The farmer has a mall

Chapter 898 Promotion

Chapter 898 Promotion
Although the Zhenbei Navy Battalion belongs to the Zhenbei Army, it is an independent team.

Not to mention his mighty strength, his status in the court has also been rising steadily. In less than two years, he has made two great achievements and defeated the enemy.

As a rising star, the future of the Zhenbei Navy can be seen.

Coupled with the fact that Gu Yunge was the main general and was arranged by Gu Nanyan, who held a heavy weapon, he naturally became the focus of everyone's attention.

Anyone who wants to make a bright future for their children would not want to send their children to work under Gu Yunge, and take the opportunity to board this big ship that is about to skyrocket.

Gu Yao looked at his eldest grandson with a smile.

Ever since he became the commander of the Navy Battalion, Xu Shi has realized the weight of his responsibilities. His grandson is much more stable than before, and his aura is much fiercer than his peers.

"You also know that although the navy battalion is still under the jurisdiction of Zhenbei, it is independent from the Zhenbei Army, and general affairs such as recruiting soldiers are not under the control of the old man." Gu Yao said.

"Prime Minister Sun is afraid that he will discuss these matters with the old man's grandson."

Sun Shuyu was startled, and followed Gu Yao's gaze.

Seeing that Gu Yunge was frowning, he didn't know what he was thinking.

To be honest, he really couldn't bear to beg a junior, so he spoke to General Gu.

Who would have thought that people would throw the question back without saying a word.

Sun Shuyu was a little embarrassed, secretly thinking that Gu Yao was an old fox.

He has just been promoted to the position of prime minister, if he begs a younger generation to do something in front of so many colleagues today, wouldn't it be embarrassing?
Even if Gu Yunge agreed to his request on the spot, then everyone would know that he owed Gu Yunge a favor.

Sun Shuyu was a little reluctant, but thinking about his family's situation, if he didn't give his youngest son a good future, the Sun family would decline after him.

He is in his late forties this year, and it will only be a decade or so before he retires. He can't guarantee that he will encounter such a good opportunity within ten years.

Sun Shuyu pondered for a moment, and just about to grit his teeth regardless of face, Gu Yunge said with a smile: "The Zhenbei Marine Division is employing people, and the Prime Minister's beloved son is willing to join, so Yunge naturally wants it."

When Sun Shuyu heard this, his complexion improved a lot.

Knowing that Gu Yunge was passing him the ladder, he sighed in his heart that the Gu family was well educated, and took the initiative to answer the conversation for fear that he would lose face.

He hehe twice, and nodded kindly.

"Nephew, just don't make things difficult."

"It's not embarrassing, but it's not embarrassing." Gu Yunge smiled, glanced at everyone present, and changed his voice.

"However, the Prime Minister should know that there are as many people who want to enter the Zhenbei Navy now as there are crucian carp crossing the river, but the vacancies in the camp are limited. If you want to enter the camp, you must go through many tests. I hope that the Prime Minister will forgive me."

"It should be." Prime Minister Sun said cheerfully.

His youngest son didn't dare to say anything else, he was quite talented in marching and fighting, and he had some unique insights, so he wasn't worried about the assessment or anything.

Just give his son a chance.

Sun Shuyu's expression was slightly relaxed, and his eyes drifted to the opposite side of the screen again.

There are countless people who want to follow this man.

However, she never formed a clique in the court, and she never even participated in the banquet held in the back house of the capital. She didn't even give a chance to contact, which really made people bald.

Fortunately, there is still Gu Yunge as a bridge. As long as his son is a little bit more aggressive, he can be regarded as having an indirect relationship with her.

Seeing that Sun Shuyu did not ask him to forcibly accept the heirs in the family, Gu Yunge also heaved a sigh of relief.

Or my sister had the foresight.

Before the banquet started, his sister told him not to open the back door, otherwise there would be endless troubles in the future.

If everyone wants to use their connections to enter the Zhenbei Navy Camp, wouldn't all his subordinates become connections?
It's okay to have some skills, but if the dandies who are dawdling in their lives are also recruited, not to mention that it is difficult to manage, the strength of the Zhenbei Navy will be greatly pulled down.

At that time, don't talk about defending the family and the country, if there is no civil strife, it will be a high incense.

So my sister gave him an idea, asking him to add a threshold and pass the assessment to enter the Zhenbei Army.

I have to say that this method is really good.

Seeing Prime Minister Sun open his mouth, the rest of the officials who had this intention also recommended their heirs.

They were all blocked by him with the assessment.

Gu Yao glanced at him appreciatively.

Although he knows that this idea may not be the idea of ​​his old-fashioned grandson.

However, he was very satisfied with being able to deal with these court ministers who were much higher than him in such a calm manner.

Some people are happy and some are worried.

Although the assessment gives an opportunity, it may not pass but it depends on one's ability.

On the third day after Gu Yao's birthday, Gu Yunge organized a competition.

There is no threshold for this competition, even ordinary people can participate.

There were more than a hundred people who participated in it, just the children of Xungui.

The day of the assessment can be described as a sea of ​​people, which shows the fierce competition.

Those who passed were naturally the best among them, and those who failed could only blame themselves for not studying hard on weekdays, and returned home dejectedly.

Gu Yunge is solely responsible for this matter.

During this period, he came to look for Gu Nanyan. Since it was the first time he was in charge of such an important matter, he had no idea and wanted his sister to come up with a charter.

But he didn't expect that Gu Nanyan couldn't stop being a hands-off shopkeeper, and even picked a restaurant with the best view to watch the competition, and let people set up a gamble, earning a lot of money.

The Gu family can't laugh or cry.

At the same time very moving.

Especially Guo Shi.

She told this matter to Gu Qing who was taken home to recuperate, and Gu Qing analyzed that her niece was suspected of deliberately letting go of training her son.

It seems that he intends to hand over the navy battalion to his son.

Although the chief general of the first army is under the banner of the Zhenbei Army, he must have an official position above the third rank to be able to afford it.

My niece is going to support her brother!

Sure enough, shortly after the end of the competition, the emperor issued a reward, giving Gu Yunge the title of a third-rank Zhengyang general.

Of course, Gu Nanyan was not left behind.

In order to think about what reward to give her, Li Michou didn't eat for three days.

Gu Nanyan took the lead in defeating the Yanguo fleet this time, so he deserves to be promoted.

But now she is the eldest princess and part-time prince concubine, and if she goes up, she can only usurp his position.

The point is that the little girl is very special, she doesn't even want to give the fief, and after much deliberation, she can only give some affordable gold, silver and jewelry.

This made Li Mi worry.

Although Gu Yunge stopped the hundreds of warships of the Yang Kingdom with the strength of one boat, the warship he led was seriously damaged.

In Gu Nanyan's words, it is a major repair!
Because of this, he still owes her a huge debt, where can he get a reward?

Li Misi had no clue, and was worried about losing her hair every day, and her hairline moved back visible to the naked eye.

In the end, he had no choice but to endure the pain in his heart, while lamenting that Gu Nanyan was really a money-burning thing, and at the same time, desperately ordering people to give her all the little family property that he had managed to save in the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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