Chapter 878
Gu Yunge didn't quite understand his cousin's thoughts.

In his view, in war, one must take advantage of the situation and give the enemy a fatal blow in order to deter the opponent.

It was not until that night that he understood what Gu Nanyan meant.

Gu Nanyan and Yang Guo agreed to fight again at noon the next day.

After night fell, her figure remained standing on the bow of the boat without moving.

Like waiting for something.

Until a thin but capable young man emerged from the sea and boarded the deck, and whispered a few words to her.

Only then did she give the order to let the soldiers take their positions and prepare for the battle.

As if it had been planned long ago.

Afterwards, he saw the sky full of artillery fire blooming like fireworks, illuminating the dark night sky like daytime.

And the enemy troops who turned around and prepared to sneak attack sank their bodies in the sea under the gorgeous artillery fire.

The opponent didn't even have a chance to fire, and had no power to resist.

And Gu Nanyan's calm look seemed to be sure that no matter how hard the other party struggled, the result would be the same.

Facing General Dong who was bound and thrown at their feet after surrendering, Gu Yunge suddenly realized.

Murder and kill!
Is there anything more terrifying than this.

Of the more than 100 warships of Yang Kingdom, except for the [-] that were shot down by Gu Yunge, the rest were all sunk by Gu Nanyan within an hour.

Only the main ship and the ship with ammunition remained.

It stands to reason that after being beaten so badly by her, General Dong should be gnashing his teeth in hatred for her.

But now he can't bear any hatred at all.

He stared blankly at the wreckage floating on the sea around him, as well as the incomplete bones of the soldiers, the fear in his heart was like a prairie fire, burning away his unwillingness and resentment.

He couldn't figure out, since the other party had such strength, why did he agree to his conditions during the day.

Is it because he is afraid that he will be unfavorable to the mother and daughter?

General Dong looked at the pale-faced Li Qing who was being brought onto the boat, and immediately denied his thoughts.

Gu Nanyan was not a soft-hearted person, her heart was as hard as iron, and she killed tens of thousands of his soldiers without hesitation!

The existence that makes people hate without the guts to hate.

It's just two women, how could she care.

Who the hell is she...


What he should ask is whether she is human!
Or a ghost crawling out of hell...

General Dong sat slumped on the deck, and it was raining continuously, but he didn't notice it at all, and just sat there in a daze.


Gu Nanyan, who quickly ended the battle, ordered to return.

Too many people died, and the surrounding sea water was dyed red.

The air was filled with the pungent smell of blood, and she didn't want to stay here any longer.

Ever since General Dong was captured, most of the other party's people had died. Gu Yao saw that there was nothing wrong with him, so he went back to the cabin of Chongyun and didn't show up for a long time.

Everyone knew that he was worried about Gu Qing, and wanted to comfort him, but they didn't know how to comfort him.

Whether Gu Qing is alive or dead, no one knows.

Gu Yunge was no less worried about his father than Gu Yao, and with the three days of endless commanding and fighting, he was already exhausted.

Gu Nanyan forced him to go back to rest for a while, and handed over control of the boat to Ashlan.

Several boats speeded up and rushed back, and arrived at the Dongfu County Wharf before dawn.

After getting off the boat, Gu Nanyan handed over the aftermath to Father Cheap, and together with Li Yi, they rushed to the palace with Li Qing's mother and daughter.

Princess Jilan's leg has already been bandaged, but the wound medicine used is very common, the hemostatic effect is poor, and dark red blood oozes out from time to time.

The bandages covering the wound were quickly stained red.

Li Qing's heart ached when she saw it, and begged Gu Nanyan to bandage her up again.

Gu Nanyan didn't say a single word... and ignored it.

She was sitting in the driver's seat and looked at her in the rearview mirror.

"Please straighten your identity, whether as a spy or a prisoner, you have no right to make demands on me."

These are Gu Nanyan's original words.

The so-called ignorance of the situation is referring to Li Qing.

She led someone to rob her arsenal, and made Gu Qing's life and death unknown. It was the result of her hard work that she didn't shoot her on the spot.

Li Qing also knew that he had offended her severely, so he didn't dare to force her, instead he turned to Li Yi for help.

However, Li Yi's face was even colder than Gu Nanyan's.

"Miss Huang should think about it carefully, how should I explain to brother Huang when I return to the palace."

Being stabbed in the back by one of his own people, Brother Huang should have a long memory this time.

And although his daughter-in-law looks the same as usual, he can feel that she is very angry now!

The calmer it is, the more angry it is.

After going back, Brother Huang still doesn't know what crime he will suffer.

It's hard not to have a long memory!
Li Yi thought gloatingly, but didn't realize that his royal brother was pitiful.

He was even thinking about what kind of guy it would be easy for his daughter-in-law to find her when she started to do it later.

If Gu Qing really had something wrong, and he helped Yan'er to do evil, Yan'er probably wouldn't take his anger out on him.

"I have no choice but to..." Li Qing explained.

"Those people use Jilan as a threat. If I don't do what they say, I will kill Jilan. What can I do!"

"Are you afraid that something will happen to Jilan, so you want to exchange Jianan soldiers including me?" Li Yi asked coldly.

"I didn't, I just wanted to appease them temporarily... In fact, you have nothing to lose, right?"

They took down the enemy without even having a chance to face each other, and none of the soldiers of the Jianan Kingdom were even injured!

She had said this when she was on the boat just now.

There were people around at that time, and she said such words without hesitation, as if none of them were injured, and they should thank her for her mercy.

The soldiers were all disappointed, and their little filter on her was shattered all over the place.

They cast contemptuous glances one after another.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to save her daughter, but she shouldn't risk other people's lives!
Afterwards, it still looks as it should.

Simply shameless!
Just like that, he dared to call himself a heroine who dedicated herself to the country.

Compared with their Nanyan Princess, they are not worthy of carrying shoes!

All the soldiers were deeply aware of the difference between the two, and they became more and more disdainful towards Li Qing.

Gu Nanyan frowned coldly.

"It's our fault that we didn't lose, not an excuse you use to get rid of your crime."

As long as one's own strength is weaker than Yang Nation's, then the blood that stained the sea water today belongs to their own.

They cannot be betrayed by others just because of their strength.

How can there be such a cheap thing in the world!

Seeing that Li Qing turned his head away with a guilty conscience, and never mentioned the matter of bandaging the Jilan Princess, Gu Nanyan stopped talking with a sullen face and concentrated on driving.

She was stuck returning to the capital at the end of the morning dynasty.

Then go straight to the imperial study in the palace.

Li Yi's guess was right, she didn't intend to let Li Mi go today.

First, she gave her a man a woman, and that woman is his niece in name!

She didn't even have time to settle accounts with him, and now she made Gu Qing's life and death unknown.

Gu Nanyan decided that she was going to fight Li Mi!
Didn't he try to make things difficult for her?
Don't you remember to eat but not to fight?

Come on, hurt each other!

If you don't pick him up today, her Gu Nanyan's surname is not Li!
Either he dies or she lives! !
Standing beside Gu Qing's bed, worrying and bald, Li Mi, who didn't know how to explain to Gu Nanyan and had no intention of going to the morning, suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

I have a bad feeling.

It seemed that danger was approaching.

Li Mi bombarded Mao subconsciously and turned to look at the door.

Just halfway through the turn, I heard a "bang dang"...

The exquisite red lacquer carved door flew past his eyes and slammed on the opposite side.

The wooden door was torn apart.

With such a great force, you don't need to look to know who is coming.

Li Mi: "..."

Is it too late to run now?
 The emperor you want to beat is coming soon...

  In the spirit of humanitarianism, the author first asks, is there any cutie who interceded for him?
(End of this chapter)

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