The farmer has a mall

Chapter 886 Provocation

Chaos Beast doesn't want to go back to be the main system.

But it knows that some things cannot be decided by it, and once the female devil remembers the past, she will definitely take it back.

The eyes of the two Chaos Beasts rolled like fans, thinking of countermeasures frantically in their hearts.

Right now, it seemed impossible to prevent the female devil from recovering her memory.

Her mental strength is above her own, no matter how hard she tries to stop her, she will recover her memory one day.

If what he did was too obvious at this time, and she was aware of his intentions, then in the future...

It will only get worse!
That being the case, it would be better to describe the horror there a bit, so that she would feel jealous of Xuanyu.

In this way, even if she remembered something later, it would have an excuse to prevent her from going back.

As long as she doesn't go back, she can't return to her original body.

Is a female devil without a body still a female devil?

The Chaos Beast subconsciously glanced at Gu Nanyan.

I saw her looking at herself with squinted eyes, her eyes were a little cold, she seemed... not very easy to get along with.

Chaos Beast: "..."


A female devil without a body is still a female devil, but her strength is weaker.

But if she is weak, it is impossible to force herself back.

Then it is completely free!

"Think about shit, I'm doing it for your own good. That Xuanyu doesn't have a good heart, maybe he has already set a trap, just wait for you to jump into it yourself, you can't be fooled by him again!"

Chaos Beast lobbied hard, intending to arouse Gu Nanyan's defense against Xuanyu.

"What do you mean, that Jiwotou wants to harm me?" Gu Nanyan frowned.

The pictures in her mind were scattered, most of them were pictures of processing documents in a white room.

As for Xuanyu, she only knows that he is a bit out of character and seems to be afraid of her.

Because almost every picture about him in her mind is of her chasing and hitting him.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

From this point of view, the words of the Chaos Beast are not unreasonable.

Maybe Xuanyu was beaten by her a lot and wants to get revenge?
"Jiwotou and I are siblings?"

In the scenes she remembered, the other party seemed to be running and shouting "Sister, I was wrong" every time.

"Well, you are indeed brothers and sisters of the same mother and father." Chaos Beast replied reluctantly.

What the hell is the same mother and the same father? Just say that they are not brothers and sisters.

Gu Nanyan gave her a supercilious look, and climbed into the carriage sent by the Gu family to pick her up.

The Chaos Beast also jumped in.

"Although you are the same father and mother, you can't trust him too much. After you left, there were rumors in the company that Xuan Yu deliberately pushed your consciousness into the turbulent flow of time and space in order to win the control of the company. This strangles your consciousness and monopolizes power."

The Chaos Beast shook the fur off its body to shake off the dust before jumping onto the seat.

"However, it is also considered your fate. By chance, you entered this body and saved your life."

Gu Nanyan was puzzled upon hearing this.

"Didn't you say that my memory has been changed? I have fallen into this world, how does he change my memory?"

When she said this, her voice paused.

"Pass 888?"

888 didn't show up immediately when she woke up, but that didn't mean it wasn't in her body before it showed up.

Gu Nanyan clearly remembered that she was in a coma for a while after coming to this world.

If she tampered with her memory while she was in a coma, it would not be impossible given the other party's level of technological advancement.

"It should be." The Chaos Beast replied.

"Since you fell into the turbulence of time and space, you didn't know where you went for a long time. The data that can be traced in the system are all after you came to this world."

"So you also found me through these data?" Gu Nanyan asked again.

Whoever came after you put gold on his own face.

It clearly went astray when walking through the gate of time and space!
"Of course, what is the relationship between us? I started looking for you after you disappeared." The furry face of the Chaos Beast was full of flattery.

"If it wasn't for the conspiracy in the middle, which caused me to sleep for a long time, it would not be Xuanyu's turn to find your trace first."

Speaking of this, Chaos Beast's eyes were full of indignation.

"I don't know which one lacks great virtue, but secretly poked and poisoned me, it's too stupid!"

The more it spoke, the more excited it became, and its hairs exploded with anger, which showed how much it hated the person who poisoned it.


Gu Nanyan sneezed unpreparedly, and stretched out his hand to rub his suddenly itchy nose.

"Who is scolding me?" She muttered inexplicably.

"You said you were poisoned, so who detoxified you?"

She is really curious.

Dog things are fearless all day long, and it is hard to imagine that it has been plotted against before.

Just thinking about it makes me happy.

Gu Nanyan couldn't help grinning.

Chaos Beast looked at her inexplicably.

Is this woman sick? Talking about business, what are you doing so wickedly while smiling.


The Chaos Beast rubbed its fluffy short arms, rolled its eyes and said arrogantly: "This is because you are short-sighted. I am a Chaos, and I can't be knocked down by ordinary poison. At most, I can only sleep for a few days."

It is also capable of making it fall into a deep sleep. I am afraid that only a female devil can do it...

and many more!

Chaos Beast looked at Gu Nanyan suspiciously: "You can't be the poison!"

It said, how could anyone in that place know what it was afraid of, and it wouldn't be surprising if it was a female devil.

"how is this possible."

Gu Nanyan curled her lips, and unequivocally denied her teammates' doubts.

"It's definitely not me. You suspect the wrong person."

It's right to deny this kind of thing, anyway, she lost her memory, even if she did it, she wouldn't remember it.

What she doesn't remember, rounding up means she didn't do it!
The Chaos Beast is still suspicious: "Didn't you lose your memory? How do you know it wasn't you who did it!"

"It's very simple. If I did it, you would definitely not be able to just sleep for a few days."

Do you still need to ask such a simple question?

The dog thing is really a chicken brain.

Gu Nanyan sneered at him.

Chaos Beast: "..."

Makes sense.

The female devil is cruel and ruthless, she really wants to poison it, at least throwing out half of her life is in line with her personality.

"Since it's not you, it can only be Xuanyu."

The devil knew how to cure it, and it was possible to accidentally reveal it to him without warning.

"Yes! It must be him!" Gu Nanyan affirmed.

"Since he wants to harm me, since we have such a good relationship, he will definitely harm you by the way!" She poured dirty water on Xuan Yu without hesitation.

Anyway, she didn't like the chicken nest head when she looked left and right, and it was just a routine operation to hold him back.

No guilt at all.

Sure enough, the Chaos Beast was indignant upon hearing this.

The chicken nest head is really not a good thing, it just wanted to provoke the relationship between him and the female devil head.

Now it seems that there is no need to provoke at all!

He must have deliberately thrown the female devil head into the turbulence of time and space!
"That dog, wait for me!"

Waiting for it to go back.

Go back and peel off his skin!
"Yes, I'll wait for you!" Gu Nanyan said indignantly.

Fuck him!

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