The farmer has a mall

Chapter 888 Homecoming

The foreign aid mentioned by Fengyi refers to another organization besides them.

With the rapid development of science and technology, the resources on the earth are almost exhausted.

Especially a hundred years ago, someone discovered that there is a special kind of energy in gold and silver ore. After extraction, it can not only be used for daily consumption, but also doubled in power when made into weapons.

Since then, the daily consumption of gold and silver mines has been almost hundreds of thousands or even millions of times that of the previous ones, and they will soon be exhausted.

So someone took the idea to other time and space, researched the gate of time and space, and obtained the silver mine in the form of equivalent exchange.

Xuanyu's company is such an organization.

Naturally, this kind of organization cannot be the only one of them.

The foreign aid Feng Yi mentioned was the person in charge of another company.

The style of this company is different from Xuan Yu and the others.

They sell items in the mall in exchange for money, while the other party uses all means to control people's hearts with desire, mainly by coercion and temptation, and obtains a lot of ill-gotten wealth.

And the other side never cared about the balance of resources in different time and space. As long as they reached a place with silver mines, they would never stop unless they exhausted them.

Therefore, it has caused extremely bad influence in this industry, and it is the existence of everyone shouting and beating.

In Xuanyu's view, if they are decent, then the other party is crooked.

"Impossible, I will not cooperate with that kind of black intermediary."

Since ancient times, good and evil cannot coexist. Although he grew up beside his sister who had a bad view, he still understands this truth.

What's more, the other party often appears in the time and space they have selected, sneaking up on the past to pick up the leak.

They even blatantly robbed resources and urged their own hosts to attack their customers in various ways, causing them a lot of losses.

If it wasn't for his sister's absence, he would have killed them a long time ago to teach them a lesson with this arrogant and lowly method.

Feng Yi seemed to have known that he would reject this proposal, so she shrugged without any surprise.

"We're just making a proposal. The company belongs to your siblings. It's up to you to decide whether to cooperate or not, but you have to think it through."

She lifted her chin in the direction of the light curtain.

There is a chat box on it, the profile picture is Gu Nanyan's vicious look, and the words "unable to connect" are written on the back.

"Unless the conscience of the main system discovers this situation, none of us can solve it. You must know better than us what the consequences will be..."


Gu Nanyan returned to Gu's house, and everyone welcomed him with great enthusiasm.

Especially Mrs. Gu, holding her granddaughter's hand with red eyes, taking every bite of her heart.

I didn't even look at my husband and son who hadn't seen each other for several months.

"Mother, stop nagging. Sister Nan drove for a long time and went to the palace to beat her without even drinking... Cough, to visit the emperor, let her go back to her own yard to rest, and you will have dinner with her later." Does she speak well?"

Gu Shen felt sorry for his daughter, thinking that she had been sailing and fighting for many days, and then came back non-stop, and she must be exhausted to be able to sit down and rest until now.

Mrs. Gu only came to her senses when she heard the words, and hurriedly wiped away her tears: "Look at my memory, I even forgot that our sister Nan just came back from the war."

As she spoke, she patted Gu Nanyan's hand, and helped her pin a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Dinner will be ready in an hour, go back to your yard and rest for a while."

"I asked your aunt to help you replace the bedding with new ones. It has been in the sun for a day. I promise you will sleep comfortably."

Gu Nanyan's complexion was gentle, and warm currents rushed through her heart.

"Even if I don't dry the bedding, I can sleep comfortably."

The Gu family was the only place that gave her the feeling of home.

Although she likes to be quiet and lives in Mingshan City all year round, home means that every time you come back, you can feel the care of your family and relax your body and mind.

Gu Nanyan is very relaxed now, even her expression is not as serious as usual.

She looked at Mrs. Guo who was standing behind Mrs. Gu, and smiled slowly.

"Let the auntie work hard again."

Guo Shi gave her an angry look, her eyes were also red.

"What are you talking about? When the children go home and become elders, they should have arranged everything so that the children can live comfortably, so they can work wherever they want."

There is only such a daughter in the Gu family's direct line, and the whole family treats it like a treasure, and the Guo family is no exception.

She couldn't bear a daughter by herself, so she treated Gu Nanyan as her own daughter.

However, this girl is not one who can stay at home, so Guo's love for her daughter is useless.

"Auntie hopes that you can come back every day, so that I will be willing to hang around your yard all day." Guo sighed.

"Bah, bah, bah, stop talking nonsense!" Mrs. Gu patted Mrs. Guo lightly.

"Sister Nan is married, how can she come back every day."

Those who can go back to their mother's house every day are divorced!

That's impossible!
Her family's good grandson is such a good girl, capable of writing, fighting, eating and fighting, who would dare to divorce her!


Who should be such a good girl.

Whether you dare or not is a matter of opinion.

And even if she wanted to rest, it would only be for her granddaughter, Prince Xiu Sheng.

"What the mother-in-law said is that the daughter-in-law said something wrong." Guo said with a smile.

"What my daughter-in-law means is that I hope Miss Nan can come back to see her often. We all miss her very much. A few days ago, Yunze said that if this girl doesn't come home again, she will ask the emperor for leave to visit her in Mingshan personally." Woolen cloth."

Gu Yunze is now prosperous in the imperial court, and entered Yushitai at a young age.

He is not only eloquent but also afraid of power, and now he is the favorite of Yushitai.

Of course, for the other courtiers, there was another hater in the court who hated gods and ghosts.

Why dare not fight?

Don't even look at who is standing behind them!
That is an ancestor that even the emperor dared to force!

Who would be overwhelmed with her?
I'm afraid I want my children to inherit the family property in advance...

Not only did they not dare to fight against them, they also had to make a living.

The kind where you can't fight back when you hit or scold.

Strive to be a good baby in court.

All the courtiers burst into tears and gritted their teeth in hatred.

I don't know which heartless person put him in Yushitai, it's just...


As long as this kind of humility and harmony in the court continues, if Jianan Kingdom does not have a century-old Qing government, I will be sorry for the bad breath they swallowed!
Gu Nanyan had no idea how her second elder brother yelled at people in the court.

She could hear Mrs. Guo complaining that she didn't go home, so she tilted her head and thought for a while, "It's really unrealistic to come back every day, but if my aunt is free, she can take her grandmother to Mingshan City for a short stay at any time... a long stay is also fine."

Mingshan City is developing better than Beijing City.

All the people in the city live and work in peace and contentment, the old have a place to take care of the young, and various crime rates have plummeted.

In addition, she ordered people to slightly modify the local laws of Mingshan City, which greatly increased the cost of crime. Today's Mingshan City can be said to never close its doors at night and not pick up lost items.

If the two go, even if she is not in the mansion, she will feel at ease.

"That's a good relationship!" Mrs. Guo smiled happily.

"I have heard for a long time that your Mingshan City is not ordinary. It is as prosperous as the capital city but it is not the same. My aunt has long wanted to visit it."

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