The farmer has a mall

Chapter 894 This Is My Law

Chapter 894 This Is My Law

Gu Nanyan left after beating him.

Before leaving, Yunxi was asked to buy some buns.

It seems that he doesn't care about what happened just now and what consequences it will cause.

Before she left, Li Qing reluctantly yelled at her back: "Gu Nanyan, are you really lawless!"

Gu Nanyan didn't stop walking, and pointed to the crowd with her back turned.

"The sky is above my head. When the sky falls, I will support it. The law is in my heart. My heart makes me break your legs. This is my law."

Say it and walk away.

Li Qing's eyes widened in disbelief.

How could such arrogant words come from a woman's mouth.

Until Gu Nanyan's figure disappeared, Li Qing still couldn't get back to her senses, and the phrase "I'll stand up to it when the sky falls" kept lingering in her ears.

No wonder she dared to do it in front of so many people.

It seemed that no one in this world could hold her down.

How crazy!
While Li Qing was angry, he was also a little disappointed.

She is also a princess, why is she so cautious in her life, but Gu Nanyan is as willful as a fairy.

Is it because she has willful confidence?

Only now did Li Qing clearly see the gap between her and Gu Nanyan.

Not only her, but the surrounding people also looked at the direction in which Gu Nanyan disappeared in admiration.

This is their princess, the pillar of their Jianan!

One day with her, Jianan Kingdom will surely prosper and be passed down forever...

The people spontaneously bowed down one after another, and their voices were endless.

"Go get a doctor." The general in charge of sending each other ordered his subordinates.

The subordinate was a little hesitant: "Boss, should we go to the palace and ask the imperial doctor for diagnosis and treatment?"

Princess Daguan's leg injury is not serious, ordinary doctors may not have such good medical skills.

"Just look for it from the nearby medical clinic." The general shook his head, looked down at Li Qing and squinted his eyes, "It's good to save my life."

It would be embarrassing for the royal family, Li Mi did not reveal Li Qing's collusion with the Yang Kingdom.

Therefore, those who escorted her did not know why she was escorted back to Dawan by the emperor in the name of escort, and they were respectful to her along the way.

Knowing what she has done at this moment, how can there be even half a respectful heart.

Especially this general, his cousin was on the ship that accompanied Gu Yunge on the expedition, and he still doesn't know his life or death. He hated Li Qing's behavior of helping the enemy to plot against his own people.

Anyway, the emperor only said to let them send Li Qing back to Dawan safely. There can be many kinds of "safety".

It can be unscathed, or it can only save its life.

There are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom, and the generals can be said to be well versed in it.


When Gu Nanyan returned to Tingfengyuan, Li Yi was already waiting in the yard.

The hair on his forehead was somewhat water-stained, and his body exuded the fragrance of soap locust, obviously he had just bathed.

Li Yi got up early every day to practice swordsmanship for a while, so he should have just come back from the backyard.

"Where did you go?" Li Yi asked.

People who usually don't get up until the sun is not bright, got up so early today.

It is strange.

"I went to the gate of the city to see off your imperial sister." Gu Nanyan said lightly.

Li Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded calmly, without saying anything.

Seeing him like this, Gu Nanyan was a little curious.

"You don't ask me why I sent her off?"

"Then why did you send her off?" Li Yi took a sip of his tea and asked very carelessly.

Gu Nanyan: "...Go and break her legs."

Li Yi: "Oh."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

It's gone?
Seeing his daughter-in-law looking at him all the time, Li Yi thought for a while and realized that he should say something.

He asked worriedly, "Does your hand hurt?"

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

"I kicked it with my feet!"

Li Yi: "Does that foot hurt?"

Gu Nanyan's expression was blank.

"It's not paper, how can it hurt if you kick it."

You are kicking, your legs are broken by others!

The corner of Long Yi's mouth twitched when he came to the door.

Then I saw my master smiled gratifiedly: "It's fine if it doesn't hurt, if you feel uncomfortable, let Long Yi enter the palace and ask the imperial doctor to take a look."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

Long Yi: "..."

Your obsession is boundless.

If Princess Daguan hears your words, I'm afraid she will get angry!

"Master, someone came from the front yard, saying that he is asking the concubine to come over after breakfast."

It was the nanny next to the old lady who came to deliver the message, and she was shocked when she saw him standing at the gate of the courtyard.

Long Yi rubbed his nose, raised his eyes to look at his master.

The master insisted on sneaking into the concubine's boudoir in the middle of the night, and he didn't know how to say hello to the elders.

Although they are already married, but this is at the princess's natal home, sneaking around like an affair.

If the concubine is scolded for a while, it is also the master's fault.

No wonder he.


There are not so many rules in the general's house, Mrs. Gu rarely asks the younger generation to pay her respects, and rarely invites her over.

Gu Nanyan thought something was wrong, so he ate a few casual mouthfuls and went to the front hall with Li Yi.

"But what's the matter with Uncle?" She raised her voice and asked before entering the door.

It stands to reason that the medicines she left for Gu Qing were all the best, so there shouldn't be any problems.

"Your uncle is very good. Someone came to the palace early this morning, saying that your uncle was awake last night, so let us rest assured." Mrs. Gu smiled.

"Let your aunt come into the palace to see him later, and bring your uncle some clothes for a change."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Yi: "The lord is here, are you still used to sleeping last night?"

She also just heard about Li Yi's stay in the mansion.

I was a little surprised at first, but after thinking about it, I felt relieved.

Although it was against the rules for Prince Cheng to jump over the wall in the middle of the night regardless of his status, he could see that the young couple had a good relationship.

"If you go back to grandma, Gu's mansion has a pleasant view, the high bed and soft pillows in the mansion, Yi slept very well last night." Li Yi said softly.

Gu Nanyan almost rolled her eyes.

This guy came here last night when it was dark, if he wanted to sneak into other people's mansions in the middle of the night, he wouldn't go around admiring the scenery with great fanfare.

Where did the words pleasant scenery come from?

Besides, the bed in her room was custom-made, and with the thick bedding, it could barely be regarded as a high bed, but where did the soft pillow come from?
Her pillow was not high, and because it was used in a boudoir, it was only enough for one person. He slept on his arm last night.

Don't write a draft when you lie, you're a big talker!

Gu Nanyan complained secretly.

Mrs. Gu was very happy.

"That's good. If you like this place, it's okay to stay for a few more days." She looked at Li Yi kindly, and couldn't be more satisfied with this grandson-in-law.

"That's why you're welcome. It just so happens that my mansion is being repaired, so I came to bother the mansion for a few days, as long as grandma doesn't find me annoying." Li Yi climbed along the pole and slipped away.

"I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it." The creases in the corners of Old Madam Gu's eyes burst into laughter.

What a child, humble and kind, without any of the stinking problems of royal children.

"You can stay here at ease. Later, I will ask the nanny to send you two new beds. If there is anything missing, just tell grandma, and grandma will prepare it for you."

Perhaps it was because of the intergenerational relatives, although Old General Gu was quite polite to Li Yi, but he was not as sincere as the old lady who cared about Li Yi.

Li Yi is also good at talking, and with a few words, Mrs. Gu can't stop laughing from ear to ear.

The two performed a scene of deep love between grandparents and grandchildren.

Gu Nanyan curled her lips, seeing Li Yi smiling like a flower, her eyes almost rolled to the back of her head.

The dog man and the beauty trick were all used on her grandmother.

"I don't know why grandma called her granddaughter here?"

Gu Nanyan couldn't speak for a long time, watching her grandmother grabbing Li Yi and not letting go, finally took the opportunity to ask a question.

look at me look at me!

I am your dear old grandson!

Gu Nan was filled with smoke, and gave Li Yi a vicious look.

(End of this chapter)

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