The farmer has a mall

Chapter 883 On Compensation

Chapter 883 On Compensation

"The fact is that Feng Shuo already had a marriage contract at that time, and you used your status to force it and not mention it, and threatened the life of his sweetheart to force him to cancel the marriage contract and go to the palace to propose to the emperor."

How could Feng Shuo dare to offend the princess of a country with a poor foundation in his family.

After getting the news, he took the initiative to come to the door to withdraw the marriage.

Feng Shuo was kind-hearted and couldn't bear to involve them, so he had to bear the pain.

After the marriage was cancelled, he still didn't like Li Qing, and avoided him like a snake, let alone entered the palace to propose.

Li Qing then set another trap to lure Feng's father into the game, which not only caused him to lose his official position, but also set up a life lawsuit.

Feng's father went to prison, and the guards ordered by Li Qing tortured him every three days, and did not give him medicine after the torture was over, but within a few days, he was already out of shape.

Feng Shuo knew very well that all of this was Li Qing's means, the purpose was to force him to submit.

Seeing his father lying dying in the filthy prison, he had no choice but to find Li Qing himself and promise her to propose marriage.

Satisfied, Li Qing ordered Father Feng to be released.

The marriage contract between the two was thus established.

Until a year later, when their marriage was approaching, Daguan envoys went to Jianan to ask for marriage.

If Da Guan's refusal to marry leads to a war against Daliang, he will be scolded by the world.

Li Qing knew that she couldn't escape, so she took the initiative to withdraw from the marriage and agreed to get married.

This unlucky Feng Shuo had no choice from the beginning to the end. When she said that she would withdraw from the marriage, he followed suit and gave himself back his freedom.

I thought that since then, the sky is high and the sea is wide and the birds can fly, and I no longer need to be restricted by people.

But he ignored Li Qing's extremely selfish nature.

After the two divorced, Feng Shuo once went to find his sweetheart, and saw that the other party was tired by him. For more than a year, no one dared to come to the door to say goodbye, Feng Shuo felt guilty.

Then he thought of continuing his relationship with him again.

It's just that Li Qing was still in the capital at that time, although the two had no engagement, who knew if he would annoy her again by doing so.

Feng Shuo agreed with his sweetheart that the marriage will be arranged after Li Qing leaves.

Little did they know, Li Qing had been sending someone to monitor her, and his every move had already reached her ears.

So on the day of the wedding, she secretly went to Feng's residence and killed Feng Shuo.

She did this in secret, and it stands to reason that no one should have discovered it.

It's a pity that there was a person from the late emperor in the marriage team at that time, and after discovering that she had left the team halfway, they passed the news to the palace.

This made the first emperor suspicious of Feng Shuo's death.

Gu Nanyan grinned.

If you don't get the proper real version, it will be destroyed.

Li Qing has such a vicious heart, no wonder she has no children, and she can still rule the wind and rain in Daguan for more than ten or twenty years.

I'm afraid that those who opposed her have already been killed by her!
Li Yi and Li Mi are a big fool and a second fool, how could there be such a cruel and merciless sister.

Genetic mutation?
"These are all your own affairs, I don't care about that much."

After hearing enough excitement, Gu Nanyan immediately turned his face and refused to recognize anyone.

"I just want to know how you plan to pay for the ammunition in my warehouse."

How else can you say that fighting costs money?

As far as the ones that General Dong took away, the rounded cost is 10,000+ taels. If they are sold, they will cost several million.

Of course, those were her secret weapons, and it was impossible to sell them.

But she can cheat!
Gu Nanyan's eyes were bright, and he said eagerly: "Well, I just asked someone to calculate it. The ammunition on the ship is worth at least 2908 million taels. In the face of Li Yi's imperial sister, I will wipe it for you. zero."

"How about charging you 300 million taels!"

Li Yi: "..."

This king's face is really valuable.

It's the first time I've seen someone wipe zeros up!
As expected of his daughter-in-law!

Li Yi, who would never lose the chain at a critical moment, nodded heavily in agreement.

"My lord would like to thank Yan'er on behalf of Miss Huang."

Li Qing: "..."

Just now, he was still talking about Feng Shuo, but suddenly he brought up the matter of losing money.

Li Qing really couldn't keep up with Gu Nanyan's train of thought.

"Didn't you take all those things back!" she said angrily.

"It was taken back." Gu Nanyan did not deny it.

"But I snatched it back with my own ability, so it's none of your business."

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes: "The reason for making you lose money is because you robbed me of my things. Don't you think that when the things come back, it's nothing to do with you?"

Is there no crime cost at all?

How can there be such a good thing!
Knowing that he didn't take it for granted at this time, Li Qing choked.

"That's not so much..."

"Who said no, you didn't ask me the price when you snatched it."

"Or, if you don't want to pay money, you can pay with the lives of your mother and daughter."

Li Qing: "..."

She groaned inwardly.

Thinking of her daughter, she wanted to agree but was unwilling.

She looked at Li Mi.

Li Mi snorted coldly, turned his face away, and secretly rubbed his waist.

That girl regarded money as her life, and he was beaten up. At this time, did she contradict her because she felt that there were too few injuries on her body?
He is not stupid!

If it was in the past, maybe he would really help to say a few good words, but now...

Li Mi gave her a complicated look.

Although it was to save her daughter, it was a fact that the lives of thousands of soldiers of the Zhenbei Army were almost in her hands.

If he still speaks for her, he will really become a complete fool!
What's more, if he is not asked to pay, he will not meddle in his own business.

Li Mi ignored her eyes asking for help, and held up a teacup to block Li Qing's sight, obviously not going to help her.

Li Qing's heart turned cold.

It was only then that she realized that she was no longer the noble princess she used to be in Jianan Kingdom who wanted everything from wind to rain.

Now she is just an outsider in front of them.

Li Qing smiled wryly.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, that's all.

"Money... I can give you a penny." She raised her head and said.

"But you also have to promise that you will send me and Jilan back to Daguan unscathed."

Since he is doomed to lose money, he might as well agree to it readily, so that he can put forward conditions.

Li Qing has always been so decisive, just like when he got married back then.

Weighing the pros and cons and making the best choice is the most important thing to do at this moment.

But Gu Nanyan Youqi is easy to talk to, and he didn't kill her on the spot, it was because of Li Mi's face.

Otherwise, according to her personality, she is already on her way to Daguan.

Together with Li Qing's corpse!
"You are not qualified to bargain." Gu Nanyan said coldly.

"Either die or lose money, choose yourself."

"But I don't have that much on me. The money is all in the bank in Dawan."

She wasn't lying about that.

Every year, Jianan's silver is secretly sent, about 20 taels a year.

She deposited it in a bank outside the palace.

As for why not put it in the palace.

The reason is simple, she doesn't want to be discovered by King Dawan.

King Daguan was stingy and suspicious. If he found out, Jianan would give her a sum of money every year. Not only would it not strengthen her position, but it would make him even more jealous.

And now that Daliang has formed an alliance with Jianan, the Daguan Kingdom is useless, and it might be destroyed by the two countries one day.

At that time, these silver coins will be her way out.

Li Qing's eyes flickered: "Why don't you let me go first, and when I get back to Daguan, I will order someone to bring the money, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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