The third day of July.

The day Cui Yao got married.

The weather is beautiful, and the originally hot weather has suddenly cooled down a lot.

In the Cui Mansion, Cui Yanping was dressed in a festive maroon robe, sitting in the hall in high spirits to entertain the guests.

"General Cui is very lucky. I heard that Mr. Zhou's daughter, Wen Jian, is a good hand in managing the house. The general will be blessed in the future."

"More than that, the girl from the Zhou family is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is also good at poetry. She is one of the talented women in the capital. She is sought after by nobles from various families in the capital. It is really enviable that she won the prize in the noble mansion. "

"That's really good. After the two get married, the young couple will have nothing to do to talk about Fengyue, reciting poems and composing poems. The relationship will definitely be better than that of ordinary couples."

"That's right. Mr. Cui's methods of earning money are endless, and Miss Zhou helps him manage his money in the back house. The two of them complement each other very well."

The guests praised one after another, and Cui Yanping stroked his beard and smiled, obviously very satisfied with this marriage.

"Everyone is absurd, the dog is very incompetent, and he has not been a famous official. It is thanks to the daughter of the Zhou family who does not dislike him and is willing to marry him. It is the blessing of that stinky boy for several lifetimes." Cui Yanping laughed.

He would agree to this marriage because of the ability of Zhou's daughter's housekeeper.

As the daughter of the Minister of the Household Department, influenced by her father since she was a child, she is particularly sensitive to money figures, and coupled with Mrs. Zhou's intentional training, she is indeed better at managing accounts than ordinary boudoir girls.

He thought, since his son likes business, it is necessary to marry him a good wife who can help him.

What's more, the other party is the daughter of a senior member of the court, and she is also a good match in terms of identity.

"General Cui is too modest. In my opinion, your son has the demeanor of a general when he was young. Although he has never been an official in the court, he has achieved something else."

"I heard that your son is resolute in his business methods, and he does things vigorously, but he has helped that person a lot." said the household servant.

Although scholars, farmers, businessmen, and businessmen have the lowest status, it depends on who they follow!

Although Cui Yao was obsessed with business, standing behind him was Gu Nanyan, the eldest princess of the Jianan Kingdom, who would dare to underestimate him?

That one didn't pay attention to anyone, looking at the entire Jianan Kingdom, I only heard that she had a better relationship with Cui Yao.

Therefore, everyone did not take Cui Yanping's modest words seriously.

Cui Yanping smiled brighter when he heard this.

The most correct thing that brat did in his life was to make friends with Gu Nanyan.

Not only did it provide him with convenience in terms of weapons, so that his Pingnan army would not lag behind the Zhenbei army too much, but it also made his road in the middle of the court smoother.

The most obvious is military spending.

Before his son got acquainted with Gu Nanyan, it was extremely difficult for him to obtain military expenses, and every time he had to deal with the idiots from the household department for a long time to get some military expenses.

It's good now, ever since Gu Nanyan's status has risen steadily, everyone knows that his son is on good terms with him, and when asking for military expenses, he no longer has to urge him repeatedly.

Cui Yanping glanced at the servant of the household department in an unclear manner.

Of course, from today onwards, he and the household department have become grasshoppers on the same rope, and military expenditure is even less of a problem.

Maybe Zhou Shangshu could grant him some extra quota, so that he could buy more steam trucks.

"Chi." A discordant voice sounded in the joyful atmosphere.

"No matter how nice it sounds, he is just a businessman. The elder brother was born in the general family, but he is not afraid of the world's vision and finds a new way. It is really impressive."

The atmosphere in the room was suddenly suffocated.

Everyone looked towards the source of the voice.

I saw a man in brocade clothes holding a wine glass with a look of disdain.

Cui Yanping also looked over, the smile on his face couldn't hold back.

"Ruiyang, what are you doing here instead of going to the front to greet guests!"

"Father Mingjian, my son has caught cold in the past few days and is not feeling well, so my aunt asked him to wait in the house."

Although Cui Ruiyang looked down on Cui Yao, he still respected this father very much.

Respectfully got up to answer, and at the end he did not forget to show his father a respectful smile.

Seeing that the concubine's attitude is good, although Cui Yanping is dissatisfied with him dismantling his brother's platform, it is not good for him to train the concubine in public on these days.

He calmed down, and asked in a deep voice, "Have you invited a doctor?"

It felt inappropriate to ask the question.

Today is Yao'er's big day, it's not auspicious to invite a doctor into the house.

So he quickly changed his words: "Since you are not feeling well, don't stay here, go back to your own yard and have a good rest."

Cui Ruiyang pursed his lips, his eyes were gloomy.

He just said something casually, and he didn't say clearly that his elder brother was bad, so his father wanted to drive him back.

Really eccentric!
Cui Ruiyang felt a headache when he thought that his elder brother, who was not as good as himself in everything, was now in high spirits and even married the daughter of a Shangshu family.

Although he is a concubine, he is very knowledgeable, and he even passed the Juren examination last year.

If you don't want to go further, wait to participate in the imperial examination next year, and strive for a Jinshi, you can already enter the court as an official.

But even so, the father still favors the elder brother.

Let the mother tell the elder brother about the daughter of the Shangshu family, but she only shows him the daughter of the fourth and fifth rank officials.

Just because he is a concubine!
Cui Ruiyang was very unwilling, and could hardly bear to question his father on the spot.

But he also knew how important today's occasion was. If he really questioned him, he might offend his father.

He suppressed the emotions in his heart, forced a smile and said, "It's the son's fault for worrying the father."

"However, my aunt already hired a doctor for my son yesterday, and I have taken a few doses of medicine today. How can I not come to my elder brother's wedding because of such a trivial matter? Wouldn't it hurt the brotherhood between me and my elder brother?"

After finishing speaking, he coughed lightly and frowned as if he was holding back something.

"Father, don't worry, your son is fine."

Cui Yanping saw how he insisted on going to his brother's wedding, although he was a little dissatisfied, he didn't continue to push him away.

"Stay well in the room over there. If your throat is uncomfortable, don't talk nonsense, so as not to aggravate your condition." He warned.

Cui Ruiyang hurriedly responded.

Was he a little unwilling? He glanced at the guests present with different expressions, hesitated for a moment and said: "I heard that elder brother personally delivered a post to Prince Sheng's mansion, and now almost all the guests have come, but Prince Sheng and his wife have not yet arrived. Don't miss the auspicious time."

"Why don't you send someone to the palace to remind you, son?"

Cui Yanping frowned, looked at the sky outside and muttered, "Maybe there is something delaying."

Gu Nanyan still thinks highly of her own brat, it's impossible not to miss such a big event as her son's marriage, at most it will be later.

But just in case, he still gave everyone a vaccination.

He waved his hand to Cui Ruiyang and said: "There's no need to rush, the prince and the concubine are busy with their affairs, maybe they got stuck, and it's possible that they won't be able to come."

"Father said yes, but just now my son just came from the front, and I didn't see the congratulatory gift from Prince Sheng's Mansion on the gift list..."

Cui Ruiyang's eyes flashed.

Generally speaking, if a good friend cannot show up for something, they will send a housekeeper to send a congratulatory gift to explain the reason.

Even if something happened late, people would send congratulatory gifts to the mansion in advance as a show of respect.

It will never be silent.

Unless the gift from the other party is too expensive, or the gift is too much, it can only appear at the finale, so as not to block other guests from entering the table.

However, this kind of situation is very rare. Most people give gifts according to the etiquette system, and they will not be too outstanding, so as not to cause dissatisfaction from other guests.

Of course, if the relationship between the two is very close, it is not unheard of.

However, Cui Ruiyang didn't think that the friendship between his elder brother and Gu Nanyan was so good.

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