Chapter 910
"Our concubine is really precious. The Prime Minister has shamelessly asked for a doctor in front of so many people but still refuses to agree. Does this mean that you want the Prime Minister to come to your door?"

Concubine Cui looked down, and a woman in a pink corset and gold dress curled her lips in disdain.

The woman's head was full of pearls and emeralds, as if she wanted to show her status, she was dressed in a very grand and noble manner, and her slender white jade hands were placed on her slightly protruding belly.

Seeing everyone looking at her in surprise, the woman subconsciously straightened her waist, raised her chin slightly and scanned the front arrogantly.

Most of her words were sarcasm, everyone here is a genius, how could they not hear it.

This is a disguised way of saying that Gu Nanyan thinks too much of himself, and doesn't even care about a country's prime minister.

Others aside, Concubine Cui Gui and the Empress frowned at the same time.

"Concubine Yan speaks carefully." The queen said dissatisfied.

"Sister Nan hasn't come back yet, why did she ever say something like asking the prime minister to come to her door?"

Seeing that Gu Shen's complexion was not good, she deliberately reprimanded him a few more times, her eyes fell on the slightly protruding stomach of the other party, and she didn't say much in the end.

Concubine Yan was a little bit reluctant.

Leaving her smudged lips, she said: "Isn't that what Mr. Gu meant? If not, he just agreed, why bother to evade?"

"Could it be that our princess can go against her father's wishes? If so, it would be really unfilial."

As soon as these words were spoken, the surroundings were instantly quiet.

No one expected that she could criticize Gu Shen and Gu Nanyan in public.

Even the king of a country cannot bear the crime of unfilial piety.

The empress worried that she was pregnant, plus Li Mi's love for Concubine Yan recently, it would be hard to embarrass her in front of so many people, who knew that she didn't know how to restrain herself, and on the contrary spoke even more rudely, and immediately blushed.

Concubine Cui Gui didn't have as many scruples as she did.

"Who is with you or us? It's up to Sister Nan whether she agrees or not. You don't need to talk about it here."

She and Sister Nan are in love with each other through weal and woe, how can outsiders chew on her tongue.

"You... the concubine is just not used to injustice. The concubine clearly has this ability. Why shouldn't someone seek medical treatment? Isn't it the job of a doctor to treat patients?" Concubine Yan was angry.

Whoever speaks in the harem can't turn a few corners, but this Concubine Cui is not forgiving.

Isn't it just relying on my brother!
Her current background is not small, okay?

Thinking of this, Concubine Yan's weakened momentum returned.

"Besides, the prime minister is a first-rank member of my dynasty, and the son-in-law in the family is not a farmer, so he is not worthy of letting the princess take care of him!"

After she finished speaking, she looked over at Concubine Cui Gui and the empress to Li Mi, pouted and said, "Your Majesty, what the concubine said is right?"

Li Mi: "..."

Talk about what I do.

I can't be the master of that girl!
Li Mi laughed dryly, looked at Gu Shen who was frowning, and said awkwardly: "Didn't Gu Aiqing say that she would ask Sister Nan about her intentions... I think that with Sister Nan's heart, she will definitely agree."

He said this completely out of his understanding of Gu Nanyan.

In his opinion, Gu Nanyan is a typical knife-mouthed bean curd heart, who has to find a high-sounding reason to express his reluctance even after doing good things.

In fact, his heart is much better than everyone present here.

But that is not the case in Concubine Cui's ears.

"What do you mean by the emperor's words?" Concubine Cui was not happy.

"Do you mean that if sister Nan doesn't agree, it means that she has a bad temper?"

Seeing her looking up and down, as if she was going to fight with herself in public if she didn't say a word correctly.

Li Mi had a headache.

"Of course I don't mean that. I mean that Sister Nan is a good boy. Tell her well that she will agree."

What's the matter with this woman, every time she hears someone say something bad about Sister Nan, she explodes, and even he dares to scold her.

Can't wait for him to finish speaking?
And the Queen!

Li Mi turned his head sideways, just in time to see the queen staring at him with nose or eyes.

Li Mi: Feeling stuck...

I'm afraid this harem is not available anymore.

Concubine Cui rolled her eyes, too lazy to care about this thing that remembers to eat but not to fight.

She looked at the embarrassed Sun Shuyu, and the mocking mode was turned on.

"Miss Nan is neither an imperial physician nor a doctor in any medical center. Why should she agree to other people's medical treatment? Is it because you have a big face or more wrinkles?"

"Besides, given Nan's current status, will continuing to practice medicine disgrace the royal family of the Three Kingdoms? Even if the prime minister loves his son, he will discuss it with Nan in private. In front of so many people, will Nan agree or not?" No promise?"

"If you agree to the royal family's face, you will be accused of being unfilial. If you don't agree, you will be accused of being unfilial. Are you putting people on fire?"

"Even if Sister Nan has a good heart and cured the prime minister's son-in-law in order to save her life regardless of rumors, then you should be grateful to Dade. I am glad that I have such a kind and amiable princess in Jianan, instead of taking it for granted that she does nothing. It should be divided, if you don’t do it, I’m sorry for you!”

Concubine Cui Gui looked at Concubine Yan who was pale-faced with cool eyes.

"Open your mouth to be unfilial and shut your mouth to be unfilial, but you are filial, so what are you going to do in the palace?"

"It would be nice to stay in your mother's house to support your parents, so that you don't have to see your parents all year round like now. You really want to die of filial piety!"

Concubine Yan: "..."

Sun Shuyu: "..."

Her indiscriminate attack left Sun Shuyu speechless.

Sun Shuyu was also speechless.

He didn't say anything okay!
Why attack his face!
His face is not big at all, and there are not many creases!

Sun Shuyu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

It has long been heard that Gu Nanyan and Concubine Cui have a good relationship, but now it seems that they are not only good.

This is too protective of the calf.

Those who don't know think these two are sisters.

"The minister is terrified. He definitely has no intention of putting the princess on the fire. He brought up this matter in front of so many people because he wanted Mr. Gu to see the sincerity of the minister." Sun Shuyu explained.

"You don't mean that, but it doesn't mean that your wife, your cousin, niece doesn't mean that." Concubine Cui Gui raised her eyebrows and looked at Concubine Yan, full of sarcasm.

Three thousand miles away, at the beginning Sun Shuyu was just an idle official with no real power under Fang Junhe, so he didn't even think about fighting for anything.

Coupled with the fact that there is no daughter in the family, Li Mi sent his wife's cousin's daughter to the palace during the draft.

After Concubine Yan entered the palace, due to the insignificant status of her natal family, she has always been a little noble person who does not show her beauty.

Later, Prime Minister Sun gave birth to an official, and the emperor made an exception and was promoted to the position of concubine.

After she became pregnant, she became Concubine Yan.

It can be regarded as the only force of the Sun family in the harem.

It's a pity that this concubine Yan is obviously not a wise master.

Her status is not fashionable and she knows how to keep a low profile, but now that she is pregnant, she has become insane.

Concubine Cui looked at the ugly Concubine Yan like watching a good show, waiting to see how she would explain.

The queen on the side steadily picked up the teacup, skimmed off the foam on the tea with the lid of the cup, and said: "I also feel that Sister Yanfei has something to say, and she seems to be dissatisfied with Sister Nan?"

 Sorry, the second mask, rested for a few days, and resumed updating today...

(End of this chapter)

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