The farmer has a mall

Chapter 879 Admitting Mistakes

Chapter 879 Admitting Mistakes
Running... It shouldn't be possible to run.

That girl came in aggressively from the front door, he is a majestic emperor who can't open the window.

Let the palace people think of him, he also wants to save face!

Watching Gu Nanyan rush in like a small cannonball, the familiar small fist is about to stick to his face.

As soon as Li Mi gritted his teeth, suddenly evil came out of his guts, he squatted down with his head in his hands, his anger sank in his dantian.

He yelled angrily with a momentum he had never had in his life.

"I was wrong!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Li Yi: "..."

This sound can be described as howling, shaking the world and crying ghosts and gods.

Almost stabbed Li Yi, who was following him, on the threshold in shock, and gave him a performance of dying on the spot.

Gu Nanyan who heard the movement turned around to look.

I saw him flicking the ashes off the hem of his jersey as if nothing had happened.

"I just tried it for you, the road is a bit slippery, Yan'er needs to be careful."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Li Mi: "..."

Li Mi took the time to express his contempt in all aspects.

Anyone with long eyes can see that you slipped your feet.

In order to please his daughter-in-law, he can even say such things, the ninth brother is really shameless!
"Are you okay?" Gu Nanyan asked with concern.

Such a big person can't walk steadily, and a dog man is enough.

"It's okay, Yan'er is busy with you." Li Yi shook his head calmly.

He bowed his head to meet Li Mi's gaze.

I happened to see him poking his head out from behind Gu Nanyan and rolling his eyes at him.

At this time, I still have the mood to despise him.

Li Yi sneered.

Then don't blame him for killing his relatives righteously!
Without hesitation, he stretched out his slender index finger and pointed at his royal brother.

He smiled faintly at his daughter-in-law and reminded: "Brother Huang seems to be dissatisfied."

Li Mi:! ! !
"I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Unfilial younger brother, it was in vain to drag him up with shit and piss since he was a child. Is this how he repays his kindness of upbringing?
Li Miyi was so indignant that he almost jumped up.

But he was immediately suppressed by Gu Nanyan, who was eyeing him covetously.

"What are you arguing about, squat down!"

Gu Nanyan kicked him, "Did you talk?"

You dare to yell at her man after causing a lot of trouble, don't you think about it!

The ancients will not deceive me if I don't put on the house for three days.

Gu Nanyan looked at Gu Qing who was unconscious on the bed, and started rolling up his sleeves again.

He successfully drew Li Mi's attention back to himself.

"... I was really wrong, you listen to my sophistry first... No, listen to my explanation first!" Li Mi said.

Gu Nanyan squinted at him.

Just now when he entered the palace, he happened to meet Eunuch Zhao, and he had already explained clearly about Lu Qing's situation.

Except for some serious injuries and excessive blood loss, there is no serious problem for the time being.

This is also the reason why she obviously held her breath, but didn't act immediately.

She felt that she was different from before, she was a person of status, and she couldn't just go up and beat her up indiscriminately.

Better to ask first.

Hit me after asking!

Gu Nanyan took a deep breath: "Finally, what's wrong."

Say it quickly, she is easy to do after she finishes speaking.

Li Mi: "..."

He opened his mouth: "I shouldn't trust Miss Huang lightly."

"anything else."

"I shouldn't have ignored Gu Aiqing's persuasion and insisted on letting him go to the arsenal."


"You shouldn't take it without asking and mess with your things."

"Since we all know, why do we commit crimes knowingly?"

"Maybe I didn't sleep well last night, maybe my mind is not clear..."

"I won't dare in the future..."

The majestic emperor squatted there with his head in his arms like a little kid who made mistakes, asking questions and answering questions.

All the palace people were so shocked that they didn't dare to make a sound.

Seeing him admitting his mistake so obediently, Gu Nanyan's anger subsided a little, and she nodded in satisfaction.

"Knowing your mistakes can make things better. I'm not the kind of person who doesn't teach martial arts. Since you have admitted your mistakes..."

She sighed, and said with some regret, "Then let me spare you half a punch!"

This is her limit, no more!

Otherwise, it will be difficult to dispel the anger in her heart!

Li Mi: "..."

His attitude of admitting his mistakes is so good, shouldn't he be spared once?

What the hell is that half punch, Tim Tou?

It’s nothing more than digging and searching on money, even digging with fists?
Knowing Gu Nanyan's ready-to-do character very well, Li Mi knew he was doomed, so he gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Although it's a bit cowardly, but in this situation, it doesn't matter if you lose face.

Save his handsome face first!
If it doesn't work, he can go to the folks to hide for a few days. According to her restless personality, she won't stay in the palace for too long.

He'll come back when she's gone!

Li Mi is a man who can bend and stretch, and runs away.

Ran goose!

But Gu Nanyan grabbed the sleeve with quick eyes and hands.

The dragon robe embroidered with gold silk was ripped open.

Newly made!
Li Mi was indignant, looking at the more than one foot long hole in the dragon robe, his heart ached.

But before the heartache was over, I felt a blur in front of my eyes, and I was dragged into the bathroom like a dead dog.

There was the sound of pinging, bang, and bang.

Occasionally there was a muffled sound of knocking on the bottom of the basin.

What followed was Li Mi's screams.

The palace people trembled and lowered their heads even lower.

It's not the first time anyway, just get used to it...

Didn't you see that the prince didn't move? That's the emperor's younger brother!
The emperor's yelling was so pitiful, and the people didn't move like a mountain, they just stretched out their ears to listen, and there was a smile on the corner of their mouths.

That smile is so comfortable no matter how you look at it.

It's like watching a good show...

Palace people: "..."

Did they know something great?

(End of this chapter)

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