The farmer has a mall

Chapter 877 Absolute Strength

Chapter 877 Absolute Strength

Yun Zihao began to retreat, and General Dong saw that they had gone far, and immediately ordered them to retreat ten miles.

On the Cangyun, everyone was suffocating.

"Sister Nan, we can't retreat."

Gu Yunge was particularly unwilling.

The life and death of his father is unknown, and the culprit is right in front of him, not to mention that the other party is someone who invaded their country.

If the strength doesn't allow it, it's fine, but now you have to retreat when you can fight well, it's really useless.

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "You are concerned about the woman on the boat, if so..."

Gu Yunge glanced at Li Yi, leaned closer to Gu Nanyan and said in a low voice:
"Miss Nan might as well lend the Cangyun to Eldest Brother, and Eldest Brother will go to meet the enemy. If something happens to Princess Daguan and the Prince blames it, it will be Eldest Brother's fault..."

The implication is that they want to directly go up and do it regardless of the safety of Li Qing's mother and daughter!

Li Qing came to the capital for a while, Gu Yunge only saw her a few times from a distance.

So he didn't recognize her at first.

Knowing her identity now, Gu Yunge only thought that Li Yi was also having trouble with her.

Although his voice was lowered a bit, it was not so low that others could not hear it.

Li Yi watched his nose, nose and heart, pretending not to hear.

For this imperial sister, although he often heard people mention it before, he didn't have any feelings for her.

He is a cold person, except for Brother Huang and Yan'er, he doesn't care about others.

Coupled with the posture just now, there may be something tricky between Li Qing and General Dong.

I believe that Yan'er must have seen it too.

He didn't think it was because of Li Qing that he retreated at this time.

Li Yi raised his eyelids and glanced at Gu Yunge.

The brother-in-law blatantly put eye drops on him in front of his face. His lord has a lot of them, so he won't bother with him.

Li Yi sighed quietly, and took two steps back with his hands behind his back.

Looking isolated, he smiled wryly at Gu Yao.

Seeing this, Gu Yao frowned, and gave Gu Yunge a kick without even thinking about going up.

There was no force in this kick, the strength was almost the same as scratching an itch.

But it's a warning.

"Speak well!" He bit his ear.

"Since the prince and sister Nan are married, we and our Gu family are a family. The family has something to discuss. It's your turn to be the master here. Is there no such thing as an old man?"

Gu Yao glared at Gu Yunge: "Miss Nan can do whatever she wants. If you have nothing to do, go rest in the cabin and don't get in the way."

"But father..." Gu Yunge refused to leave, his eyes were red.

Mentioning his son, Gu Yao gasped for breath, and instantly stopped speaking.

After a long while of silence, he opened his mouth.

"No one survives a war. If something happened to your father, he would have died for the country. A son should be proud of him and inherit his will, instead of just thinking about revenge."

Even if he wanted revenge, he, the father, should do it himself!

"Sister Nan did the right thing. Princess Daguan has paid a lot for Jianan, and she fell into the hands of the enemy today. We can't ignore her safety."

After saying that, he turned around and went back to the cabin.

The back looks a little bleak.

Everyone bowed their heads in silence, feeling a little helpless.

Gu Nanyan, who was listening for a long time, was even more helpless.

"Who said I retired because of Princess Daguan?"

She glanced at the soldiers behind her and said indifferently: "Princess Daguan has hooked up with Yangguo and speaks for Yangguo everywhere. It would be good if the traitors didn't deal with her personally. How could it be because of a princess from Daguan Fanbang?" , Throw the face of my Jianan soldiers on the ground and step on it."

What Gu Nanyan hated the most were traitors, and what he despised the most were also traitors.

It was just now that Li Qing was able to come and go freely on the opponent's boat.

She was able to move out the ammunition in the cabin to show their "war results" in front of the soldiers of the Yang Kingdom, but no one stopped her.

In her heart, Li Qing was already a dead person.

Now she pointed out Li Qing's wrongdoing in public, and even mentioned her identity as the princess of Daguan, in order to tell everyone that she is not only the princess of Jianan, but also the princess of Daguan.

But now, Princess Daguan seems to have rebelled.

The soldiers were in an uproar, looking at each other at a loss.

Many of them have heard the story of Li Qing's marriage, and they still respect her very much.

But when the heroine in my heart becomes a traitor, the world will only be more angry and shocked at her than others.

The soldiers gritted their teeth. Because of Li Yi's presence, although they didn't say anything excessive, their eyes were no longer friendly.

Li Yi: "..."

What a crime he did!
His brother-in-law had just given eye drops, and now his wife made him enemies again.

Li Yi glared at Gu Nanyan with a look of reproach.

But he didn't say much.

Gu Yunge's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

"Sister Nan, what's the plan?"

Gu Nanyan waved his hand.

"It's not a plan, I just want the other party to understand a truth."

She squinted her eyes as she looked at the direction Yang Guo was retreating from.

"I want them to know that in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies are paper tigers!"

She is not a murderer, but she will never show mercy to invaders.

Since the other party dared to jump back and forth on her bottom line, don't even think about getting out!

 There was no update yesterday, so the author came up here to argue.

  It is said that during the day yesterday, the author Jun, who eats takeaway every day, had a whim, washed his hands and made soup, and made himself a hearty lunch.

  I don't know if the ingredients I bought are not fresh, or the author's cooking skills have reached the peak, and he started to thin out before he finished eating...

  After running more than a dozen times in the Land of the Reincarnation of the Five Grains in one afternoon, it seems that I lost my mind there, dizzy and unable to code at all.

  I still didn't feel well this morning, so I went to the hospital to get a bottle of IV, and my condition has improved.

  Say sorry to you little cuties, don't be surprised.

  Go to the hospital again tomorrow morning, it should be will be fine...ok...yes..._(:з」∠)_
  Friendly reminder: Life is precious, so be careful when cooking! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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