The farmer has a mall

Chapter 902 Gu Nanyan's Congratulatory Gift

"My concubine mentioned this to you at the beginning, and wanted Yao'er to act as a middleman to support her younger brother in front of the princess, but you still don't agree."

"This is great, without our Yang'er to deal with it, isn't it to offend the princess..."

Aunt Zhong's tone was a little gloating, but also a little sour.

Obviously, Cui Yao was very jealous of Gu Nanyan's befriending.

Madam Su glanced at her expressionlessly.

"Since Yang'er is so capable, why didn't my aunt personally mention this matter to the master, what's the use of telling me about it."

Aunt Zhong choked.

Why didn't she know that it would be more useful to ask the master, but she knew without asking that the master would never agree.

There is no other reason, the master attaches great importance to the distinction between the concubine and the concubine, and often says that the dispute between wives and concubines is the source of chaos in the family.

Therefore, even though he was still kind to Yang'er, he never let him be higher than Cui Yao.

And Princess Sheng is quite favored, she is also a unique and noble person in the Three Kingdoms, how could the master give such an important contact to Yang'er.

Aunt Zhong, who knew Cui Yanping's temperament well, was also a kind of wink, so how dare she make such a request with him.

"Master is busy with work, I can't stay in the mansion for a few days all year round, so how can I bother the master with such a small matter." Aunt Zhong said dryly.

"Since you know it will upset the master, Auntie should stop complaining here." Mrs. Su said.

She considers herself a qualified mistress, treats the concubines in the back house equally, never treats the concubines harshly, and never uses means to suppress the concubines to prevent them from being prominent.

Although it doesn't mean that she is considerate for the concubine in every aspect, she is also a rare good aunt who is open-minded.

But people's hearts are not enough to swallow an elephant, and her kindness and softness have nourished Aunt Zhong's heart. She always compares her concubine with her son in everything, no matter what, she will fight for Cui Ruiyang for everything Yaoer has.

The same is true for human relationships, Yao'er and Gu Nanyan were friends, and Aunt Zhong wanted to send her son to Gu Nanyan.

Mrs. Su sneered, she just cast a faint glance at Aunt Zhong who had an ugly face, and then turned her gaze on her son again.

Although Aunt Zhong was dissatisfied, she also knew that she could not confront the mistress in public, so she could only swallow her anger silently.

Thinking that no one has visited the palace until now, I can't help feeling better.

Because Cui Yao was valued by the princess and entrusted him to take care of all the properties under his name, the master respected his wife even more.

Isn't she proud?

Today, she wants to see how long they can be proud!
On the other side, Cui Yanping blushed anxiously when he learned that his son hadn't personally handed over the invitation to Gu Nanyan.

If it weren't for the fact that the guests were full, I'm afraid he would chase Cui Yao all over the yard and beat him up like before.

"Housekeeper, you go to Prince Cheng's mansion yourself and ask when the concubine will come over." Cui Yanping raised his voice and told the housekeeper, not afraid of the surprised or mocking eyes of the crowd.

He is not afraid of shame, even if he comes to the door in person, he will make it.

As long as the girl is willing to come, it means that she is still willing to continue to make good friends with the Cui family.

After that, when the arsenal released new products, he could get them earlier through his son.

Compared with those things, face is nothing!
"General Cui misses me?"

Cui Yanping had just finished ordering the housekeeper when there was a commotion at the door.

Gu Nanyan and Li Yi came from outside the door, followed by a group of servants.

After entering the door, he went straight to Cui Yao, who had a complex expression, and greeted him with a smile.

"Sorry for being late."

In order to attend Cui Yao's wedding banquet, she specially changed into a brightly colored dress.

In order to match this dress, she also pulled up a bun rarely.

It is quite different from the usual image.

Cui Yao was taken aback for a moment, then looked away with difficulty.

She curled her lips and said uncomfortably: "It's too late, I can still blame you."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Gu Nanyan's outfit with disgust.

"Girls are effeminate, not pleasing to the eye at all."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

If it weren't for the sake of your marriage today, I would definitely beat you to death!

"Hehe, each other, you are so bright red, if you tie a rope around your neck, you can hang it as a lantern at the door, and it's quite an eyesore."

Have the face to say that I don't look at yourself!
Besides, if it wasn't for the sake of auspiciousness, wouldn't I need to make a show of showing off in a showy way?

You still hate it.

Who is this for?
Gu Nanyan felt that Cui Yao really didn't know what to do.

Cui Yao was speechless.

What does it mean to tie a rope around his neck.

He is not a dog!
Can the dead girl speak?

"Prince Cui is overjoyed. The king and the princess are here to congratulate you. I wish you and Miss Zhou a happy marriage for a hundred years and have a son soon."

Li Yi walked slowly, took his daughter-in-law's hand with one hand, and congratulated Cui Yao with a smile.

Cui Yao, who wanted to choke her a few words, shut up when he saw this.

"My lord, you're being polite. It's Cui Yao's honor to have his auspicious words."

He tried his best to ignore the intertwined hands of the two, twitched the corners of his mouth and said: "The prince came just in time, the house has prepared drinks, if you don't mind, why not go in and have a few glasses of wedding wine."

"It's so good." Li Yi smiled in a good mood.

Seeing the three talking and laughing at Yan Yan, the surrounding guests couldn't help but look at each other.

Didn't you say that friendship is average, this appearance is like friends for many years, how is it average?

There was that quick-witted person who hurried forward and lured Li Yi and Gu Nanyan into the house in a fawning manner.

Cui Yanping came back to his senses, and hurriedly greeted his servants to welcome the guests.

"No hurry." Li Yi smiled, looking down at Gu Nanyan beside him.

With gentle eyes, he said: "The king and the princess heard about the wedding of Young Master Ling, so they hastily prepared some congratulatory gifts, but they are still outside the door, and I have to trouble General Cui to get someone to bring them in."

Bring it in?
It seems that there are a lot of things to send, and someone needs to carry them.

Everyone was only focused on observing the relationship between the three of them, and didn't notice anything else at all.

This can't help but look towards the door.

Then there were bursts of exclamations.

What the hell did they see?
Are the two boxes full of gold, silver and jewelry serious?
Also, what is the meaning of the three steam cars with big red flowers parked at the door? Is it also a congratulatory gift?
It's too arrogant for Prince Sheng's mansion to make a move! !
Those few cars alone cost nearly a million taels!

Everyone's heart trembled.

Is this a congratulatory gift? It's obviously a dowry!

Still the kind with ten miles of red makeup.

However, this is not the end.

Gu Nanyan first rolled his eyes at Cui Yao.

"I just found out about your marriage half a month ago. I didn't have time to prepare in advance, so I just asked someone to pack some things from the warehouse. You can make do with it."

As he spoke, he took out a dozen papers from his pocket and stuffed them casually into his pocket.

"Also, these are the store deeds of all the branches of Guose Tianxiang, and these stores will be handed over to you in the future."

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