The farmer has a mall

Chapter 904 Summer Hunting

Chapter 904 Summer Hunting
Gu Nanyan did not give up on giving Cui Yao the fruity fragrance.

Her mind is now focused on military industry and machinery, and fruity and heavenly fragrance is a bit tasteless to her.

Moreover, she only gave the store deed to Cui Yao, but the planting base is still hers.

Cui Yao wanted to manage the fruit color and heavenly fragrance, so he could only purchase from her planting base.

It's just a few shops, and they can earn back soon.

And as the saying goes, if you want a horse to run, you have to feed the horse.

She and Cui Yao are neither related nor acquainted, only enough interests can maintain their cooperative relationship.

Although this congratulatory gift is sincere, it is also her means to win over Cui Yao.

"Go home."

The congratulatory gifts had already been delivered, Gu Nanyan didn't stay any longer, and walked out of General Pingnan's mansion under the burning eyes of everyone.

Cui Yao knew that she didn't like this kind of occasion, so he didn't keep her. After sending her and Li Yi out, he stood at the gate of the mansion for a while, until the two people's backs disappeared...

After all, there is no fate and no share.

But that's good, at least he can stay by her side, right?

Cui Yao took a deep breath, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Then, with a smiling face, he went to entertain the more enthusiastic guests.

"It's rare to come out, why don't you stay a little longer?" Li Yi asked.

Today's wind is a bit strong, he raised his hand to gather a strand of messy hair from her forehead behind her ear.

He sized her up with a half-smile: "After an hour of dressing up, are you going back now?"

Gu Nanyan squinted at him angrily.

"Today is Cui Yao's big wedding day anyway, so I can't just wear all black like usual."

To change clothes, you need to match it with appropriate makeup and hair style. If she is not afraid of touching Cui Yao's bad luck, she will be willing to make troubles.

"I think you should wear more bright colors."

The daughter-in-law is good-looking, and she always wears a black tunic. Although it has a special charm, it lacks some romanticism suitable for her age.

Coupled with the fact that she was lazy all day, either basking in the sun in the yard or reading picture books in the room, her whole person had a dull atmosphere.

Li Yi was a little worried, it's not good for a daughter-in-law to be so desireless.

"It's just that you have nothing to do recently, how about I accompany you to ride a horse in the countryside to enjoy the scenery?"

Gu Nanyan waved his hands in a lack of interest.

"Forget it, I'm afraid you will die of heat if you go out on such a hot day."

"Why don't we go to Zhuangzi for a few days to escape the heat?" Li Yi suggested.

"The piece of watermelon you planted is already ripe, let's go try it out."

"Forget it, Zhuangzi has a lot of mosquitoes, so I can't sleep well at night." Gu Nanyan refused again.

"If you want to eat watermelon, ask someone to drive to Zhuangzi and pick up two carts."

Xu Shi felt that it was unreasonable to repeatedly reject his proposal, so Gu Nanyan generously promised to send out two carts of watermelons.

"Just give some to your imperial brother and grandparents, and let's eat the rest by ourselves."

Li Yi was a little helpless.

Does he want to eat watermelon?

He wants his wife to go out more, okay?

However, he also knew that his daughter-in-law is not a person who likes to hang out, so he thought for a while and said: "In a few days, it will be the Qiqiao Festival. In order to show the peace and prosperity of Jianan Kingdom, the emperor arranged a summer hunt on that day. Family members of officials will be there, so we might as well join in the fun."

As if she was afraid that Gu Nanyan would refuse again, she added before she opened her mouth: "Brother Huang set up an award, and the person who catches the most prey will get a golden bow."

Gold is soft, so bows and arrows made of gold are definitely useless and can only be used as decorations.

But if you think about it, others won't care if it's practical or not. The point is that this bow is very meaningful.

This can have.

Gu Nanyan, who was originally interested in hunting, heard that there was a golden bow to hold, so he agreed without much hesitation.

Li Yi pursed his lips and smiled when he saw her appearance of being a money fanatic.

I was slightly relieved.

As long as the daughter-in-law is willing to go out, she is always holding back in the mansion. He is really afraid that she will get sick.

Li Yi described the appearance of the golden bow with great interest, including how many gemstones were inlaid on it, and what patterns were engraved on it.

The more Gu Nanyan listened to it, the more she liked it, and her heart was full of fighting spirit.

She wants to order this bow!

In the blink of an eye, four days later, on the day of Qiqiao Festival, Gu Nanyan woke up early without being called.

After a simple wash and breakfast, he changed into a thin shirt with tunic sleeves and went out with Li Yi.

There were a lot of people going to the summer hunt this time, and the royal hunting ground was full of people.

Gu Nanyan first found the car driver of the Gu family.

Mrs. Gu and Gu Yao are both old and did not attend this summer hunt.

While Gu Qing was still recuperating at home, Gu Yunge was still planning to go to Yangguo, and her father, Gu Shen, was assigned by Li Mi to be responsible for the security of the hunting grounds, and went to set up defenses before dawn.

Therefore, the only ones who came to participate in the hunt this time were the mother and son of Guo Shi, Gu Yunze, and the third family of Min Shi, Gu Congyuan, and Gu Peilan.

The third room lost Gu Zhengkang and Qiu Yiniang, the two biggest scourges. Gu Qing wanted to support the third room, so he asked Guo to bring them along.

Gu Nanyan chatted with them a few words, thinking that Li Yi would still accompany the imperial court, so he took a step ahead and entered the hunting ground through the side entrance exclusively for the royal family.

The husband and wife went straight to where Li Mi was.

"Sister Nan, come here quickly." The queen warmly greeted Gu Nanyan, and threw down a group of ladies who came to pay her respects, calling Gu Nanyan intimately.

Concubine Cui Gui didn't give in, she got up and walked down the high platform, and greeted her from afar.

"It can be regarded as meeting you!" Concubine Cui blamed.

"When I came back, I didn't say that I came to the palace to find us, but it made my sister and I have a good time talking about it."

Concubine Cui took Gu Nanyan's arm, passed a group of female relatives with different expressions, and directly pulled her to sit beside the queen.

Gu Nanyan smiled, and her stern face softened a lot: "I just came back too, and I've been busy lately, so I thought I'd go find you in a few days."

"I know, I'm just busy preparing congratulatory gifts for that brat Yao'er."

Concubine Cui said with some taste: "We have all heard about your generosity, more than 20 shops will give it away as soon as they say it, and I don't know how distressed it is."

"I don't care, you gave him the whole shop, and you can't leave me and my sister behind. When we want to eat delicious fruit in the future, we can just let someone go to the shop to get it."

As soon as she said this, the queen couldn't laugh or cry.

Li Mi, who was talking to Li Yi, also looked over, looking at Gu Nanyan expectantly.

He also likes to eat delicious fruit, but the price is too expensive, how poor he is now, he can't afford it!
Gu Nanyan laughed: "The shop is owned by your nephew, how can he have less of your fruit?"

But thinking of Cui Yao's temperament that the richer he is, the more stingy he is, maybe he is really so picky.

Simply waved his small hand: "I don't have much else there, just enough fruit. If you want to eat it, just ask someone to go to my village to get it. You won't be charged any money."

The Queen and Concubine Cui are not bad, especially Concubine Cui is also related to Cui Yao.

In view of the fact that the two of them would not be able to eat much, Gu Nanyan generously waived the order.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Li Mi's eyes shining brightly.

"Not for you."

Li Mi: "..."

"Why don't I have a share!" Li Mi was unconvinced and a little bit aggrieved.

"I'm your righteous brother, and your brother-in-law!"

Gu Nanyan hehe.

"Haven't you heard a word? My brother will settle the score clearly. If you want to eat fruit, you can buy it with money."

There are so many people in the dog emperor's harem, and she is not so stupid to help him raise women if he gets fruits and can't give them to the harem.

Li Mi: "It's not fair, why don't Concubine Cui and the Empress pay!"

He pointed at the queen and concubine Cui Gui and was filled with righteous indignation.

Queen: "..."

Concubine Cui: "..."

The majestic emperor had the nerve to compare himself with the two women.


The two turned their heads away in disgust, pretending not to know this man.

Gu Nanyan squinted at Li Mi.

"I am willing, you have an opinion."

I owe a whole lot of debt to my father and haven't paid it back yet, so I'm ashamed to eat free food.

How dare you think!

Why is the face so big?

For some reason, Li Mi was suddenly blessed and realized that Gu Nanyan was scolding him from the bottom of his heart.

He gritted his teeth angrily, and his lips were almost crooked.

After a while, I choked out two words: "No!"

I dare not say it!
I'm just that cowardly.

How, what, drop, let's go! !
(End of this chapter)

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