Cui Yao lowered his head and looked at the more than 20 contracts in his arms, his delicate brows were slightly raised.

"What is this for?" he asked.

"You worked so hard to build these shops, I can't accept them."

As he said that, he was about to return the contract to Gu Nanyan.

He clearly knew the value of these stores, not to mention the profitability of each store, which was one of the best in the capital. Just talking about the franchise stores in Daliang and Anyang, the annual franchise fee was a huge sum of money.

Moreover, the main store of Guose Tianxiang has only just opened for two or three years, and the branch store has only started to grow in the past one year. Many powerful businessmen and nobles have their eyes on the fat meat of the franchise store. It can be said that the future is hopeless. Limited.

Now Gu Nanyan wants to give all of these to him!

Cui Yao resisted and pushed the contract to Gu Nanyan.

Although he loves money, he also takes it in a proper way.

He and Gu Nanyan are neither close relatives nor brothers and sisters, the other party still has the kindness to support him, so he will never accept such a huge sum of money.

Hearing from the servants that Prince Cheng and his wife had arrived, guests from the mansion came out of the house to greet them one after another.

Just saw this scene.

Everyone opened their eyes wide, looking between Gu Nanyan and Cui Yao with shocked eyes.

They no longer knew whether to be surprised by Gu Nanyan's generosity, or to complain about Cui Yao's stupidity, but he pushes away the franchise qualification that outsiders can't grab!

It's okay to keep half of it!

Everyone stared at the contract with greedy eyes, wishing they could rush to the previous generation Cui Yao to accept the gift.

Be good, which brat just said that the relationship between them is average?

There are more than 20 shops as soon as they are given away, and they are still one of the most profitable shops in Jianan Kingdom. If this is not related, then they are all lonely!
Rumors are misleading!
Everyone's complaining eyes fell on Cui Ruiyang.

Fortunately, I didn't believe his words just now, and almost missed a shortcut to hug my thigh!
Not to mention the ugly face of Cui Ruiyang, who was despised by everyone.

Cui Yao received a wave of eager attention.

Cui Yanping smiled heartily.

His son has done a good job of keeping secrets, but he doesn't know how much Fruity Tianxiang's annual profit is.

But he knows how much tax he pays every year!

Master Zhou was still lamenting to him two days ago, saying that Gu Nanyan is a money basket, and the tax paid by Guo Se Tian Xiang has caught up with a big merchant.

Although it is only a drop in the bucket compared to the taxes of the entire Mingshan City, don't forget that this store has only been open for a short time.

If in a few more years, if this momentum continues, it will definitely not be a problem to catch up with the big taxpayers in the imperial merchants in the capital.
But such a profitable business, Gu Nanyan didn't even think about giving it to his son.

Cui Yanping narrowed his eyes when he smiled.

He was extremely satisfied with Gu Nanyan.

It would be great if this was his daughter-in-law.

It's a pity, his family didn't have such a blessing!

Seeing that Cui Yao and Gu Nanyan were in a stalemate, one would give the other away and the other would not accept it, the situation immediately came to a stalemate.

Cui Yanping had no choice but to withdraw his mind and stepped forward to smooth things over.

He wanted to say that the gift was too expensive for them to accept, and wanted to persuade Gu Nanyan to take it back.

However, before he could speak, Gu Nanyan gave him a sideways look.

"This is a congratulatory gift, and it's the wish of me and the prince. If you don't accept it, are you looking down on me?"

Cui Yanping: "..."

Where did this come from.

Who dares to look down on you!
He's just embarrassed to take advantage of this, okay?

"The concubine was joking, I have absolutely no intention of doing so, I just don't get rewarded for nothing, how can my Cui family..."

"What about your Cui family? It's not for you." Gu Nanyan said dissatisfied.

"This palace gave it to Cui Yao, it's his private property, you can't enter the public house, you know?" After finishing speaking, he glanced at Mrs. Su, and greeted her with a smile.

When her gaze passed Aunt Zhong beside her and Cui Ruiyang who was following her, her face turned cold immediately.

Li Yi's subordinates have a dark net, which specializes in inquiring about news from various companies.

On such an important occasion today, people from the dark net have already mixed in.

Cui Ruiyang mentioned her matter in front of the guests, and someone told her and Li Yi as soon as they entered the door.

Gu Nanyan sneered.

Disputes between wives and concubines are not uncommon, and disputes between the sons and daughters are also common.

She can't control the affairs of the Cui family's back house, but she hates others to use her as a raft!
And it was Cui Yao, the number one shopkeeper under her, who suppressed her!
Isn't that the same as fighting against her?
Those who dare to bully her are really daring!

Gu Nanyan's unkind eyes swept over Aunt Zhong's mother and son, and stared at them for about a dozen breaths, but anyone with eyes could see her dislike.

Seeing that Aunt Zhong's face turned pale with fright, she was on the verge of falling.

And Cui Ruiyang was not much better, he lowered his head and did not dare to make a sound, his hands on both sides trembled invisibly.

Cui Yanping sighed.

Although he also dislikes the words and deeds of the Zhong family and the concubine, but today is the day of his son's wedding, so it is really not easy to cause trouble.

"Since it's the kindness of the prince and concubine, you can accept it, Yaoer."

He figured it out, the girl of the Gu family was generous, no matter the two boxes of gold, silver and jewels or the fruity fragrance, they were all given out sincerely, if she continued to evade, she would be a little ungrateful.

This love, their Cui family wrote it down!

After thinking for a while, he added: "The children are grown up, and they should have their own careers. From now on, Yao'er won't have to go to the public office for the property he earned by himself, and just keep it for himself."

"And Ruiyang is the same. If you have the ability to earn a family fortune, you don't have to pay it to the public."

"Master!" Aunt Zhong was shocked.

At this time, he also ignored Gu Nanyan's knife-like gaze and hurriedly tried to dissuade him.

"I'm afraid it's against the rules, and we haven't separated yet..."

It sounds nice, what you earn and keep for yourself, her family Ruiyang doesn't even have an official status, and the monthly expenses are only the two shops and one Zhuangzi under her name, apart from the monthly money given by the public, how is it possible What a fortune to earn!
Isn't this obviously biased towards Cui Yao!
If this is the case, wouldn't his son be crushed by Cui Yao?

Aunt Zhong was in a hurry and wanted to say something more.

"The general's words are the rules, if you talk too much, get out of here and stay in the yard!" Cui Yanping lost his patience and gave her a warning look.

This Aunt Zhong was usually gentle and considerate, and he was happy to give her some face, so he let her and his wife come out to welcome the guests.

But this does not mean that she is qualified to disobey herself.

Cui Yanping snorted coldly.

Don't think that he doesn't know what she's thinking, even Ruiyang was talking together, just now he was pulling Yao'er's hind legs openly and secretly, did he really think he didn't understand the twists and turns in the back house?

He is happy to see Yao'er and Gu Nanyan having a good relationship, and it would be hard for him to pull Yao'er back.

Thinking of this, Cui Yanping directly said to Mrs. Su: "Madam is busy with Yao'er's marriage recently, but she can't relax the management of the back house. Aunt Zhong should teach her the rules."

"And Ruiyang."

He looked at Cui Ruiyang who was pursing his lips, and after thinking about it, he still saved some face for him.

"Ruiyang is not young anymore. When you finish your busy days, you can also find a marriage for him. As the saying goes, first start a family and then start a career. Once you have a wife, he can accept his thoughts."

Save yourself from being as short-sighted as his aunt all day, and put all your thoughts on the battle in the back house.

Cui Yanping's tone was not very good, and he meant to blame Mrs. Su for not managing the rear house well.

However, Mrs. Su didn't care, and she responded with a smile on her face in a good mood.

"It's the concubine's negligence that made the master bother. I will find a good relative for Ruiyang later."

The right family needs to have a suitable status. As a bastard, Cui Ruiyang can only find his wife from the family of the fourth- and fifth-rank officials.

Mrs. Su smiled, and looked at Gu Nanyan more kindly.

Sure enough, as my son said, the Gu family girl is capable.

He only said a few words casually, and he helped her solve Aunt Zhong's big trouble.

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