Because his father valued Cui Yao, Cui Ruiyang paid more attention to his eldest brother than his father, and often inquired about his whereabouts.

Therefore, he knew that although the elder brother worked under Prince Cheng, the two of them rarely met, sometimes only once or twice a year.

Friendships are all out of place, just like he and his friends, they always have a few drinks a month, or go to a teahouse to sit and exchange feelings.

It doesn't matter whether it's true or false, but the way they get along is the correct way to open up a true friendship.

Instead of seeing each other a little more throughout the year and at the end of the year like the elder brother and Princess Sheng.

Cui Ruiyang consciously saw the relationship between the two of them, and smiled smugly in front of his dissatisfied father.

In the past, my father was very dissatisfied with my eldest brother, often beating and scolding him because he caused troubles outside for three days.

On the other hand, he himself was a filial son, filial to his father and respectful to his mother, humble, motivated, diligent and studious, which formed a world of difference from his eldest brother.

In sharp contrast, my father was extremely disappointed with my elder brother.

I paid more attention to him and my aunt.

But ever since the eldest brother followed Gu Nanyan and practiced that low-level business way, his father's attitude has changed!
Not only did he never stop the elder brother who smelled like a stinky man from being with businessmen, and humiliated their General Pingnan's mansion, but he also encouraged him to work well with Princess Sheng, and even gave him money to invest in the property under the name of the princess.

Under the ebb and flow, his father's attitude towards him and his aunt became increasingly indifferent.

Cui Ruiyang clenched his fist, almost overflowing with resentment.

He didn't understand why his father's attitude towards him was not as good as that of his elder brother, even if he was the one to win glory for his father!

Seeing that Cui Yanping frowned, as if dissatisfied with Gu Nanyan's behavior of not even sending a congratulatory gift, Cui Ruiyang continued to add fuel to the fire.

He hesitated and said: "Brother is straightforward, and he only speaks and acts according to his own mood. This is not a bad thing in the first place."

"It's just that the concubine has a noble status and a straightforward personality. My son is afraid that my elder brother will accidentally offend someone with his words without knowing it, which will cause the palace to turn against us."

Hearing this, Cui Yanping frowned even tighter.

He wasn't dissatisfied because Gu Nanyan didn't send a congratulatory gift.

That girl is very aggressive, but she also has a clear sense of grievances and grievances. Even if Yao'er offends her, it will be fine in a few days based on her friendship with her son.

But now she is the princess of the palace, if her son really offends her, she can ignore it, but Prince Cheng may not be willing to take it lightly.

Cui Yanping thought for a while, and glanced at the banquet hall where the atmosphere was obviously not as lively as before. Although he was dissatisfied with the concubine's mention of this matter in public, he still attracted the butler to ask.

Everyone here came to the wedding banquet, firstly because of Cui Yanping's face, and secondly because they knew the relationship between Cui Yao and Gu Nanyan, so they came here specially to get acquainted.

Now that I heard that Gu Nanyan didn't even send a congratulatory gift, she suddenly fell silent.

It seems that they think highly of General Cui's son.

That's right, after all, men and women are different, and the friendship between the two can be so good.

Probably just an employment relationship.

Otherwise, how could he not show up on such an important day? It doesn't matter.

The minds of the guests began to float, and they looked at Cui Yanping with a lot of meaning.

It's true that Cui Yanping is a great general, but that one has more people than him.

It seems that they need to be cautious in their dealings with General Pingnan's Mansion in the future!
Cui Yanping was so keen, how could he not know the twists and turns of these people below, his face suddenly sank.

It's all a bunch of snobs!

He let out a sigh of relief.

Anger is all about anger, he is still quite worried about whether his son really offended Gu Nanyan.

Among other things, their Pingnan Army still needs to buy military trucks!

You can't offend others at this time.

Otherwise, how would he explain to the soldiers!
He stood up, cupped his hands to the guests, and said, "Everyone, have some drinks first, I'm going to go back soon."

After speaking, he strode out the door.

Everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay, and immediately followed.

Seeing this, Cui Ruiyang raised the corners of his mouth coldly, drank the wine in his glass, and followed everyone to the front yard in a good mood.

Mrs. Su, the housewife, was accompanying her son to welcome guests at the door.

Seeing her husband coming in a hurry, she hurried forward: "Why did the master come out?"

Cui Yanping waved his hand, ignored Mrs. Su's words, passed him and walked directly towards Cui Yao.

Madam Su froze, her embroidered eyebrows immediately raised.

Cui Ruiyang's aunt stood behind her, seeing that the master didn't even look at Mrs. Su, a smug smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

What happened in the banquet hall was reported by the maid, so she naturally knew why the master came to the front yard.

But she didn't say anything in front of the guests, just waiting for a good show with a half-smile.

"Have you delivered the post from the palace?"

Cui Yanping pulled his son who was dressed in a bright red wedding dress aside and asked in a low voice.

Cui Yao lowered his eyes: "It's delivered."

"You delivered it yourself?"

"I delivered it myself."

"Then why haven't the prince and concubine come yet!" Cui Yanping asked seriously.

He just glanced at the gift list, and it was indeed as the concubine said, the palace didn't even send a congratulatory gift.

Cui Yao didn't speak.

Actually...he didn't want her to come.

Therefore, when sending the invitation a few days ago, instead of handing it to Nanyan face to face, it was handed to the concierge.

Seeing that his son did not speak, Cui Yanping was a little anxious.

"Speak up! When I went to see the princess a few days ago, did she ever say that she would not come today?"

He is a man who loves to drill, and now he has one leg on the big ship Gu Nanyan, so he can't fall into the sea!

Cui Yao was silent, "My son didn't mention the marriage to her, maybe she doesn't know about it yet."

Gu Nanyan has just returned to Beijing, so she doesn't go out of the house often and rarely interacts with outsiders.

I don't know that his marriage is normal.

He didn't mention it when he saw her last time, and she didn't take the initiative to ask. Presumably, she really didn't know.

"Why don't you know, didn't you send her a post!"

Seeing that his son stopped talking, Cui Yanping had a bad feeling.

"Who did you give the post to? Have you ever handed it to the princess yourself?"

Cui Yao shook his head slowly.

Cui Yanping suddenly had a headache, and immediately gave his son a kick.

Ever since his son was hanging out with Gu Nanyan and had Gu Nanyan as his backer, this was the first time he had been rough on his son.

The guests who didn't know why saw it, consciously guessed something, and all showed disappointment.

It seems that I don't want to see that ancestor today, this son of the Cui family is really as good-for-nothing as ever, he can throw away such a thick thigh!
Tsk tsk, if they were the fathers of this dude, they would probably die of anger.

Seeing this, Cui Ruiyang's aunt secretly rejoiced, knowing that her son's guess was right, she couldn't help but straighten her back.

"Ma'am, it's not a concubine who wants to preach to you. You should take good care of Yao'er. You can't tell who can offend and who can't. This will bring trouble to our Cui family!"

"If you ask me, Yao'er shouldn't have been allowed to do business with the princess in the first place. He doesn't even understand human relations and the world. If it were our Yang'er, he would definitely not offend the princess."

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