distant time and space.

Xuanyu was dressed in white, sitting in front of the light curtain and scratching his head.

"Why, haven't you contacted the boss yet?" A woman with an enchanting figure in a white cheongsam walked up behind him.

The woman looked 25 or [-] years old, with long black hair permed in wavy curls, brows like distant daisy, eyes like water, and bright lipstick, just like the girls in pictorials in ancient times.

Her figure is also very good, her shoulders are straight and her back is slender, and her waist is full of grips.

The slits of the white cheongsam almost reached the waist, and a pair of slender straight legs were looming as she walked.

The surrounding staff were almost stunned.

Xuan Yu seemed to dislike her very much, and looked back at her, seeing her dress, couldn't help frowning.

"How did you come."

Xuanyu has a lot of love history, and his attitude towards women is not all-seeing, but he always greets them with a smile.

Only the woman behind him made him unable to smile.

No reason.

Simply don't like her.

The woman was obviously used to his attitude and didn't take it seriously.Instead, she put her white jade-like forearm on his shoulder and leaned slightly to get closer.

"This is the main control room. I am the supervisor here, so I naturally want to take a look."

She blew into Xuanyu's ear as if teasing: "Why, Young Master Xuan doesn't want to see me so much?"

"It really hurts my family's heart." The woman smiled softly.

Xuanyu moved to the side, wanting to stay away from the woman, but found that her arm was like a hook, and she couldn't dodge it no matter what.

"Fengyi, this is a public place, please respect yourself!"


Xuan Yu's serious tone did not make her flinch, but instead aroused her competitive spirit.

Fengyi stuck to Xuanyu's shoulder, and said softly, "What does Young Master Xuan mean, it's fine if it's not a public place?"

"Are you implying the slave family?"

The blue veins on Xuanyu's forehead twitched, and a wave of nausea came to his heart.

Coupled with the recent loss of contact with her sister again, Xuanyu, who was already extremely irritable, only felt a surge of anger.

"Go away!"

He stood up suddenly, regardless of whether the woman behind him was stable, and kicked the chair the moment he got up.

"Fuck!" Xuan Yu's face was full of disgust.

"If you don't accompany that old man in your family, you are flirting with me here, get out of here, or don't blame me for doing something to you!"

In his dictionary, there is no such word as not to do anything to a woman. As long as he is offended, he will not show mercy regardless of gender.

Feng Yi obviously knew that he was not joking, and stood up regretfully.

"That man is not as young and strong as you. If Young Master Xuan is willing, the slave family will break up with him. From now on, he will only serve Young Master Xuan..."

"You are the only one who can say such shameless words." Xuan Yu sneered.

"Anyway, he's the head of a department. It's not embarrassing for him to behave so indiscreetly!"

Xuanyu expressed his dislike to the fullest, and moved a little further away from her with his mouth curled.

Then he took out a handkerchief from nowhere, wiped it vigorously on his shoulders a few times, and then threw it away.

With such cynical words and unabashed actions, no matter how thick-skinned Feng Yi was, he still couldn't maintain a smiling face.

She withdrew her smile: "Master Xuan is still so puzzled... No wonder he is dumped by women twice in three days."

Xuanyu's love history is the talk of the company's employees after dinner.

He is obviously tall, rich and handsome, but he can't keep a woman. This is even more strange than a pig climbing a tree.

Xuanyu was poked at the pain point, and his handsome face turned livid.

"What do you know? Those women are ignorant and don't understand my master!"

Thinking of these makes my heart swell.

Every time he finds a girlfriend, he is very serious about interacting with others.

Gentle and considerate, not sticky to the teeth, and generous in his shots, he can be called a peerless good man.

But I don't know if he has been bewitched by evil spirits, and each time he has been in contact with each other for no more than a month.

At the fastest time, it only took two hours from confirming the relationship to breaking up!

He even wondered if his sister had lowered his head!
The most exaggerated thing is that his sister used to tease him about this, saying that he committed a crime of peach blossoms and was doomed not to be with women for a long time in this life.

He also asked him to simply cut off the roots of evil, stop having girlfriends in the future, and concentrate on dedicating his life to the company.

Look, is this what a sister should say!
People say that the eldest sister is like a mother, and this is indeed true.

But how come he has become a stepmother!
He still remembered that after hearing what his sister said, he was very angry and lost his temper severely.

Naturally, he was almost headshot by his sister.

Thinking of her missing sister, Xuan Yu felt that her hairline was receding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. If you have something to say, go if you have nothing to do. I don't see that I'm busy!"

This time is different from last time.

This time, the main system completely blocked the communication channel over there, and even the 888 database was blocked.

The whole company has been working overtime for more than a month, but they can't even find a place to start.

This is not because the company's employees are too good.

It's that the main system is too rogue, blocking all the loopholes they can think of.

It not only blocked the loopholes, but also put a lot of viruses in it.

So much so that for more than a month, it took more than half of the time to clean up the virus.

The Xuanyu Qi almost smashed these devices.

"Naturally, my family has a serious business to come here," Feng Yi said.

"Our family asked me to ask how long it will take to contact the boss."

Speaking of business, Feng Yi's expression was much more serious.

However, the question asked made Xuan Yu even more annoying.

"You ask me who I ask." He pulled down his hair impatiently.

"It's not that you don't know the virtues of the main system. If it deliberately blocks it, who can break it."

Unless his sister is there!
She has the highest authority in the company, and the main system does not dare to make mistakes in front of her.

It's a pity that in the current situation, if you want to contact his sister, you have to find the main system, and if you want to find the main system, you need his sister to help.

It's just a dead loop!
Xuanyu understood clearly that with the means of the main system, if they really wanted to completely shield them, unless it took the initiative to show up, they would have no chance of winning.

Feng Yi already knew it would be this answer.

They have worked hard for so long, but there is still no clue, which is unprecedented.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see the mystery.

Fengyi didn't care about Xuanyu's disgusting gaze.

She sat on the chair next door and raised her legs, "Young Master Xuan should know that the company has been in a semi-operational state for more than half a year, with countless losses. There should always be a charter, and it can't go on like this forever."

Not to mention how much income has been affected by the work.

Just the customer service who lost contact due to system failure is not a small loss.

This is undoubtedly a big blow to the company.

"What our family means is, for the sake of the company, should we ask foreign aid for help?"

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