Chapter 909
"I don't know if the Wuqinxi is useful for people who take medicine all the year round and have a weak constitution?" Prime Minister Sun asked eagerly.

Gu Shen knew who he was talking about.

"It should be useful. Back then, my mother was murdered by a traitor, and she took chronic poison all the year round. Her body was already hollowed out, and it was difficult to even stand up. It was only after practicing the Wu Qin Xi that she gradually recovered."

"Of course, this also has something to do with the medicinal recipes given by Sister Nan to regulate the body."

Although the movements of Wuqinxi are a bit strange, they can relax the tendons, activate the blood, strengthen the body, and can complete a complete set of movements without much physical strength.

Although Gu Shen didn't know how weak his eldest son was, he thought it would be no problem to walk around normally.

He didn't talk too much, but Prime Minister Sun, who was always worried about the health of his eldest son, was overjoyed.

In order to see a doctor for his son, he invited all the famous doctors in Beijing, even the imperial doctor.

But no one dared to say that the prescription he prescribed was effective.

It is only said that the weakness of the eldest son is a weak disease brought out of the womb, which cannot be cured, and can only be raised with precious medicinal materials.

For so many years, it was indeed as they said, the eldest son's health has not improved at all, and he has even been weak for a year.

For this reason, his wife became more and more guilty, thinking that she hurt her son's body because she didn't pay attention when she was pregnant.

Later, Gu's pharmacy opened, and my wife heard that the medicine there was very effective, so she went to buy some cough medicine herself.

After discovering that these medicines were indeed more effective than the decoctions he had taken in the past, he went to ask for medicines to replenish his body.

The doctor at Gu's pharmacy gave him a pill called Taibao Pill, saying that it could relieve the weak disease to some extent.

But it can only alleviate one or two, and it is impossible to imagine being as healthy as a normal person.

Unless they ask their boss to come forward to see a doctor.

The owner of Gu's Pharmacy is naturally Gu Nanyan.

Although Madam went there with hope, she didn't have much hope for this medicine because she had been disappointed too many times over the years.

Holding the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, the eldest son couldn't bear the mother to continue running around asking for medicine for him.

The eldest son has been taking Taibao Pills for nearly two months.

Then his eldest daughter-in-law became pregnant.

She conceived in October and gave birth to a healthy baby girl.

His wife was overjoyed, and kept saying that the medicine prescribed by Gu's pharmacy worked.

Let him personally ask the owner of Gu's Pharmacy, the eldest princess Gu Nanyan, who was not married at the time, to come to see the eldest son.

Thinking of the past, Prime Minister Sun sighed.

As long as the eldest son recovers, he is willing to go bankrupt, not to mention asking the princess for a doctor's visit.

But he was not the prime minister at that time.

Although Fang Junhe, his immediate boss, has collapsed, his influence in the court has not faded.

It is inevitable that he will be implicated in it, and the whole family will be affected. He can't hide in time, so how dare he take the initiative to send it to the door at this time.

So it has been delayed until today.

Thinking of this, Prime Minister Sun stood up resolutely, and pleaded with Gu Shen: "Then Uncle Sun would like to thank my nephew for his generous gift of books, but there is one more thing I would like to ask."

"I don't know if I can work to get my grandma to come and see a doctor for my eldest son."

He didn't mention the princess or the concubine, he called himself uncle and Gu Shen his nephew.

Obviously talking about personal relationships, not official rank.

Regardless of official rank, it is today's occasion, in front of the emperor and his colleagues, to ask for help.

Regardless of his own identity at all, let alone other things, it can be seen that he loves his son with all his heart.

Seeing this, Li Mi raised his eyebrows.

This Sun Shuyu is also smart.

Knowing that she will definitely not be able to invite Nan Jieer, who is as stubborn as a donkey, because of her status, this is friendship in disguise.

If Gu Shen agrees, then everyone present today will know that the Prime Minister owes the Gu family a favor.

From now on, the Sun family and the Gu family will be grasshoppers on the same boat.

Gu Shen was also surprised.

"Your Excellency, you are being polite. It's just a set of exercises for strengthening your body. Why do you stop here?"

He hurriedly supported Sun Shuyu's arm, and turned sideways to avoid his salute.

With the other party's status today, only the emperor can accept this gift from him, and he dare not accept it.

"I will convey your thanks to Sister Nan truthfully. As for seeing a doctor, it depends on her own opinion."

Gu Shen considers himself an open-minded father, and she has to make up her own mind about her daughter's affairs. He will not agree to his daughter just because the other party's attitude is sincere.

If it can't be cured in the end, wouldn't it mean that he did bad things with good intentions and hurt the child.

"I understand that."

The words of begging for help have already been spoken, and the rest will be much easier.

Sun Shuyu accompanied him with a smile and said, "I don't mean to force it. I am very grateful that Nephew Gu Xian is willing to convey it for me."

After he finished speaking, he paused, remembering the treasured sword in his warehouse.

That knife was cast by a famous teacher in the former dynasty.

Although it is not as sharp and durable as the steel knives cast by the Mingshan City Arsenal, it is very ingenious. There is a mechanism on the handle of the knife, and when the mechanism is pressed, it will be divided into two, forming a double knife.

He knew that Gu Shen loved to use knives the most, so he bought it from a traveling merchant.

Sure enough, when Gu Shen heard about the wonder of the knife, his eyes lit up.

Those who love paintings collect paintings, those who love books collect books, and those who love them naturally like to collect all kinds of treasured swords.

This has nothing to do with whether the knot is strong or not, the main thing is a collection!
Gu Shen is obviously very interested in holding a knife, and he can't wait to take Sun Shuyu to his house to have a look.

But even so, he endured it and didn't agree to visit the doctor on the spot.

It's just the same sentence, everything is based on the wishes of the girl.

(End of this chapter)

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