The farmer has a mall

Chapter 891 Husband Misses You

Chapter 891 Husband Misses You
Mrs. Gu stared curiously at the wine jar in her granddaughter's hand.

She knew that Sister Nan of her family had a lot of good things in her hands, and what she could take out for an old woman like her must be extraordinary.

In this way, she looks forward to the altar in the hands of her granddaughter more than the altar in the hands of the unfilial son.

Seeing her grandmother's expectant face, Gu Nanyan smiled and poured a glass of champagne that had been repackaged for each of the people present.

"This wine is less intoxicating than fruit wine. It doesn't matter if grandma drinks a few more glasses."

Mrs. Gu nodded slightly, staring at the wine glass in her hand, watching the bubbles keep coming out of the glass, her eyes were more surprised.

She raised her glass slowly, and drank the light yellow liquid in the glass in one gulp.

The bubbles burst in the mouth, and the tingling, numb sensation filled the mouth instantly.

Mrs. Gu was taken aback and didn't dare to swallow it for a while.

Looking up and seeing the expectant look on her granddaughter's face, she bit the bullet and swallowed it.

Sweetness with the fragrance of fruit was pushed into the nasal cavity by the air bubbles, and Madam Gu's eyes lit up.

"My dear grandson, pour another cup for grandma!"

The novel Mrs. Gu looked like a child eating candy for the first time, she stretched her arms and leaned forward, looking at the wine jar with bright eyes.

Gu Nanyan pursed her lips and smiled, but there was something doting in her eyes.

She took the wine glass and poured another glass for Mrs. Gu.

Before she handed the cup back, Mrs. Gu picked it up first.

Drink again.

Seeing this, Gu Yunze and the others also raised their glasses one after another, and took a sip hesitantly.

Immediately conquered by the unique taste of champagne.

"What an interesting wine." Gu Congyuan praised.

Even though he has traveled abroad for many years, he has seen many rare things, and he has never drank such a unique wine.

"What's the name of this wine?" Gu Congyuan's heart moved slightly.

There are not many things that can arouse his interest, and this wine is the most among them.

"This wine is called... sparkling wine." Gu Nanyan said carefully.

It is difficult to explain the origin of the name directly for champagne, it is better to say that sparkling wine is appropriate and easy to understand.

Sure enough, Gu Congyuan nodded when he heard the words: "It's quite appropriate."

Then he asked again: "I don't know where my sister bought this wine, I will buy a few jars later."

Although Sister Nan said that this wine is suitable for women to drink, Gu Congyuan didn't care about it.

A good thing is a good thing, no matter what is for men and women.

Besides, there are mother and younger sister at home, so I can give them a taste when I buy it back.

Gu Nanyan couldn't say that he bought it from a mall, but after thinking about it, he said it was brewed by himself.

"This wine is not sold anywhere else, if you like it, I will bring you two jars back."

Noisy is noisy, Gu Congyuan has no malice towards her, and she is not a stingy woman.

Gu Congyuan smiled happily when he heard the words: "Sure enough, Sister Nan is still generous. Brother, thank you in advance."

Gu Nanyan curled her lips: "Didn't you think I'm worthless just now, seeing that the pig's knuckle can't walk?"

Gu Congyuan laughed and said, "What's the matter, my sister is the most generous and decent, I'm afraid you heard it wrong!"

Looking at his virtuous smile, Gu Nanyan didn't know how to reply to him.

After a long silence, she simply turned her head away from looking at him.

Spicy eyes.

Gu Shen saw that his mother drank two glasses of wine in a row, still looking unsatisfied, so he raised his glass curiously.

No matter how you look at this thing, it looks like a painting book mixed with poisonous poisonous wine...

Zi la la bubbling.

But my mother drank two cups and didn't see any discomfort. She should be able to drink...

He glanced cautiously at Old Madam Gu, and seeing that she was in high spirits, he raised his head and downed the wine in his glass.

After drinking it is also eye-catching.

"Girl, give Daddy an altar!"

Gu Shen directly asked for a whole jar, but he was not polite to his daughter at all.

Good wine!
Although it is not as full-bodied as the wine in his arms, it has a unique taste that makes people feel happy.

After Gu Shen finished speaking, he motioned to Gu Nanyan to give him the other altar, and he still held the altar in his arms tightly and did not let go.

He didn't even notice that his mother's face was darkened.

"Give me what, don't give it!" Mrs. Gu slapped the table.

"You have good wine, why are you here to grab the old woman's sparkling wine!"

Gu Shen choked, "How could it be the same... My son only needs one jar, why is my mother so stingy?"

Drinking alone is worse than having fun together, and my mother also loves to eat alone.

"The old lady is just stingy, what can you do!" Mrs. Gu's childish temper came up, and she refused to let Gu Nanyan give him the sparkling wine.

Gu Shen was helpless, and knew that his mother was angry at him for not giving her a drink from the jar in his arms.

This is angry.

"Why do you and my mother care about so much, if mother really wants to drink..." Gu Shen looked down at the wine jar, gritted his teeth, "Son, I'll just give you a glass."

Mrs. Gu: "..."

I can really thank you.

Give her a drink for half a day.

One cup is exchanged for one pot, so Nie Zi thinks she is stupid!
Old Mrs. Gu hehe: "I'm serious, I'm just like your father, I don't know you well, it's just mother and son on the surface."

So don't talk about mother-child relationship with her, hurt the wine!
After finishing speaking, he asked Gu Nanyan to put both wine jars in front of her.

Gu Shen:? ? ?
Why, in order to order wine, first his father broke up with him, and now his mother has become the most familiar stranger?
In this short period of time, he has become an orphan?
Will this family relationship be too unbearable to test!

Gu Shen died in depression, looking at his daughter eagerly.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

You see I'm useless.

She turned her face away, as if I don't know you and you don't look at me.

Gu Shen: "..."

very nice.

The girl is gone too.

A meal made a fuss for half the night, and by the time the family feast was over, it was already high in the sun.

It stands to reason that Gu Nanyan is already married, so he should return to the palace.

However, it was very hot outside tonight, so she didn't want to bother, so she sent someone to the palace early in the morning to spread the word that she was staying at Gu's house tonight.

Li Yi hadn't returned home when the boy sent the message, but Gu Nanyan thought that Steward Tao would tell someone to pass it on, so he didn't care.

Unexpectedly, when she returned to Tingfengyuan, when she opened the bedroom door, she saw Li Yi lying sideways on her bed.

Mr. Pianpian is only wearing his inner garment, which is half uncovered, and his eyes are like stars.

He looked at Gu Nanyan pitifully.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

"Why are you here? Why didn't you go to the front hall?" She glanced at the white chest opposite her, paused at a certain point, quickly looked away, and coughed lightly.

孽 孽!
Who did the dog man learn from? He doesn't talk about masculinity at all!

Look at that alluring little look.

Who can handle this?

Anyway, she couldn't bear it.

Gu Nanyan sniffed, feeling something hot in his nasal cavity ready to go.

"Madam doesn't come home at night, because my husband misses you, so I have to follow."

Li Yi hooked his thin red lips, and narrowed his fox eyes slightly.

"As for why you didn't go to the front hall...Of course I couldn't bear to disturb Madam's reunion with her family."

Although he is a son-in-law, his identity is a prince.

The Gu family is a courtier, if he appears, it will definitely make everyone uncomfortable.

He didn't want to spoil the atmosphere and disappoint his wife.

As Li Yi said, he got up slowly, and his clothes slid down his shoulders.

The scenery on the chest is infinitely good.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

The blood tank is empty.

(End of this chapter)

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