The farmer has a mall

Chapter 882 The Death of Li Qing's Fiance

Chapter 882 The Death of Li Qing's Fiance

Li Qing's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at Li Mi who was sitting in front of the imperial case in shock.

"What do you mean by that, my fiancé... naturally died of depression due to lovesickness."

She pinched her fingers nervously, her eyes flickering.

Gu Nanyan happened to notice this posturing.

It seems that there is something strange about the death of that fiancé!
She raised her eyebrows, waiting for Li Mi's next words.

Li Mi's face darkened, his face was gloomy and uncertain.

"Sister Huang's words are nothing more than a lie to the common people, do you think I will believe it?"

"You said Feng Shuo became ill with love?"

Li Mi snorted coldly, picked up an old booklet on the watch, and threw it vigorously.

Then he pointed to Li Qing's nose and asked, "Then let me ask you, why did Wu Zuo, when he performed the autopsy, say that he lost his life because of a severe head injury that caused blood to condense inside him!"

Li Qing's pupils shrank when he heard the words: "This... how would I know, maybe that guy made a mistake."

She glanced at the booklet thrown in front of her eyes. The cover was azure blue, but it had turned yellow due to age.

On the front of the booklet were written "Feng Shuo's autopsy record" in big characters.

She bit her lip, didn't look at it, tried her best to calm down the surprise in her heart, and looked directly at Li Mi pretending to be calm.

"What did the emperor say? Even if Feng Shuo's head was seriously injured, it was done by him. Could it be that you are suspecting that this princess is going to attack him?"

She said disdainfully: "It's a joke!"

"Not to mention that when he died, I was already on my way to Daguan to get married. At that time, I agreed with him and made a covenant. No one in the capital would know, so how could he take his life!"

Li Qingli was upright and strong, as if he had been humiliated.

Filled with righteous indignation, he said, "Please don't spoil the relationship between me and that person by talking nonsense."

Li Mi's face was ashen.

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan thought for a while, then got up and picked up the autopsy record.

What is written in it are all autopsy findings, such as the discovery of bruises and bulges on the back of the head, with multiple overlapping damages on it, presumably caused by repeated blows with hard objects.

Another example is the depression of the skull at the bulge. After the craniotomy, a large amount of congestion was found, and the bones were broken and so on.

In short, they are all objective and fair positive descriptions.

She turned a few pages and then closed it.

Even if he has never seen the corpse, Feng Shuo's cause of death can be deduced from the things written in this booklet.

It is indeed due to intracranial hemorrhage, which leads to increased intracranial pressure. If it is not treated in time, it will be very difficult to live.

Increased intracranial pressure usually does not lead to immediate death.

Depending on the amount of bleeding, some patients can even persist for several weeks.

"Where did you get this booklet?" Gu Nanyan asked.

"I found it at the bedside of my father after his death." Li Mi replied.

"How long after she left Beijing did Feng Shuo die?" Gu Nanyan asked again.

Li Mi's gloomy expression softened when he heard her voice.

"I don't remember the details, maybe seven or eight days." He said.

"It's eight days." Li Yi said suddenly.

He touched the wrench in his hand, tilted his head and thought for a moment: "I remember my father once said that the day of Feng Shuo's death happened to be the birthday of Huang Jie."

He glanced at the guilty Li Qing, squinted his fox eyes and said slowly: "And when Sister Huang left Beijing, it happened to be eight days before her birthday."

Every time the father mentioned this matter to him, he frowned and sighed, and then he didn't say a word, just sat there and meditated.

He was still young at that time, and he only thought of his father as thinking of his daughter.

Looking at it now, I'm afraid he already knew the cause of Feng Shuo's death and was disappointed with Li Qing's actions.

Gu Nanyan nodded.

In other words, it is entirely possible that Li Qing did it, or let someone around him do it.

Moreover, according to the autopsy record, Feng Shuo experienced severe coma, dilated pupils, incontinence and other frequent deaths seven days before his death.

The time happened to be the day when Li Qing left Beijing.

But this is just her guess.

Is it a coincidence?

Judging from Feng Shuo's wounds, the other party should have a deep hatred with him, otherwise he wouldn't hit the same place repeatedly.

It seemed that he was afraid that he would not die.

According to Li Qing, she and Feng Shuo fell in love, and it was she who betrayed their marriage.

If you say hate, it should be Feng Shuo who hates her.

Gu Nanyan uttered his conjecture, and Li Mi's face became even uglier when he heard this.

"When Miss Huang left Beijing, she stayed at the gate of the city for half an hour."

Feng Shuo is the son of a head of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, his official position is not obvious, and the house he lives in is naturally not a mansion of a wealthy family.

The Feng Mansion at that time was located in a small alley near the city gate.

Even walking is only a quarter of an hour away.

The second coincidence!
Gu Nanyan looked at Li Qing complicatedly.

But why?
There must be a motive for killing.

Killing people for no reason is perverted!
And that person is still her fiancé, even if the engagement is cancelled, there is still some affection.

This woman doesn't look like a pervert either.

Gu Nanyan couldn't understand it.

But Li Qing, who was kneeling on the ground, had cold hands and feet.

The secret that has been hidden for many years is about to be exposed, her face is pale, and her brain is running at a high speed, trying to find an excuse to get over this matter.

However, Li Mi did not give her this chance.

"Although Feng Shuo is only the son of the master, he is very famous among the younger generation. Not only is he good at studying, but his character is also unmatched. Otherwise, according to their family status, the emperor would not have agreed to this marriage at the beginning. .”

Li Mi sighed.

"Sister Huang met Feng Shuo at a palace banquet, and she fell in love with him at the first glance. However, the concubine has a lover and has no intention of being a lover. Feng Shuo already has a sweetheart, so she can't avoid the advances of sister Huang."

"But for some reason, just when everyone thought that the two of them would not make things happen, Feng Shuo suddenly asked to see Sheng Jia, and asked to marry Huang Jie in public, which surprised everyone."

"That's because Feng Shuo was moved by my true feelings and changed his mind!" Li Qing suddenly raised his head and said excitedly.

"His so-called sweetheart is just a merchant's daughter. Compared with me, it's no surprise that he changes his mind!"

Li Mi nodded slightly: "Yes, we all thought this way at the beginning, thinking that your sincerity moved him, making him not hesitate to take the risk of breaking the palace rules and enter the palace with a white body to meet the emperor."

"But that's not the case!" He suddenly shouted.

This is the first time Gu Nanyan has seen him so serious.

She looked sideways at Li Mi.

It's rare to have the appearance of an emperor.

Could it be that the washbasin just opened him up?

Sure enough, the ancients were right.

If you don't cut jade, you can't make it, and if you don't beat it, you can't make it!
If I had known that I should give him a few more blows, I might have become a generation of Mingjun.

Mingjun knocked out with a washbasin, she moved her hands!

Then she won't be famous in history and become a legend in the history books?
Feeling that she had missed the chance to become famous, Gu Nanyan was filled with regret.

He stared at Li Mi's forehead with burning eyes.

If it weren't for the serious atmosphere now, she probably wanted to rush over to make up for it a few times!

Li Mi: "..."

The girl's eyes are a bit scary...

It's like eating people!
Li Mi trembled, and quickly looked away, refusing to make any eye contact with Gu Nanyan.

What if I irritated her and was bitten by her.

How unhygienic!

Snake spirit disease is contagious!
(End of this chapter)

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