The farmer has a mall

Chapter 885 Restoring memory

Chapter 885 Restoring memory
After receiving the compensation, Gu Nanyan left first.

Li Yi and Li Mi were left alone with Li Qing to handle their housework.

Gu Nanyan who walked out of the imperial study first went to visit Gu Qing.

Due to the excessive blood flow, Lu Qing was still in a coma.

Seeing that his wound was well stitched, Gu Nanyan only changed the medicine she brought for him, re-bandaged it and made sure it was all right before leaving the palace.

"Why are you here?" Gu Nanyan slapped the Chaos Beast that leaped onto her shoulder, and shook her sleeves in disgust.

The Chaos Beast, who had been away from home for several months, was slapped unsuspectingly and fell headlong to the ground.

The two short legs kicked upwards for a long time, and finally pulled his head out of the soil.

It bared two small canine teeth fiercely at Gu Nanyan.

"What's your attitude when you shovel shit, aren't you happy when I come back!"

It pinched its small thick waist angrily, raised its furry head, and stared angrily at the woman in front of her who didn't know what gentleness was.

They've been gone for so long, you don't say you care about their safety, and you still look disgusted when you see them!
Is there any reason!

What about the deep relationship between us? !
Have you eaten yet!
The Chaos Beast was full of accusations.

Gu Nanyan squinted at it: "Speak up, who are you?"

If you don't learn good things about dogs, you dare to call yourself Laozi in front of her, and you want to change your hair again, don't you?

She stretched out her toes and poked its bulging belly lightly.

It successfully poked the Chaos Beast that had just stood up, rolled on the ground a few times, and its pink fur was instantly covered with dust.

Gu Nanyan was even more disgusted.

"I haven't seen you in a few months, why did you gain so much weight and eat chemical fertilizer?"

"You're only eating chemical fertilizers!" The Chaos Beast frowned.

He stretched out his little furry paws and patted his belly.

"It's full of energy. Do you think it's like you humans, with a greasy stomach and a fat brain..." It snorted dissatisfied.

"Just your little belly, how much energy can it hold?" Gu Nanyan expressed disdain, raised her hands and walked forward.

Just that one-acre of land is not enough for her to breathe!

Still energy.

"What do you know?" Chaos Beast jumped.

He deeply felt that he was seen clearly.

Under the excitement, his brain short-circuited, and he opened his mouth to howl.

"Don't look down on beasts, do you think energy is easy to get? This is ancient times!"

God knows how much it has suffered recently to save enough "travel expenses",
If it weren't for its own strength, according to the scumbag strength of 888, it would not be able to make up for it in 100 years!

"So what, what can this little energy do? It can turn the world upside down."

"It's not enough to turn the world upside down."

The Chaos Beast snorted: "However, traveling through the gate of time and space once is enough."

"You want to travel through the gate of time and space?" Gu Nanyan stopped when she heard this, and turned her head to look at the pink hairball who followed her up and down.

"You want to go?" She squinted her eyes, staring dangerously at the two dark eyes of the Chaos Beast.

The dog is not willing to run away, should she tie it up with a dog chain?

It's broken, it's exposed!

Chaos Beast: "...Nothing, I mean, in case one day you want to go back, these energies are just reserved for you."

It smiled flatteringly, and secretly scolded itself for being fast-talking.

The Demon Head certainly wouldn't let it go, like it did before.

If she knew that he was going to run away, she would tear his bones apart!

Thinking of the crimes she suffered under her hands, and her methods...

Even though the rough and thick flesh of the chaotic animal was very resistant, it couldn't help but tremble three times.

It is also fortunate that she is not the main body now, if not, according to her temperament that she would rather kill the wrong than let it go, it may have become a beast cake at this moment.

The Chaos Beast retreated tactically, its two eyeballs rolled away, thinking about finding some excuse to get away.

If you want to leave as soon as you come back, it will definitely not work.

Seeing that it had the intention of running away, Gu Nanyan quickly leaned over and grabbed the nape of its neck, and lifted him up like a puppy.

"It just so happens that I have something to do with you. I haven't heard from Jiwotou for a long time. Since you have saved enough energy to open the gate of time and space, it shouldn't be difficult to contact him."

Chaos Beast: "..."

The dead woman wants to take advantage of it again.

Chaos Beast wanted to say "Don't even think about it".

It can get so much energy in a few months, and it is one aspect of self-effort.

On the other hand, it is because of good luck that I got a treasure.

This kind of thing rich in high-level energy sources is not easy to find, maybe there is only one in this world.

Therefore, it cherishes these energies very much.

Don't use any money unless necessary!
"'s not that simple."

The Chaos Beast quickly thought of excuses, and the words it said had no credibility at all with its guilty expression.

Don't ask how you can see a guilty conscience from its rough face.

A dog's brain is smaller than that of a chicken, and people can tell what it wants to eat as soon as it pokes its butt.

Not to mention its hesitating expression and dodging eyes, it all shows that it is guilty now.

Gu Nanyan curled her lips and looked at it coolly.

"Why, you have to fast, bathe and burn incense for three days to make a video call!"

Men and beasts are too busy doing things!

Just use it for some energy, not kill it.

Why do you search so hard!

Hearing that Gu Nanyan was mocking it, the Chaos Beast choked, with a look of reluctance.

"Are you worried about Xuanyu? In fact, that kid is a thief. If you really need your help when something happens, he will definitely contact you."

It won't say that the communication channel has been blocked by it.

Die the devil!

The Chaos Beast laughed wildly inwardly.

Laughing, laughing... and I couldn't laugh anymore.

"Wait...why are you worried about Xuanyu!" it asked suddenly.

Then his eyes widened in shock.

"You don't remember everything!"

No, no, no.

It wouldn't be so unlucky to hit the muzzle!

The Chaos Beast swallowed in shock.

"I vaguely recall some pictures." Gu Nanyan said lightly.

She remembered her name in that place, it seemed to be Xuan Tianlai.

Gu Nanyan carefully recalled those clips, and after thinking about it for a while, she started to have a headache.

She frowned and rubbed her temples,
The words are calm and breezy.

However, the Chaos Beast who heard her words couldn't calm down.

"That, that... do you remember who I am?" Chaos Beast asked cautiously.

Both eyes were fixed on Gu Nanyan's, trying to find some familiar shadows from inside.


If the female devil really regained her memory, wouldn't her miserable life be coming again?

Absolutely not!

As if it had been injected with chicken blood, it struggled to break free from Gu Nanyan's clutches, hugged her calf and began to brainwash her.

"You shoveling shit, you need to know that everything in this world is illusory, you and I are all illusory people, why remember the past so clearly, some things will become hurdles in your heart instead..."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

What is the nonsense that the dog said, did it just come out of the temple?
What about the hurdle in her heart, it is the biggest hurdle in her heart!
"speak English."

It's false or not, it's true that she's a little fictitious now.

The Chaos Beast pawed on her lap and took a deep breath, and then continued after gathering his composure:
"What I mean is, don't be fooled by your own fantasies! What you see may not be true."

"Don't forget, after you were involved in the turbulent flow of time and space, that restless and kind person Xuan Yu personally changed your memory!"

(End of this chapter)

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