Seeing a disheveled prince walking straight towards him, Gu Nanyan burped.

"What are you doing, don't come here!"

I am still a child!
The corner of Li Yi's mouth twitched, he took her hand with a sullen face, pushed her down on the stool, and opened the stew pot in front of him.

"Drink some bird's nest porridge, the servant said you drank a lot."

He picked up a spoon to scoop out a small bowl, and pushed it to Gu Nanyan.

Gu Nanyan blinked, looked at the crystal clear bird's nest in the bowl, and then at Li Yi's half-opened skirt.

The reason for such a big battle is to let her drink a bowl of bird's nest?
Would it be too reckless?

"You didn't want to do something else?" She couldn't hold back her words.

Li Yi raised his eyebrows: "The old man often says that after drinking..." He paused.

"It's true."

Picking up the small bowl containing the bird's nest porridge, "Even if you covet this king's beauty again, you won't be able to do it today."

He took a spoonful of bird's nest porridge and handed it to Gu Nanyan's lips. After she ate it, he looked into her hazy eyes and continued:
"I don't want to be eaten up by you when you're drunk, what if you don't admit it the next day."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She was happy tonight, she drank a little too much, but it was not broken.

The dog man is really a villain at heart.

Gu Nanyan curled her lips and suddenly paused.

Is there something wrong?

It's obvious that he is tempting her, but how do you say it seems that she is coveting him?
It's quite slippery to play backwards!

She was a little annoyed, and pinched Li Yi's waist and eyes forcefully through her drunkenness.

"Hiss..." Li Yi almost threw the bowl in her face in pain.

"What are you pinching me for?"

This woman's attack is not serious, her waist must be blue!
Murder your husband?
"Who told you to wear so little?"

"You're going to pinch me if you wear too little?"

Li Yi was almost laughed angrily: "Then what will you do when you and I meet each other honestly, is it possible that you still want to strangle me?"

Gu Nanyan: "...That's not the case."

She is not a praying mantis, she will kill her husband to prove the truth after eating and wiping it off.

Thinking about it, she also knew how strong her hand was, and she was a little out of control after drinking, so the blow just now was probably not light.

Seeing that his painful face turned pale and he was still feeding her porridge, Gu Nanyan suddenly felt a little guilty.

" about you pinch it back?" She said and stretched out her arms.

He looked straight into Li Yi's eyes.

There was nothing in that look.

Anyway, there is a feeling that I will pinch you, but if you really pinch me, I will lose my face.

Li Yi: "..."

He twitched the corner of his mouth, "How can I be willing to..."

"It's fine if you don't want to."

Anyway, I didn't really pinch you.

I am not stupid.

Before he could finish speaking, Gu Nanyan withdrew his arm in a swish, as if he knew you.

Li Yi was speechless.

Since getting married, this girl's temperament has really become more and more... cuter!

Li Yi silently thought of his accustomed daughter-in-law, took a deep breath and finished feeding a bowl of bird's nest porridge with a smile on his face.

"By the way, Brother Huang said that sister Huang will be sent back to Dawan, and someone will tell King Dawan what she has done. He also deliberately emphasized the loss you have suffered. It is estimated that they will send you back soon. Send compensation."

Seeing that she did help Jiananguo through the marriage, the emperor did not punish Li Qing.

But in fact, if he really told King Dawan about these things, the now cautious King Dawan would not be able to withstand the pressure from a big country like Jianan.

If in the past he could have both ways and use Daliang to suppress this matter, but now that the three countries are in an alliance, unless Daliang doesn't want to mess around, it is absolutely impossible for Daliang to intervene in this matter.

Not to mention that Gu Nanyan was involved.

As the princess of Daliang, if Li Qing pitted her, it was equivalent to cheating Daliang.

Emperor Liang would only help Da Wan if he was stupid.

Not only won't help, maybe you have to step on two feet to vent your anger.

As a result, King Daguan had no way out and could only find ways to calm Jianan's anger.

Needless to say losing money, Li Mi intends to let Gu Nanyan earn more money, so he will definitely make her matter more serious.

In addition to losing money, groveling favors must also be indispensable.

Although the Daguan country is small, the king of Daguan is a king anyway, so he will not be suffocated to death in such a humble manner.

He was aggrieved, so don't think about the culprit of this matter.

It can be said that Li Qing is not a human this time.

Among other things, the position of princess will definitely be lost.

For Li Qing, who loves face very much, this is undoubtedly more uncomfortable than killing her.

Gu Nanyan is quite satisfied with Li Mi's decision.

Hearing that Li Qing will be sent back to the country tomorrow, it was rare for her not to stay up all night, and took a shower early to rest.

Leaving Li Yi there alone, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Early the next morning, Gu Nanyan got up without Yunxi calling her.

It was just dawn, and Li Yi was no longer in the house.

She didn't care where he went, she went out after a simple wash, and went straight to the city gate.

At this time, there were not many passers-by on the street, and the city gate was already opened, so she stood there with her head held high, with Yun Xi following behind her.

The general guarding the gate recognized who she was, stepped forward to say hello anxiously, and asked her if she had any orders.

Gu Nanyan waved his hand and asked him to do whatever he should.

"Why did you get up so early and wait here? If you have something to do, tell your servant to do it." Yun Xi couldn't bear to see her master yawning one after another.

"We are both princesses, but I just sympathize with Li Qing and come here to see her off." Gu Nanyan yawned.

Yun Xi didn't understand what she meant.

But she has always been what the master said, so she didn't ask too much, but bought her two hot buns from the stall outside the city gate.

Then he honestly waited with her.

After Gu Nanyan finished eating two buns, he heard the sound of wheels in the distance.

She looked up and saw a convoy of over a hundred people slowly approaching.

These hundreds of people are all wearing armor, and they should be the garrison of the capital.

There is a carriage in the middle of the team. The style of the carriage is slightly different from that of the Jianan Kingdom, and it has an exotic style.


Gu Nanyan swallowed the last bite of steamed stuffed bun, eagerly watching the carriage approach slowly.

The head of the team seemed a little surprised to see Gu Nanyan.

"Princess, why are you here?" the leader bowed respectfully and asked in puzzlement.

"I'm here to see off Miss Huang, may I let her get out of the car?" Gu Nanyan glanced at the chain on the car door and said with a smile.

"This..." The general was a little embarrassed.

The emperor has given thousands of orders not to release Li Qing's mother and daughter on the way until they reach the Daguan Palace.

lest anyone run away.

But he didn't dare to disobey Gu Nanyan's words.

Moreover, he had heard about the matter between this one and the one in the carriage.

The emperor asked him to send him back to Dawan, if this person came to seek revenge...

The general hesitated and said, "I don't know what's the matter with the princess?"

Gu Nanyan: "It's nothing serious, I just feel that Miss Huang's departure is far away, and I'm afraid we won't see each other again, so I'm here to say goodbye."

She saw the worry in the general's eyes, smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

Comfortingly said: "Don't worry, I just said a few words, it won't delay much time, and I will definitely not kill her."


Not comforted at all.

On the contrary, I am more worried!

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