gillan.

Li Qing felt that Jilan was a gift from the heavens, and he cared for her very much, taking care of everything from the child's food to clothing, which could be called meticulous.

Under her care, Jilan has not been injured since she was a child, not even a layer of oily skin has been broken.

At this moment, she was lying in front of her with one leg dripping with blood.

Li Qing immediately became angry.

But her anger was not at General Dong, the culprit, but at Gu Nanyan.

"You really think you've won?"

She stared at Gu Nanyan fiercely, then turned and went back to the cabin.

After a while, he came out with something in his arms.

"Look, what is this!"

She wanted to lift up the things in her arms to show Gu Nanyan, but her strength was too weak, so she had to hold them tightly.

Gu Nanyan's face darkened the moment she stepped out of the cabin.

"You robbed Lao Tzu's arsenal?"

There was nothing else in her arms, but the ammunition supplies she had sent to Dongfu County.


Li Qing admitted generously, with a little pride on his face.

"Your so-called arsenal has been emptied by General Dong's men, and everything in it is on this ship!"

She pointed behind her: "If you don't retreat, I will blow up everything in this boat and die with you!"

Although she doesn't know the power of these ammunition, but the place where the ammunition depot is located, there are few people in the five li radius.

The person named Gu Qing reminded her that if so many detonate together, there will be no survivors within [-] meters!

She doesn't believe that Gu Nanyan is not afraid of death!

Gu Nanyan looked at the bullet-shaped ammunition reflecting the silver light in her arms, and fell silent.

"Where's my uncle?" she asked in a deep voice.

The arsenal was managed by Gu Qing, and the entire warehouse was built with a finger-thick steel wall.

No one can get anything out of it unless they have the key.

Besides her, only Gu Qing had the key in the entire Jianan country.

With his character, it is impossible to voluntarily hand over the key.

Unless something happened to him!

Gu Nanyan clenched her fists tightly. She had a gloomy face just now, but now she suddenly lost expression.

It's just that gloomy look in the eyes makes the people who watch it feel cold.

Li Qing felt timid, subconsciously took two steps back.

Seeing the redness on the ground out of the corner of his eyes, he immediately mustered up his courage again.

"You mean Gu Qing?" She snorted coldly and said with disdain, "I guess he's already dead."

Anyway, when she was leaving, Gu Qing was stabbed by the man in black who tied her daughter up and fell into a pool of blood.

It was so desolate there that no one passed by all day long.

Even if he didn't die at the time, he would have died because no one had treated him and lost too much blood.

Li Qing spoke lightly, as if Gu Qing's life was not worth mentioning to her.

She has been aloof all year round, revealing the insensitivity of the superiors and the pride of her own status all over her body.

And this kind of pride made her ignore how dangerous Gu Nanyan's expression was at the moment.

"You killed my father, I will fight with you!" Gu Yunge was blown up when he heard this.

Grabbing the steel knife in Ah Shilan's hand, she flew up and jumped onto Gu Nanyan's boat that stood in front of her.

Before he jumped across the Cangyun to seek death, Gu Nanyan grabbed his arm.

"Okay, I'll back!" Gu Nanyan stared straight ahead and paused word by word.


In the imperial study.

Ever since Gu Qing and Li Qing left, Li Mi has been restless and always has a bad feeling.

Thinking of the inexplicable look in Li Qing's eyes before leaving, he panicked.

After thinking about it, he decided to ask the commander of the Imperial Guard to follow him to have a look.

It didn't matter, Gu Qing was pulled back dripping with blood.

He seemed to be unconscious, Li Mi didn't respond to his words, his face was pale and his lips were blue, as if he would go to see his ancestor at any moment.

Li Mi's scalp exploded immediately, and he felt bad, and hurriedly summoned all the imperial physicians in the imperial hospital to treat him.

The imperial physician preliminarily concluded that Gu Qing was pierced by a sharp weapon.

Whether there is any damage to the viscera needs to be further diagnosed.

At the same time, he also said that if the viscera were injured, they might not be able to recover with their abilities.

Let Li Mi be mentally prepared.

Li Mi sat down on the ground in shock.

Seeing this, the imperial physician sighed in his heart that the emperor loves his ministers like sons.

Look at the worried one, his face is paler than that of Gu Qing who lost too much blood!
Li Mi: "..."

It's over, he got into trouble!
If Gu Qing is hurt like this, the little ancestor will definitely blow up when he comes back.

Li Mi wanted to cry, but looked at Eunuch Zhao pitifully.

Eunuch Zhao: "..."

Don't look at Zajia, Zajia can't save you.

Eunuch Zhao sighed.

According to the princess' temper, the emperor won't be able to run away after this beating, but he doesn't know if he can look at Prince Cheng's face and save a life.

At the same time, he was a little angry.

So is the emperor!
It's only been a few days since the princess was born, and the princess started to feel confused as soon as she left the capital.

The typical scar is healed and the pain is forgotten.

It's all right now, I'm going to be beaten again!
(End of this chapter)

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