The farmer has a mall

Chapter 899 Cui Yao wants to get married

After staying at Gu's house for a few more days, Gu Nanyan followed Li Yi back to Prince Cheng's mansion.

Butler Tao happily welcomed them into the mansion. Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar room, Li Yi sighed a little.

Before getting to know Yanyan, he didn't go back to his home very often, he was either out fighting or on business throughout the year.

For him, the mansion is just a place to stop by.

After getting married, he thought that he had a wife after all, and he should take good care of his small family, so he pushed back a lot of errands given to him by his brother Huang, thinking about spending more time with his wife at home.

Who would have thought that this guy from his family was more troublesome than him, and he could count on one hand the days he stayed at home after getting married.

If his wife is not at home, this place is meaningless to him, and he can only run around behind his wife.

This mansion seems to have become a decoration.

Li Yi hooked the corner of his mouth, looked at Gu Nanyan who was checking the accounts, and said softly, "Did Cui Yao send you the account book?"

Gu Nanyan was calculating an account, when she heard the words, she hummed, and took a pen to write down a number in the booklet.

Seeing that she didn't even look at him, Li Yi sat next to her and poured a cup of tea in front of her.

Then he took another cup and poured himself a cup.

Then he asked casually: "I heard that Cui Yao is getting married, and he is marrying a girl from the household minister's family. What gift do you plan to give him?"

Gu Nanyan was checking the account book, and didn't think about what he said at first, but when he realized it, he paused and raised his head in surprise.

"Cui Yao is getting married?"

"I do not know how?"

He didn't mention it when he came to deliver the account book just now.

Gu Nanyan frowned.

"Who did you listen to, could you make a mistake?"

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be, given the relationship between her and Cui Yao, if that guy wants to get married, he will definitely tell her.

With his obsession with money, he had no choice but to take the opportunity to hit himself hard.

But just now he just glanced at her hesitantly, then put down the account book and left in a hurry.

She only thought that business was good recently, and he had other things to do.

Are you busy with your marriage?
Li Yi was a little surprised. He originally thought that the two had known each other for so long, and his daughter-in-law should have known about it long ago.

Unexpectedly, she was even more surprised than herself.

The corners of Li Yi's mouth curled up almost invisibly.

It seems that their relationship is not so good!

"There's nothing wrong with it. Butler Tao received a post about the Cui family's wedding banquet, and it will be on the third day of next month."

Today is June [-]st, less than half a month away.

Feeling that the weather was a little hot, Li Yi took out a folding fan from the cabinet in a good mood, sat next to Nanyan and fanned her: "I have asked Butler Tao to prepare a congratulatory gift, and I added [-]% more according to the etiquette. Do you want to go and see?" He asked tentatively.

Gu Nanyan fell silent when he heard the words, put down his pen and rubbed the center of his brows.

"Then go and have a look. Cui Yao has been with me for so many years, and his love is different from others... Adding [-]% ​​is still too little."

Gu Nanyan felt that Cui Yao must have seen that he was too busy recently, so he didn't have the nerve to mention this in front of her.

But if he didn't mention it, it doesn't mean she can pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Congratulatory gifts are to be given, but they cannot be given according to the etiquette system of each family.

Although Cui Yao works under her, the relationship between the two is no different from brother and sister.

Hearing what she said, Li Yi felt somewhat disgusted.

But thinking that she was already his, and Cui Yao was about to marry a wife, he suppressed his jealousy.

"Whatever Madam says, I will listen to you for my husband." Li Yi said sweetly.

Gu Nanyan gave him a sideways glance, and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he heard his slick tone.

Thinking about Cui Yao's marriage, she can't stand the account book anymore.

After thinking about it, she turned and went back to the inner room.


What Cui Yao was going to marry was the prostitute's daughter of the Minister of the Household Department. The two got married through the words of a matchmaker, and within a few days they set the date of marriage.

Seeing his son, who has become more and more stable this year, standing in the yard, staring at the pomegranate tree in full bloom, he was in a daze, and he didn't even see the guest list handed to him by the servants.

Cui Yanping, who rushed back from the border to attend his son's wedding banquet, sighed.

He patted his fearful son on the shoulder, "Why are you so absorbed in your thoughts?"

Cui Yao came back to his senses after hearing the sound, but he didn't look back at his father.

"I'm looking at this tree." Cui Yao's expression was a little dazed.

"What's so good about a tree?" Cui Yanping asked.

"It's nothing... I just thought that when Nan Yan got married, the jade pomegranate I gave her was carved after this tree in the courtyard."

Thinking of the obvious joy in Gu Nanyan's eyes when he received his gift, Cui Yanping curled his lips.

That girl has always been greedy for money, so she must like his gift very much.

Otherwise, she who seldom smiles would not show such a happy expression.

"Actually, I originally wanted to give her a jade pomegranate tree half the height of a person, but unfortunately her marriage was too sudden and I couldn't find the right jade material, so I made it the size of a palm."

I don't know if she would regret getting married so soon if she found out.

Cui Yao couldn't help laughing when thinking of her heartbroken look every time she felt that she was at a disadvantage.

Laughing and laughing, I can't laugh anymore.

"Father, is the son wrong?"

He should have found out sooner, earlier that he had...

Or the ending will be different.

Cui Yanping felt uncomfortable when he noticed the bitterness in the corner of his son's mouth.

It was he who neglected his son. He had been fighting outside all these years and did not bring his son with him, so that the good boy became a well-known playboy in Beijing.

Fortunately, he met Gu Nanyan later, and his son got on the right track and started his own career.

Although this career was not in his mind at first.

But looking at his son who is now imposing, able to take on important responsibilities, and manage more than a hundred shops in the Three Kingdoms at the same time, he feels very fortunate.


Fortunately, I met Gu Nanyan at the beginning.

Otherwise, my son might not be able to stand up until now.

He sincerely thanked Gu Nanyan, not only because she agreed to sell him the city defense artillery and military trucks.

Also because of her increasingly promising son.

Cui Yanping was silent for a long while, before deliberating: "Wangfei has been married to the prince for a long time, even though the property under her name is her own, it is not easy for outsiders to manage it."

"Why don't you go back and return the management rights of the store in your hands to the princess, and let her find someone from the palace to take over..."

Seeing his son standing there without saying a word, Cui Yanping thought that he was not willing to give up the business.

He hurriedly promised: "Don't worry, if you really like doing business, father can hand over all the shops under his name to you, and he will never stop you again."

Changing the environment might make my son feel better.

When Cui Yao heard this, his tall and straight back froze.

Then he opened his mouth, wanting to say that he manages these shops very well, and he is already familiar with the operation, so a sudden change of management might cause trouble.

But thinking of what his father said was not unreasonable, he shut up.

He didn't mind helping her manage the store for the rest of his life.

But he doesn't care, it doesn't mean that the prince doesn't care.

If it makes things difficult for her and leads to disharmony between husband and wife, it's better for him to be sensible and let go.

It's too easy to wait for her to speak, and then run away in despair.

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