Gu Congyuan didn't know whether it was pain or anger, standing or sitting with his hands on his buttocks.

Guo seemed to have just seen the two brothers, and asked in surprise: "What's wrong with Yuan'er."

The action is a bit indecent.

Gu Yunge replied first: "The third brother has eaten too much spicy food recently, and it's just a fire under his buttocks. Mother doesn't need to pay attention."

Does this mean long hemorrhoids?

Guo Shi was speechless.

"... Then you can't eat standing up."

She looked at the place where Gu Congyuan was covering with a complicated expression, and hurriedly asked the servants to take a cushion.

"This is the cushion that I had nothing to sew a few days ago. It's still brand new. You can make do with it first. Later, my aunt will hollow out the middle to make you a more comfortable one."

Guo Shi said with a look of pity.

"How can you get this disease at a young age, you young people really..."

Gu Congyuan: "..."

I'm not, I didn't, it was my second brother who framed me!

Gu Congyuan wanted to cry but had no tears, and wanted to plead his innocence.

Looking back, Gu Yunze poked at him with his warning knife.

Looking forward, Gu Nanyan, the culprit, had a smile on his face, as if he was watching a show and eating melons.

It really doesn't make sense.

He's the victim, okay?

Isn't it rumored that the second elder brother is upright and not afraid of power, and that every important minister in the court counts as one, and he pointed his nose at all of them and scolded them all?
Is this his integrity?
Gu Congyuan was dissatisfied in his heart, but the perpetrator was his younger sister, and the accomplice was his elder brother, so he could only swallow his rebuttal words aggrieved.

That's it.

Hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids.

On the bright side, he should be thankful that his sister kicked from behind.

Looking at his aggrieved appearance, Gu Nanyan almost couldn't hold back his laughter at this moment even though he was purely paralyzed.

The whole family was seated, but Gu Yao and Gu Shen arrived late.

The two of them were left in the palace by Li Mi to report on the war, and they were released from the palace after a whole day of work.

Except for Gu Qing, who was recuperating in the palace, and Gu Yunge, who stayed in Dongfu County to finish the work, it was rare for the Gu family to get together so neatly.

Gu Yao looked at the big family sitting together, chatting and laughing, and felt very relieved.

When he was happy, he asked his servants to fetch the good wine that he would not even drink himself.

"Didn't father say that the wine is gone?"

When Gu Shen saw the familiar wine jar, he hugged it directly in his arms without waiting for his servant to unseal it.

This wine was given by his daughter, who left two jars for him and his father before leaving Beijing.

Needless to say, his two altars, since there is no way to hide leftover steamed buns in the kennel, he drank them all long ago.

After drinking my own, I began to think about my father's two altars.

However, he tried his words many times, but he didn't even get a small cup.

Gu Yao stroked his white beard and glanced at his son.

"I want you to know, my two jars of wine have already turned into a bubble of urine to irrigate the flowers and plants outside."

Besides, these two altars of good wine are the granddaughter's filial piety to his grandfather, so why give him to drink them!

Gu Shen choked, "Based on the friendship between our father and son, what's the matter with drinking your order? You're so stingy!"

Gu Yao: "We are father and son in name, but we don't see each other a few times throughout the year. How can we talk about friendship? I might as well be familiar with the big yellow dog raised by the concierge."

"Besides, didn't you share those two jars of wine with your father?"

Gu Yao performed exceptionally well, and his poisonous tongue was absolutely amazing.

Gu Shen choked almost out of breath!
Listen, is this what a father should say!
What does it mean that he is not familiar with dogs, does it mean that he is not as good as a dog?
This is scolding him around the corner.

Gu Shenben is a dog-tempered person, even if his own father is facing him, he still can't bear it.

He slapped the table down.

"What is the father saying? Didn't the son finish the two jars long ago? Besides, you didn't open your mouth to ask the son for it!"

"Oh, then when Sister Nan gives you good wine next time, can you give half of it to the old man?"

Gu Shen said without hesitation: "Not good!"

Gu Yao: "..."

I want to beat you to death, you bastard!
Unfilial son.

Still the big yellow dog is caring.

Gu Yao rolled his eyes angrily.

Everyone couldn't help but laugh.

If not for the fact that both of them are elders, the younger ones might laugh and fall under the table.

Mrs. Gu also couldn't laugh or cry, she slapped her son on the back of the waist.

"Sister Nan and the others are all here, and they are not afraid of being laughed at by the younger generation."

Mrs. Gu really didn't understand how it was just a few jars of wine, so she had to rush to drink it.

She is not a drinker in the first place, and in addition to her poor health in recent years, she doesn't drink at all.

Even drinking is drinking some fruit wine.

Therefore, I was very curious about the difference between this wine and the others, which caused the father and son to break up with each other.

She thought for a while, then raised the empty cup in front of Gu Shen.

"My son, pour mother a cup and have a taste."

Gu Shen: "...Mom is not in good health, so don't drink."

There are only two altars, and one drink is one less.

My mother doesn't know how to drink, so drinking it is a waste.

"It's better to ask the servants to bring a few more jugs of fruit wine, so that mother can drink more."

Gu Yao also agreed after hearing the words.

"What Shen'er said is that this wine is too strong and not suitable for women to drink. It's better to drink some fruit bar. Our son is filial, so it's for your own good not to let you drink it."

After finishing speaking, he cast a kind and gratified look at Gu Shen.

Gu Shen: "Filial piety to parents is something a son should do, and my father has praised it absurdly."

Gu Yao: "Filial piety! You are worthy of being my father's darling."

Everyone: "..."

These fathers really don't want face because of drinking.

A moment ago, he was worse than a dog, but now he is a loving father and a filial son.

Mrs. Gu didn't have to drink this wine, seeing the father and son's heartache at this moment, she felt stubborn instead.

"I'm an old bone earning a living every day, so hypocritical, hurry up and fill me up!"

She had to drink it today!

Let's see who dares to stop!

Old and unrepaired!

Mrs. Gu glared at her husband.

Gu Yao: "..."

"Grandma's rheumatism hasn't healed yet, so she shouldn't drink alcohol, so don't drink this wine."

No one in the room dared to speak out, they couldn't do anything about this old ancestor.

Gu Nanyan dared to dissuade him.

Mrs. Gu was also angry at first, she was angry with her husband and son, and he was not even willing to give her a drink.

Hearing his granddaughter's words at this time, he also put down the wine cup.

"Forget it, it's my good grandson who is sensible and knows how to love me as an old woman, so grandma won't drink." Mrs. Gu obediently agreed.

After finishing speaking, she pulled a loving smile towards her good grandson.

Gu Shen:? ? ?
What is the difference between what he said just now and what sister Nan said.

Mother's heart was going to the creaking nest.

But fortunately, it's my own daughter who is partial, and it's still very happy to keep the good wine in her arms.

Mrs. Gu said she didn't want to drink, but today when her granddaughter came home, the family was so well together, so it was inevitable that she would lose interest if she didn't drink some wine to cheer her up.

Gu Nanyan saw it, thought for a moment and got up and left the front hall.

After a while, he came back with a wine jar in each hand.

"Daddy is right. Their wine is too strong and not suitable for us girls to drink. Grandma might as well try this."

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