Chapter 884

"It's not impossible." Gu Nanyan turned her head and thought for a while.

Then he looked at Li Yi and said, "I heard that the Daguan Palace is magnificent, even the floor is inlaid with precious stones. It's just a matter of time to go and see it for yourself."

Li Yi nodded with a smile: "Yan'er can go there if she wants to. If she likes it, she can turn it into a palace. It's good to stay for a few days occasionally."

"It suits me very well." Gu Nanyan deeply agreed.

It is said that Daguan is like spring all the year round, and it happens that the weather is getting hotter during this period. It should be a good idea to go to the Daguan Palace to escape the heat.

The two talked to each other, and in a few words, the palace of a small country was wiped out, as if it was their private property.

If ordinary people say such things, Li Qing definitely thinks that the other party is talking nonsense and mentally abnormal.

But when Gu Nanyan and Li Yi said this, they really regarded the Daguan Palace as their own.

She was terrified when she heard it, and understood that the two of them deliberately told her.

Under what circumstances will a country's imperial palace become a palace?

Of course it is under the condition of destroying the country!

This is telling her that they are going to destroy Daguan!
Just at this time, Li Mi also came to join in the fun.

"I heard that King Daguan's bedroom is the most beautiful place in the entire palace. He spent a huge amount of money and spent more than ten years building a viewing platform, which is as tall as two city towers!"

Li Mi sighed.

Look at this man who is an emperor, although the place is small, but the life is exquisite!

It's not like him.

A poor man.

Thinking of his empty warehouse, Li Mi felt uncomfortable.

There were many wars in the past few years, and the treasury was unable to make ends meet, so he could only use the money in his private treasury to subsidize it.

It made him extravagant to drink good wine.

There have been no wars in the past two years, but it is better.

The national treasury is abundant, and his private treasury also has some surplus silver.

I thought I would be able to live a luxurious life of drinking good wine and drinking bowl after bowl.

As a result, the girl made a city defense artillery.

For the sake of national security, this thing must be bought!

With this purchase, half of the national treasury was directly emptied.

Coupled with the subsequent ammunition supply, the remaining half will only be a quarter.

A quarter is also left, at least his private treasury is preserved.

But before stepping on the horse and waiting for the treasury to return to blood, that girl made a military steam vehicle again!

And began to be slowly assigned to the Zhenbei Army.

If it was just like this, Li Mi could still turn a blind eye.

After all, Gu Nanyan didn't mention asking him to pay the money, he just pretended to be stupid.

The bad thing is that there is Cui Yanping in Jianan Kingdom who likes to compare with Zhenbei Army!
Cui Yanping couldn't sit still when he heard about Zhenbei Army's plan to have one steam truck for every [-] people.

On the day I received the news, I rushed to send a letter to Li Mi.

The first half of the letter greets Li Mi, and the second half greets the treasury...

There are three whole pages of paper, and it can be summed up in one sentence-the Zhenbei Army must have the Pingnan Army!

You can worry about Li Mi.

It is impossible to count on Cui Yanping to be more conscious and settle the money to buy the car by himself.

If he really did this, the Pingnan Army would become Cui Yanping's personal soldiers!

Then only he, the king of a country, can find a way.

This is no small sum.

Calculated on the basis of one military steam vehicle for every hundred people, the current number of Pingnan Army must not be nearly [-]?
Two thousand steam cars, even if calculated based on the lowest price of 20 taels, that is an astronomical figure.

Just thinking about it makes people want to die...

Moreover, the palms and backs of the hands are full of meat. If Pingnan Army is given this money, Zhenbei Army can't express it?

It doesn't mean that Gu Xiaoting can't beat him to death!

Li Mi wiped his face.

And that's not the worst of it.

The matter of the military steam car is not over yet, and with a brilliant effort, the steam ship was brought out again.

This thing is the same as a city defense gun, one for land defense and the other for sea safety.

Can I buy this? !
Li Mi feels that he has been hollowed out, and Li Mi, who has an endless debt repayment life, can't wait to cry.

So when Gu Nanyan said that he wanted to take down Dawan, he agreed with it with both hands.

Maybe he can fish in troubled waters to gain some benefits!
Li Qing's heart skipped a beat when he heard it below.

Forget about Gu Nanyan and Li Yi, Li Mi, the king of a country, actually agreed with them to start a war.

"No way!" she said hastily.

"I thought about it carefully, but I don't need to go back to get the silver myself."

She could see clearly.

Now there is no place for her in Jianan, if these two people are allowed to destroy Da Guan, then she and Ji Lan will really be homeless.

A woman with a child, even with money, is not so easy to be alone outside.

Li Qing really lost his temper now.

She gritted her teeth, took out a seal from her waist with trembling hands, and squeezed it in the palm of her hand for a long time.

"It's my fault. As long as I have this seal, even if I don't come personally, I can still ask for money."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, but did not move while holding the teacup.

This woman is quite good at hiding, and she didn't lose it after such a tossing method.

It is so tightly hidden, it seems that it is exactly as she said, as long as you hold this seal, you can take out the silver regardless of whether you are the person.

Eunuch Zhao stepped forward with great insight, took the seal and held it in front of Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan took it with a disappointed face.

"Are you sure? You really don't need me to give you a ride?"

She still yearns for the scenery of Daguan.

"It's really unnecessary." Li Qing laughed dryly.

"After you take the silver, just let us leave on our own."

This woman is not a good person at first glance, she is stupid to let her give it away.

If it doesn't work, I have to send her away!

"That's a pity." Gu Nanyan muttered.

Then he said with sincerity: "If you change your mind, come to me at any time, and then I will definitely gather an army to send you off..."

Anyway, it is a small country, so there should be a lot of money in the treasury.

Gu Nanyan rubbed her chin, and suddenly regretted taking the seal.

"Why don't you think about it again?"

Li Qing: "..."

Thank you.

But no need.

She is not enough to be a princess!
Gu Nanyan was a little reconciled and wanted to persuade him again, but before he opened his mouth, he caught a glimpse of something passing by the door.

Then there was a cheerful cry.

"Shit shovel, I'm back!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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