The farmer has a mall

Chapter 889 Brother and Sister

"Uncle, grandma doesn't have to worry too much." Gu Nanyan looked at Mrs. Gu again.

Since she came in, grandma greeted her with greetings, but she didn't say a word about her uncle's injury.

Gu Nanyan understood that it wasn't that grandma wasn't worried, it was just that she didn't want to show it in front of her who had just returned home.

"Uncle is inconvenient to move now. He will stay in the palace to recuperate his injuries for a few days. I have left medicine for him, and he will be able to get up in three or two days."

"Uncle's injury looks serious, but in fact it's just a little more blood, not the root."

Lu Qing's injury looked serious, but it was not serious.

It's just that talking too much will inevitably disturb grandma's heart, so it's better not to talk.

Anyway, when she left the palace, she had already put on the best wound medicine for him, so it was not a lie to say that Lu Qing could get up in three or two days.

Mrs. Gu and Mrs. Guo both heaved a sigh of relief when they heard the words.

"It's good that it's okay. I heard that your uncle was injured, but your aunt was so frightened that she almost passed out." Mrs. Gu sighed.

"However, there are many rules in the palace, and there is no time to visit the palace in the future."

Mrs. Guo was a little embarrassed by what she said.

"Mother-in-law only talks about daughter-in-law. Are you worried about it? Your legs and feet are not feeling well these days, and you still want to enter the palace with your daughter-in-law."

"What happened to grandma's leg?" Gu Nanyan frowned slightly when she heard this.

"I'm sick, I'm afraid it's going to rain, it's okay." Mrs. Gu felt her granddaughter's concern, and her face was wrinkled with a smile.

She had been poisoned before, and her body was already a little deficient. Although she made up for it later, it was inevitable that she would suffer from some minor problems.

Is this a rheumatism attack?

Gu Nanyan squatted down and lifted Mrs. Gu's trouser legs to check.

There is some redness and swelling in the joints.

"The granddaughter will give you a side ointment, you stick it on the joints, keep it for a day, and it will relieve a lot."

Rheumatism is difficult to cure. Although the ointment she formulated cannot be eradicated at once, it can relieve it one or two times.

"In this way, my dear grandson will be troubled." Mrs. Gu smiled happily.

Gu Nanyan nodded and stepped back, returning to Tingfengyuan.

Ting Fengyuan's layout was exactly the same as before she left, it was very clean and spotless.

It can be seen that Guo Shi really cares about it.

Gu Nanyan first wrote down a prescription and handed it to his servants to pick it up from Gu's pharmacy, and then lay down for half an hour.

After the servants came back from taking the medicine, they began to prepare the medicine and boil the ointment.

I don't know how long it took, but when she finished the last application of the ointment, she realized that it was already dark outside.

"Did grandma send someone to call me?" she asked Yun Xi.

"The nanny next to the old lady came over and saw that you were busy, so she didn't bother you. I just asked the servant to tell you to go to the front hall for dinner after you are done."

Gu Nanyan rubbed the center of her brows, nodded to indicate that she understood.

Sure enough, she wasn't vigilant at all when she was in Gu's house, and she didn't even know anyone came in the yard.

"Clean up and put the ointment in a box, let's go there now."

Gu Nanyan got up and was about to walk out the door when she saw the door curtain was lifted from the outside, and a man in white with broad shoulders and narrow waist came in with a smile on his face.

"Is my sister still busy?"

Gu Yunze came in with a smile, without any regard for the difference between men and women, and walked into Gu Nanyan's boudoir without hesitation.

Gu Nanyan is not someone who cares about these things.

Looking at the Yushu Linfeng in front of him, who is gentle and elegant... the ghost in court couldn't help but smile when he saw his sorrow.

"Second brother, long time no see, how are you doing?"

"Second brother is fine, but you seem to have lost some weight." Gu Yunze replied.

All women like others to praise that they have lost weight, and Gu Nanyan is no exception.

She laughed so hard that she couldn't see her teeth. She touched her face and was about to answer when she saw another head popping up behind Gu Yunze, and then a flamboyant red figure entered the room.

"Gu Xiaopang, you only know how to ask your second brother if he is okay, why didn't my concubine see you care about it?"

With such a flat voice, one could tell it was that bastard Gu Congyuan.

The corner of Gu Nan's cigarette mouth twitched, and he rolled his eyes at the butterfly-like man in front of him.

You are fat.

You are fattening your account book!
"It's my cousin." She emphasized.

Don't make it sound like we know each other very well.

I don't want to see you.

Gu Congyuan: "..."

Gu Xiaopang's narrow-mindedness has not grown at all, it is still the size of a needle nose.

Gu Congyuan took out a folding fan from his waist, opened it with a snap, and flickered a few times.

"My cousin is also a brother."

He closed the fan again with a swish, and approached Gu Nanyan while licking his face.

"Come and call brother to listen."

It's cheap, right?

Gu Nanyan couldn't bear him, so he just kicked his leg.

Gu Congyuan dodged quickly, this kick only touched the corner of his red robe.

He quickly hid behind Gu Yunze, and grinned triumphantly at Gu Nanyan.

"Oh? Didn't kick it!" Gu Congyuan laughed.

Just as she was about to start the mocking mode, she saw her second heel coming.

At the same time, Gu Yunze turned his feet calmly and quickly dodged, and Gu Congyuan's figure appeared.

There was a thump in his heart, and he secretly thought that he was going to be bad.

Sure enough, Gu Nanyan grinned and kicked him on the ass with increased force.

"Aww!" Gu Congyuan's screams resounded through the small courtyard, startling Kazuki Asuka.

Seeing him covering his buttocks and jumping around in a panic, Gu Nanyan smiled cryptically, looked at Gu Yunze, and at the same time, they stretched out their right hands and struck each other.

Well done!

tacit agreement!

Gu Congyuan: "..."



Gu Nanyan and Gu Yunze entered side by side, followed by the limping Gu Congyuan.

"Sister Nan is here, sit down and eat quickly." Mrs. Guo hurriedly greeted with a smile.

"I asked the kitchen to cook your favorite pork knuckle for you. I stewed it in the morning. It's so soft and delicious. Come and taste it."

As she spoke, she stood up and pressed Gu Nanyan on the chair beside her.

Gu Nanyan saw that the table was full of meat, only Mrs. Gu, who was too old to eat, had a plate of vegetables in front of her, and she felt warm in her heart.

Since she was a child, she didn't like vegetables but only meat, but Mrs. Guo still remembered it.

"It's Auntie Lao, this elbow looks delicious." Gu Nanyan praised.

This is not a scene, the pork knuckle has been stewed for a day, the meat would have been stewed rotten, if it is not wrapped with a layer of oily sauce red pigskin, it should have fallen apart.

Even if it is wrapped in skin, you can still see the soft and rotten meat inside.

As Gu Nanyan sat down, she accidentally touched the table, and the pork knuckle bounced a few times like jelly.

Gu Nanyan is now the richest man in the world, so he doesn't lack this food.

But for some reason, seeing this pork knuckle now, he swallowed involuntarily.

"Tsk, look at how promising you are, aren't you just a pork knuckle? If you like to eat brother, I'll buy you a hundred or eighty pieces, so that you can eat until you vomit." Gu Congyuan said meanly.

Sit down as you speak.

Gu Nanyan's face darkened upon hearing this.

Open your mouth to fight back.

But Gu Yunze raised his sword eyebrows, pulled out the folding fan pinned to Gu Congyuan's waist, and slapped it on his buttocks.

Gu Congyuan let out another "ow", and jumped up in pain.

"How do you talk to your younger sister? Is there anyone who looks like a brother?" Gu Yunze reprimanded old-fashioned.

Seeing Gu Congyuan's tears bursting out of pain, Gu Nanyan pursed his lips and smiled, and gave Gu Yunze a thumbs up.

here you go!
He looked at Gu Congyuan again.

He snorted proudly.

Damn, let your mouth be cheap!

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