Nice to say!

The so-called free-range breeding, to put it bluntly, is to ignore it!

The Chaos Beast was very angry, but what made it even more upset was that Li Yi called it a rat!

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!" You are the mouse!

"Squeak!" Your whole family is a rat!

Gu Nanyan looked at it coldly.

Chaos Beast: "..."

"Except for you..." it said weakly.

The female devil is not a human bastard, and she is already angry enough today, so I can't continue to mess with her.

Seeing the exchange of eyebrows between one person and one mouse, Li Yi asked Gu Nanyan with great interest: "Can you understand what it said?"

Gu Nanyan: "I don't understand, I just guessed."

Li Yi: "..."

If you don't understand, you still communicate in such a rhythm, you talk to each other, like buying vegetables in a vegetable market and haggling over prices.

Li Yi expressed his disbelief.

But the daughter-in-law looked like she didn't want to say more, so he didn't force her.

Looking at the sky, Li Yi said, "It's less than an hour before the end of hunting, shall we continue?"

Since entering the paddock, they have been chasing people around behind the little mouse, but they didn't catch a single prey.

He knew that the daughter-in-law was determined to win the golden bow, and she would definitely not return empty-handed.

Gu Nanyan nodded in response, and stared warningly at the aggrieved Chaos Beast lying on Li Yi's shoulder.

"Two months, whether you want to do it or not." After saying that, he turned around and left.

The Chaos Beast almost jumped when he heard this.

"Didn't you just say three months..."

"It was only just now, and now there are a few more tigers and tigers. I don't think it's too many for two months."

Sensing that Li Yi was carefully observing their conversation, Gu Nanyan was too lazy to talk to it, and went into the woods first.


The hunt is drawing to a close.

Except for Gu Nanyan and Li Yi, the other hunting teams came out one after another an hour ago.

They all returned empty-handed and dejected.

Plus the resentment is soaring.

Gu Shen, who was guarding the emperor's safety, felt the deepest.

Because almost all the resentment is directed at him!
Gu Shen was inexplicably stared at by everyone.

Then he thought that his daughter and son-in-law had also entered the paddock, and he immediately felt relieved.

It must be that his daughter hunted a lot of prey. These people knew that they were not as good as they were, so they voluntarily abstained.

There is no way, the child is too good, and as a father, he will inevitably be envied and hated by others.

He can take it!

Gu Shen straightened his chest and scanned the audience with a look of contempt.

Crowd: ? ? ?
Your daughter is bullying in the paddock!
What are you proud of here?
The whole family, old and young, are all shameless.

The civil and military officials were even more angry.

Their own children were wronged, not only could they not sue the emperor, but they had to smile and pretend to be fine.

Tolerable or unbearable!
Those who are small-minded, seeing Gu Shen's confident look, almost gasp in anger.

Fortunately, there was an imperial doctor at the scene, who came back in time for treatment.

"This seems to be Mr. Xu from the Imperial Academy, tsk tsk, he's not in good health, can he get dizzy even sitting under the awning?" Li Mi curled his lips and looked up at the gloomy sky.

"The sun is not too bright today."

Look at Yan Yushi, there are a lot of old people who are still energetic and scolding people there.

Even in the dog days, people can still swear in the court hall for two hours without taking a breath.

They are also civil servants, why is there such a big difference?
"What the emperor said is that the physical fitness of these civil servants is indeed too poor."

Facing the angry eyes of all the officials, Gu Shen stabbed the knife without changing his face: "Just like them, let alone our daughter, even Yun Ze, the weakest member of my Gu family, is stronger than them."

Everyone fell back in anger.

His daughter... His daughter is stronger than a bear!

Is it what they should be compared to mortals!
Did Master Xu faint from the heat?
That's obviously because you were stunned by your bear-like daughter, okay?

Girls don't do human affairs, and fathers don't speak human words.

They're mad at them!
Prime Minister Sun felt that he was being connoted, and he just laughed dryly and said: "I have been dealing with court affairs in the house all year round, unlike your generals who practice martial arts every day and exercise regularly. Naturally, my body is not as strong as Nephew Gu Xian."

"However, rulers are long and inches are short, so you can't generalize, just like this official..."

Prime Minister Sun originally wanted to say that he was in good health, so that he could respect the ministers.

It's a pity that before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the impatient Gu Shen.

"The prime minister's words are wrong. It's as if our military officers don't need to deal with official duties. The official documents on my desk are not much less than yours. Don't you have to get up early and do morning exercises..."

"Lazy is lazy, we can't use the government as an excuse, and exploit you as the emperor if you don't know."

"I dare not!" Prime Minister Sun was shocked when he heard the words.

Seeing Li Mi looking over, he quickly got up and bowed.

"What I mean is that I know that my body... is too weak, and I will practice every day in the future, trying to be as strong as Mr. Gu, so that I can serve the court better!"

He just wanted to forcibly win his respect and let the emperor know that he is not as weak as Mr. Xu.

But this Gu Shen...

Really don't save face at all!
He and his daughter are indeed father and daughter.

Prime Minister Sun smiled wryly and wiped the cold sweat from his brow.

It's not easy to be the head of civil servants!

Since the rise of the Gu family, the status of civil servants and generals in the court has been reversed rapidly.

They are civil servants, and they don't even have the confidence to speak in front of these generals who always love to wield swords and guns.

Fortunately, the emperor was sober and never leaned to any side.

Otherwise, he might not even have a place to stand in the hall.

Thinking this way, there is also some unwillingness.

But thinking about what the princess did, he didn't feel any resentment at all.

Blame only my incompetence for not being able to give birth to an outstanding offspring like other princesses!
Today, Ben was out to play, Li Mi wished that they could speak freely and make the scene hotter, so naturally he wouldn't take these words of quarrel to heart.

He smiled and said: "I know, you all have your own hardships, but Gu Aiqing's words are also reasonable, no matter how busy the government affairs are, you must take care of your health."

"I would like to follow the emperor's instruction, thank you for your concern." Prime Minister Sun bowed deeply.

Gu Shen felt a little embarrassed when he saw his cautious look.

What he said just now was not intended to target anyone, but just to discuss the matter. I didn't expect the Prime Minister to care so much.

"Well, my daughter taught my mother a move called Wu Qin Xi. Although the move is too weak to fight against the enemy, it is very good for the body."

"The old lady has practiced for more than a year, and now she doesn't need to use crutches to walk, and she is very energetic. If Prime Minister Sun doesn't mind, I will ask my girl to draw a book for you later."

Gu Shen said "my daughter" in one mouthful, his words were full of pride.

Prime Minister Sun didn't care about his ostentatious tone. Hearing that the five-animal show can strengthen the body, he couldn't help but shine.

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