The farmer has a mall

Chapter 893 Broken Leg

The general tremblingly opened the chain on the carriage and made a gesture of please.

"The emperor's life is here, Princess Daguan must be sent to Daguan alive, and I hope the princess... don't embarrass my subordinates."

The general was sweating profusely on his forehead, and he cursed himself for getting up late, if he set off before dawn, how could he meet this ancestor.

This is a good time, if the ancestors attack and beat the people in the car to death, how can he let him do business.

The general had no doubt that Gu Nanyan would do something, after all, his uncle was still lying in the palace.

I heard that Lord Gu Qing was covered in blood when he came back, if not for the timely rescue, today would be the day of burial.

This is a man who must pay back, the Gu family has suffered such a big loss, the general is really worried that she will kill someone.

Gu Nanyan raised his eyebrows, and glanced at the iron lock in his hand.

Li Mi is escorting Li Qing as a prisoner.

She didn't mean to get in the car.

"Bring people out."

After all, the old god is waiting.

The general did not dare to defy.

Li Qing's mother and daughter were dragged out of the car. The two described themselves as being in a panic, struggling a few times, trying to break free.

"Gu Nanyan, what do you want to do!" Li Qing's voice was stern.

"The emperor has agreed to send me back to Dawan, you dare to do anything to me?!"

This early in the morning, she didn't stay in bed, and ran to the gate of the city to block her, Li Qing felt that the other party had bad intentions.

She watched Gu Nanyan's actions vigilantly, a flash of fear flashed in her eyes, and at the same time blocked Jilan who was already stunned.

"Don't blame me for not warning you, if you dare to kill us, the emperor will definitely not let you go!"

She stared at Gu Nanyan with hatred.

If it wasn't for this slut, how could she have been found to have hooked up with Yang Guo.

She just wanted to save her daughter, why should she be treated like this!

Is it because of the injured Mr. Gu?
She is a princess and he is a subject, so what if she died to save her daughter, this is what a subject should do!
Li Qinghen's eyes turned red when he thought of the cold treatment he was about to encounter after returning to Daguan.

"Oh, so what if you don't let me go."

Gu Nanyan twitched the corner of his mouth and mocked, "Could it be possible to kill me?"

What Li Qing did was to put it mildly as an eagerness to save her daughter, but in fact it was collaborating with the enemy and treason!

Even if she beheaded him on the spot, she deserved to die.

If Li Mi blames her for this, then he is really hopeless.

What's more, Gu Nanyan felt that Li Mi was a little confused, but he was not so stupid that he could not distinguish right from wrong.

Li Qing sneered when he heard this.

Seeing more and more people watching around, he deliberately raised his voice and said, "Gu Nanyan, I know you are too courageous to ignore the emperor, and even your Gu family are rebellious ministers who don't know the dignity of the emperor."

Seeing the people whispering and pointing at them, Li Qing gradually became more courageous and showed a smug smile.

"But the emperor has issued a decree to send me and Jilan back safely. If you dare to disobey the holy order in front of so many people, are you afraid that the people will criticize you and label your Gu family as traitors?"

Gu Nanyan's appearance was recognized by many common people, and they were a little puzzled when they heard Li Qing's words.

"Who is this person, dare to yell at the princess?"

"It seems to be a princess too. Judging by her age, she should be the emperor's sister."

"No way, how could the emperor's sister be in such a mess? I saw her locked in the carriage just now."

"I know this. This is the one who married Dawan many years ago. Didn't you hear that she just said that she was going back to Dawan?"

"Yo, that's terrible, that heroine who saved my Jianan in the past, but why doesn't she seem to be incompatible with Princess Huguo?"

"This is not incompatible. I don't think there is any hatred. If not, why would the middle-aged princess say that our princess wants to kill her?"

"This... we believe in the character of the princess, but after all, it is the princess who saved us from the flames of war. What kind of hatred is there to be so..."

Hearing that someone in the crowd called himself a middle-aged princess, but called Gu Nanyan "our princess", Li Qing's face darkened visibly with the naked eye.

Then there was an expression of "what can you do to me, what do you dare to do to me".

Gu Nanyan was too lazy to talk nonsense with her.

He looked up at the sky and rubbed his belly again.

It's meal time, and the two buns were stuffed between the teeth just now.

"Then I'll let you see if I'm afraid or not."

Under the surprised eyes of Li Qing and the general, Gu Nanyan disappeared instantly.


There was a scream, accompanied by a tooth-piercing click.

Li Qing's legs were bent into a strange arc, and he threw himself on the ground.

Seeing this, the little Princess Jilan passed out with a creak.

No one thought that Gu Nanyan would do it as soon as he said it, without any prior reminder.

Even the escorting soldiers didn't respond.

Not to mention ordinary people.

Li Qing's wailing was louder than louder, and finally brought everyone back to their senses.

There were gasps one after another.

The onlookers subconsciously retreated two meters.

"You colluded with foreign enemies, intending to murder our soldiers, and even killed my uncle Gu Qing, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry. This is a capital crime."

Gu Nanyan looked down at Li Qing who was in pain and said indifferently: "The emperor is kind-hearted and values ​​the relationship between siblings, but I am cruel and merciless. Breaking your legs today is just a warning."

She spoke and glanced around at the people: "No matter what you have done for Jianan before, it is not a reason for you to collude with foreign enemies. If there is another time, I will guarantee you that Daguan will be destroyed!"

These words of hers sounded like she was speaking harshly, but in fact she clearly explained Li Qing's shady deeds.

The people suddenly realized when they heard the words.

"I see! This woman is a traitor!"

"Bah! What kind of traitor, you look down on the thief too much, and she has already married to Daguan, what kind of traitor, the old man is not in the same country as her!"

"What the old man said is that this kind of person deserves to be hacked to death, and he is not worthy of being my Princess Jianan. Our princess only broke her leg, which is considered cheap for her. Let her go back to Dawan!"

"Yes, let her go back to Dawan and get out of Jianan!"

"Go back to Dawan, get out of Jianan!"

"Get out of Jianan, get out of Jianan!"

The shouts of righteous indignation from the people echoed throughout the street, and they all stared angrily at Li Qing who was on the ground, and the princess Jilan who had already fainted.

Li Qing didn't care what others said at this time.

She looked at her two bent legs with shock and pain, her whole face was distorted in pain, she wished she could faint on the spot to escape the situation in front of her.

But Gu Nanyan didn't know what to eat the moment she kicked her leg, which made her faint even if she wanted to.

her legs!
Gu Nanyan actually dared to fight in front of so many people!

Has she lost her reputation?
At this moment, Li Qing regretted it endlessly.

Just now, she shouldn't have spoken out provocatively, and if she hurried out of the city, it would be fine.

How could she forget, this is a evil star!
Li Qing suddenly remembered what King Daguan had told her before.

"This son seems harmless but actually he is cruel. I love my concubine and have to deal with it carefully."

When she heard this, she felt that the other party was exaggerating.

She's just a woman, and she's married to her imperial brother, so how can she treat her as an imperial sister no matter how powerful she is?
Since ancient times, a woman has regarded her husband as her god. No matter how powerful she is outside, she still has to look at her brother's face when she returns home.

This was what Li Qing thought at the time.

At this moment, it is too late to regret!

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