The farmer has a mall

Chapter 905 Sun Xian

The hunting rules are simple, whoever kills more prey wins.

For safety's sake, Li Mi ordered that people who participated in the hunt should form a group of at least three people, excluding the accompanying guards.

Gu Nanyan thought for a while, and firmly rejected Li Mi's proposal. He only formed a team with Li Yi, plus Yun Xi and Long Yi, bringing a total of seven or eight guards.

Li Mi was worried, "Let's find a few more people, there are ferocious beasts in this forest, and these few of you are too dangerous."

"No need, we have helpers." Gu Nanyan said.

There is only one golden bow, and it will be difficult to divide the spoils if there are too many people!
Gu Nanyan said that she is not that stupid.

Just her and Li Yi are enough!
If he wins in the end, Li Yi will definitely not fight her.

Gu Nanyan's abacus was crackling, and under the disapproving gazes of Li Mi, the queen, and Concubine Cui, he led people into the jungle.

Even though he disliked Li Mi, before he left, he still asked people to go back to the house to fetch some fresh fruits that had just been shipped from Zhuangzi, and gave them a rest.

These fruits have been chilled in the ice cellar in advance, and they are still steaming when they are served.

Li Mi ate to his heart's content, he was in a good mood and asked the Queen:

"The queen thinks who will win the hunt in the end?"

"Who else is it? It must be Miss Nan." The Queen said without hesitation.

Concubine Cui picked up a grape and put it in her mouth, squinting her eyes comfortably.

She didn't forget to nod her head in agreement: "What my sister said is that the concubine also thinks that sister Nan can win."

Don't ask why, it's because she has confidence in Sister Nan!
Li Mi had a short mouth and was very knowledgeable about current affairs, so he didn't refute.

Instead, he looked at the new You Cheng, Sun Shuyu, who was sitting at the bottom.

"Prime Minister Sun, do you have a promising candidate? I heard that your Sun Xian is also here?"

Sun Xian is Prime Minister Sun's youngest son. He just joined the Zhenbei Naval Battalion, and now he is serving under Gu Yunge's banner.

Prime Minister Sun chuckled: "My minister and the empress have the same thoughts, and I also think that the princess and the prince can win this competition."

"Oh?" Li Mi was curious, holding the watermelon's hand for a while.

"I've heard that Sun Xian's martial arts skills are superb. Among the young men of the same age, there are few who can hold his own. Gu Yunge always praises him in front of me. Why are you so unconfident in him?"

When the naval battalion was selecting candidates, Sun Xian won the first place in the competition, and was directly promoted by Gu Yunge to be the deputy general next to him.

Li Mi has no opinion on this matter.

Most of the naval battalions are strong young people, especially the management. An old man in the court is useless.

In Gu Nanyan's words, the Zhenbei Navy Battalion is a brand new team, and it should not be involved with any forces, lest someone rely on their qualifications to run amok in the army and break the rules.

Although Sun Xian has no actual combat experience, he is very familiar with martial arts and military art, and his own strength is still very strong, so he can barely cooperate as a lieutenant general.

Besides, which veteran didn't come from a rookie, experience this kind of thing, just practice a few more times.

If you are too rigid about these, without fresh blood flowing in, you will be like an old man, and it will be difficult to become a brave teacher.

Sun Shuyu didn't expect that the emperor noticed his son and praised him in front of so many people, he was both excited and happy.

It seems that his decision to agree with Xian'er to join General Gu's naval battalion was indeed correct.

Look, hasn't the emperor noticed his Xianer now?
Being able to get acquainted in front of the emperor will make it easier for her career in the future.

"Xian'er is just a trivial skill, how can it compare to the prince and princess."

If you are happy, you should be more modest with the emperor.

The monarch and his ministers were talking happily, when they saw a black and strong young man walking towards the stands.

The person who came was very strong, and he looked less than 20 years old. He was Sun Xian, the youngest son of Sun Shuyu.

He walked under the stands, greeted Li Mi first, and then greeted the queen and Concubine Cui respectfully.

Then he looked at Prime Minister Sun.

"Father, mother asked my son to tell you that the elder brother suddenly felt unwell, so she went back to the house first, and then came to plead guilty to the emperor and empress when the elder brother is in better health."

Sun Xian frowned tightly, obviously worried about his elder brother's body.

"Didn't you be fine last night, why did you suddenly get sick?" Sun Shuyu asked.

"Maybe it's been windy for the past few days, and I caught a cold at night... But the young man who came to pass the message said that the elder brother just has a cough, and it's not a serious problem."

"That's good." Sun Shuyu heaved a sigh of relief.

His eldest son has been in poor health since he was a child, and he would fall ill whenever he was exposed to the wind and sun. He has long been used to such things as having minor illnesses from time to time.

But he still instructed: "You have someone pass a message to your mother. If your elder brother has a bad cough, let him go to Gu's Pharmacy to buy some cough medicine and some medicine for health. Don't be reluctant to spend money."

"My son found out, so I ordered someone to spread the word." Sun Xian agreed.

"If the father has nothing else to do, the son will go to the hunting ground."

General Gu couldn't get away, so he ordered him to take part in the summer hunting instead of the Zhenbei Naval Battalion, regardless of whether he could get a ranking or not, he had to go in and show his face.

Sun Shuyu nodded, and waved his hands to his increasingly calm son in relief.

"Go, be careful..."

He paused for a while, and then instructed: "Besides, you should pay more attention to the prince and princess. It doesn't matter if you can't catch the prey. The most important thing is to ensure the safety of the prince and princess."

Now that his son is following General Gu, it would be good to show his face in front of the princess more often.

He is a little lieutenant general, whether he can get a ranking in this hunting is the second.

Sun Xian: "My son knows."

General Gu also said this before he came, and asked him to look at his sister.

Although he didn't feel that the princess needed his protection.

Sun Xian followed behind Gu Nanyan and his party.

Li Mi asked: "Your son is in poor health, should the prime minister go back and have a look?"

"I still have a few Nine-Turn Great Returning Pills given by Sister Nan. If necessary, I will order people to go back to the palace to get them."

He knew that Dalang Sun was in poor health, but he didn't expect it to be so bad.

On such a hot day, no matter how strong the wind blows, it is hot wind, but it made a grown man sick.

It seems that this child is really weak.

"Your Majesty, please remember that this is an old problem of yours. It's just the wind. How dare you waste the emperor's good medicine."

He knew that the Ninth Rank Great Rehabilitation Pill was very powerful.

A few days ago, Master Gu was stabbed in the chest by someone, and it was because of this medicine that he survived from Dongfu County to the capital.

If it was another person, he must have died on the way.

Sun Shuyu was very moved.

But it reminded him.

It is said that the princess is good at medicine, and her medical skills are so superb that even the genius doctor Dou is ashamed.

If there is a chance, he would like to ask the concubine to show his son, even if it can't be cured, at least don't fall at the first sight of the wind.

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