The farmer has a mall

Chapter 922 Aunt Yang

Gu Nanyan's heart ached from being blocked by Gu Yunze.

He left the two of them angrily, and ran to Gu Yunge to soothe his mood.

Looking at Gu Yunge, who was sitting among the wives, with an even uglier face than her, Gu Nanyan instantly became consummated.

"Sister Nan is here." Seeing her, Mrs. Guo hurriedly waved to her.

"Come and sit here, Auntie." She pointed to where Gu Yunge was sitting next to her.

Gu Yunge didn't respond, and sat there with his back straight and dazed with dull eyes.

Guo Shi pushed him.

"Get up, didn't you see your sister is here, why don't you give up your seat!"

That disgusted look, as if she was not the one who praised her son just now.

Gu Yunge:? ? ?

What's the matter with my mother, just now I held him down and refused to let him go, and insisted on letting him stay here to force a smile.

His face froze with a smile, so he disliked him again?
So much emotional change?

Menopause is not it!
Pushed by his mother again, Gu Yunge had no choice but to stand up in a muffled voice, giving up his seat to Gu Nanyan.

Mother is indeed the most rare female doll!

She has always regretted not being able to give him a younger sister, and now she has given all her mother's love to Sister Nan.

Every time Sister Nan came back, his own son seemed redundant.

Gu Nanyan held back his laughter, and Gu Yunge's heavy sigh came from his ears.

There seems to be some resentment.

Guo Shi also heard it, but she didn't want to talk to her.

He only held Gu Nanyan's hand, and yelled at sister Nan intimately.

"Just now I heard from the housekeeper that you entered the house, why did you come here now, I thought you forgot about me, my eldest aunt!" Guo Shi was a little annoyed.

She really liked this niece and was grateful to her from the bottom of her heart.

Since she gave the Gu family a share of the capital car dealership, she has saved a lot of worry for her, the head of the house.

At the very least, when holding a party like this, you don't have to worry about the dissatisfaction of your parents-in-law due to excessive expenses.

Looking at the entire capital, there are not many people like her who don't have to worry about money matters.

And all this is thanks to her niece.

Gu Nanyan was not good at expressing her feelings, but she let Mrs. Guo drag her and complain about her "heartlessness", with a smile on her face all the time, without any sign of impatience.

All the wives looked at it strangely.

They have never seen how weird this temper is.

But their head of the family did not mention her less, and every time they talked about what happened to her, they all sighed.

See you today...

Everyone looked at each other.

They all felt that their master was exaggerating too much.

This is obviously a very good-tempered little girl.

"Mrs. Gu has praised the princess so many times in front of us that our ears are numb." A lady teased.

"Seeing her now, she is indeed as she said, she is a rare and wonderful person."

This was the first time someone praised Gu Nanyan like this.

Gu Nanyan looked over curiously.

Want to see who is so discerning.

Madam is well-dressed but unobtrusive, she is a little younger than Mrs. Guo, she has a small heart-shaped face, with willow-leaf curved eyebrows and almond-shaped eyes.

Wearing a dark green dress, her delicate makeup was pressed down, and she looked low-key and luxurious.

Some strange, have not seen before.

Gu Nanyan looked at Mrs. Guo suspiciously.

Knowing that she didn't recognize her, Mrs. Guo took the initiative to introduce: "This is Yang Zhanshi's younger sister in Zhan Shifu's house. She is an old friend of my aunt's boudoir. She wasn't in the capital a few years ago. It's normal that you haven't seen her before."

Zhan Shifu Zhan Shi is only a third-rank official.

It is incomparable with Gu Jia.

But Zhan Shifu is an organization that assists the prince, and they are the first batch of cronies of the prince.

The future is limitless.

Judging from his status, he is a teachable person.

However, the Gu family never looked at their status when making friends, only their character.

It would be a good person for Guo Shi to introduce her specially.

It's just interesting how it's presented.

Generally, when introducing women, they only say who is the wife of someone, and they are rarely tied to their natal brother.

Seeming to see Gu Nanyan's doubts, this Mrs. Yang was hearty, and said to Gu Nanyan without hesitation: "I made my niece laugh. I separated from my husband's family in the early years, and now I live in my mother's house. If you don't If you dislike it, just call me Aunt Yang."

As soon as these words came out, the ladies around fell silent, and the scene was a little awkward.

A few shallow-minded people even showed contempt, as if they were quite disdainful for her to speak about the separation in public.

It's no wonder that even in modern times, a woman would be talked about if she divorced her husband, not to mention the ancient feudal society.

This Aunt Yang must have suffered a lot of gossip, no wonder Mrs. Guo said that she has not been in Beijing these years, and she is afraid that she has gone out of Beijing to hide.

Gu Nanyan looked at her for a moment, but didn't find any embarrassment on her face, so she nodded secretly.

It's a good attitude.

"Aunt Yang is being polite, you and your eldest aunt are handkerchiefs, how dare Nan Yan dislike you." Gu Nanyan replied politely.

To have this kind of mentality, I think it is a broad-minded person, and it is no wonder that Guo Shi, who is equally generous, is on good terms with her.

Mrs. Yang saw that she didn't show disdain like everyone else, and the smile on her face became more sincere.

"It is said that our concubine is a good girl who is as tolerant as a man, and she is indeed true when she sees her now. Sister Guo is lucky."

Seeing that Gu Nanyan didn't care about her separation, Mrs. Yang simply changed her name and called out Sister Guo as if she was in her boudoir.

Guo Shi heard her praise Gu Nanyan repeatedly.Yu Yourong straightened his waist and said: "You don't need to say that our sister Nan is the best child in the world, even my two monkeys are incomparable."

Madam Yang hilariously covered her mouth with a handkerchief.

"Look at your attitude, if you don't know it, it's your own princess."

Guo Shi: "It's not my own. Sister Nan is no different from my own daughter except that she didn't crawl out of my belly."

After finishing speaking, she gave Madam Yang a smug look, and patted Gu Nanyan's hand with a smile.

"You can't envy this kind of thing, and it's useless to be envious. The best one has already been entrusted to our Gu family."

Mrs. Yang was even more delighted to hear the words from ear to ear.

But she really envied Mrs. Guo.

She got married and divorced early, she has no children under her knees, and she has never remarried, so she is still a widow.

Unlike the Guo family, he can be called both sons and daughters.


If she had a daughter like Gu Nanyan, even a short life would be worth it.

The fate between people is so strange.

Mrs. Guo and Mrs. Yang looked at each other pleasingly, so they became close friends.

Gu Nanyan and Guo Shi also get along very well, and their relationship is much more harmonious than that of ordinary aunts and nephews.

Although Madam Yang and Gu Nanyan met for the first time, because they are both straightforward people, they had a very happy conversation.

It is estimated that in response to the old saying, it is not that a family does not enter a house.

After the guests at home dispersed, Mrs. Guo mysteriously pulled Gu Nanyan into her room.

"Sister Nan, what do you think of your Aunt Yang's character?"

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