The farmer has a mall

Chapter 881 Compensation

Chapter 881 Compensation
After beating Li Mi, Gu Nanyan threw Li Qing to him, and the old god was sitting in the imperial study drinking tea, waiting for him to give him an explanation.

"Sister Huang, you have disappointed me so much." Li Mi said in a deep voice.

He looked at Li Qing who was in a state of embarrassment, and there was no joy at first meeting, only anger.

"It's not only that I'm disappointed in you, but if my father knew better, I'd be wishing not to have you as my daughter. Do you know how much my father had hoped for you when you married Da Guan for the country!"

Although the first emperor felt sorry for her, he was also very proud of his daughter.

Therefore, in front of their princes and daughters, they often praise her.

At that time, Li Yi was still young, but Li Mi had already started to remember things, and the praises and sighs of the former emperor were still in my ears.

However, things are different.

As soon as Li Qing changed his previous attitude, when he mentioned his father, not only did he lose the slightest respect, but instead he sneered mockingly.

"According to what you say, does this princess have to thank you for your kindness?"

Marrying into the royal family of Daguan left a good reputation in Jianan Kingdom from top to bottom.

Both the people and the courtiers praised her highly.

People only saw her glamorous side, thinking that she should keep her dignity no matter what.

She thought so too at the beginning, after all, she was already married, and without a husband-in-law she liked, she should keep something else.

But how difficult it is to travel to a foreign country, and who knows how hard it is!

"You know that Gillan is not my own, and you probably know that I can't have children..."

"But do you know why I don't have the qualifications to be a mother!"

Li Qing gritted his teeth, knelt down on the ground with his hands propped up on the ground, his nails scratching the bright marble floor, making harsh sounds.

"It was King Daguan who drugged me on my wedding night!"

"It's he who doesn't want me to have a baby!"

"It was he who was afraid of Jianan, and didn't want a child with Jianan's blood to compete with him for the throne. In order to eliminate this hidden danger, she deprived me of being a mother!"

Li Qing's voice was shrill, almost roaring at the end.

"But even so, Father never thought of taking me back..."

She laughed and cried a little frantically, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances in her heart.

However, Li Qing hadn't finished speaking, he glanced at Li Yi, and then looked at Li Mi again.

"You live under the wings of the emperor all day long, how can you understand that I am in great pain, I just want to save my daughter, and in the end, I want to convict me for a word of disappointment, why!"

For a woman, fame is her prison for life.

For so many years, she has been living in a cage made of gold and suffered a lot.

Gillan is her only sustenance.

She didn't think she was doing anything wrong!

Gu Nanyan listened to her tragic experience, but did not have the slightest sympathy.

It is true that women in ancient times had a difficult life, and they were bound by various rules and regulations throughout their lives.

She has always been very supportive of women breaking free from shackles, otherwise she would not have recruited female workers in Mingshan City.

She hopes that at least in her territory, women can be financially independent, instead of relying on men for their livelihood.

But it's a good thing to break free from the shackles, and it shouldn't hurt the lives of others.

This other person refers not only to Gu Qing, but also to those soldiers who fought for the country!

How wrong they are!

If it weren't for their much higher strength, they would be the ones who wiped out the group today!
Feelings have become a traitor to the country and betrayed their soldiers, is she still reasonable?

Gu Nanyan tapped her fingers on the table, obviously losing her patience.

Li Yi patted her hand reassuringly, signaling her to be calm.

Then he asked Li Qing seriously: "Do you know why the emperor always sends gold and silver things to Daguan after so many years of father's death?"

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows.

And this thing?

The former emperor was much more generous than Li Mi.

"To compensate me?" Li Qing sneered.

"So you mean, those Adu things are used to buy my life?"

"You are right to understand this way." Li Yi didn't care about her sarcasm at all.

"At the beginning, Royal Father knew that you had been tricked by King Daguan, so he wanted to send troops to bring you back, but at that time, the leader was eyeing him. If Royal Father really did this, the people in the city would suffer."

"And once the troops are dispatched, the casualties of the soldiers will be immeasurable. It is not worthwhile to exchange the lives of countless people for your success."

What he said was quite straightforward, analyzing the pros and cons from the perspective of a bystander, as if Li Qing was not his imperial sister, but someone who had nothing to do with her.

With a cold-hearted look, even Gu Nanyan curled his lips when he heard this.

Li Qing was even more disappointed.

Humans are such a species, and they are clearly aware of the cruel facts, but when the other party speaks out, it is still difficult for her to accept.

She stared at Li Yi angrily, and opened her mouth as if to argue.

Li Yi didn't give her this chance.

He waved his hand and looked down at Li Qing: "Listen to what I have to say first."

"Even though he knew the consequences of bringing you back, Father still hesitated for a long time."

But even if he was willing, the civil and military officials would not agree with his decision that would put Jianan Kingdom in danger.

At that time, a group of civil servants and military generals headed by Prime Minister Shen wrote letters to stop them, and even united with the censor to die.

Although the royal father was angry at the ignorance of Prince Daguan and felt sorry for Li Qing's suffering, he still couldn't fight against the entire court with his own strength.

Finally had to give up the idea.

At the same time, in order to make up for Li Qing, he took the opportunity to make a request.

It is required that [-]% of the treasury revenue be allocated to Li Qing every year.

until she passed away.

One-tenth of the national treasury, donated for decades, is an astronomical figure without counting.

But the father insisted, and the officials had no choice but to make concessions.

The late emperor sent someone close to him to send money to Li Qing every year, and when he knew that his life was not long, he entrusted this matter to the emperor brother.

The wealth of the treasury can only be used for the country, which has always been the rule.

As an emperor who helped the world at the same time, this move was already very rare.

When we got married back then, it wasn't that the emperor didn't give her a chance to choose.

He even asked her again after the decree was announced, and it was she who insisted on marrying to Daguan.

It would be unreasonable to resent now.

Li Qing was silent.

She received as much money as Jianan Guo sent every year.

Seeing that the amount is huge, it can only be regarded as the father's private money.

But I don't know that the Jianan Kingdom at that time was in a precarious state, and there were places where money was used everywhere. The first emperor himself was struggling, so how could he get such a large sum of money to supplement her.

The first emperor was upright all his life, but as an emperor he never bent the law for personal gain.

This is the only time.

Li Qing was stunned for a while, digesting the bombshell that Li Yi threw out.

A moment of guilt flashed through my heart.

After a flash, it disappeared.

"This is what Jianan Kingdom owes me!"

She paused every word, the firmness in her tone was very deliberate, and she didn't know if she was telling Li Yi or herself.

"My fiancé died young. He was the love of my life. You should compensate me for losing your life!"

"How did your fiancé die? You don't have any idea?"

Hearing her say such brazen words, Li Mi couldn't bear it any longer, and slammed the table down heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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