Gu Nanyan didn't understand what she meant at first, and smiled slowly: "My aunt's best friend is naturally good."

Guo Shi was shocked when he heard the words, "Then do you think your father will like it?"

Would her dad like something?

Like... Mrs. Yang?

Gu Nanyan: ...! ! !
Her smile froze on her face, and she was momentarily stunned by Guo Shi's question.

It turned out that today's blind date was not only for her to find a sister-in-law, but also arranged for her father to find her a stepmother!

Seeing Guo's probing eyes, Gu Nanyan's mouth twitched.

She said why Mrs. Guo introduced her friends to her so enthusiastically today.

The feeling is that she wants the fat and water not to flow into the fields of outsiders, so she packs her father up and gives it to a close friend, and she is afraid that she will not agree.

After all, stepmothers and stepdaughters have been insoluble in water and oil since ancient times.

But, shouldn't we first ask Mrs. Gu about this - her grandmother?

Tell her what to do first, she is a girl and not a mother!
It's really impossible to ask his father!
Gu Nanyan was silent, seeing Guo Shi looking at him eagerly, it was not good to say nothing.

"It's better to ask him this question. It's not up to me whether he likes it or not." She said coyly.

"That's right. Ever since the trouble with Ge Shi, he said that he would not continue the string. With your father's temper, he probably wouldn't agree."

Guo's enthusiasm faded.

Thinking of Gu Shen being alone all day, there is no one in the room who knows the cold and the hot, he sighs inwardly.

Ever since Sister Nan got married, the second room was even more deserted. As a sister-in-law, she didn't want him to die alone.

More importantly, she thought that Gu Shen and Yang Shi were not too old, so hurry up and have another one.

If they can give birth to a boy, when they are all old in the future, there will be someone to take care of Miss Nan.

As a woman, when you get married, you will live under the nose of your husband's family. If your mother's family has a younger brother as a backing, you will feel more confident in your heart.

Gu Nanyan said that she doesn't need others to back her up, she needs to be hardworking herself, and relying on others is not a long-term solution.

However, she also understood that Guo Shi was a native of ancient times, and this kind of thinking was deeply rooted, so she didn't speak out her thoughts.

Thinking about it again, cheap father is indeed a bit pitiful. After the grandfather and grandmother passed away, the Gu family separated, and he would be the only master left in their house.

It would be nice if we can get married with Mrs. Yang, at least someone will accompany me when I eat.

"Auntie might as well go and ask first. It's best if father doesn't object. If he disagrees with life and death, then we can think of other ways."

Gu Shen's temper is a bit stubborn, and he still admits death.

I said before that I would not continue to marry, I am afraid it will be difficult to change my mind.

Gu Nanyan also wanted to sigh.

What the hell did she do?
A total of two fathers, a harem with 3000 beauties, and one alone, none of them are normal!

Gu Nanyan still knows her father's temperament very well.

As soon as Guo Shi said this, she was interrupted by Gu Shen's big palm.

"Sister-in-law doesn't have to think about this for me. I'm fine by myself now."

He really didn't have this thought, he was tired of running back and forth between the capital city and Mingshan city all day long.

If his parents were not still there, he would have settled down in Mingshan City!

Wouldn't it be busier to marry another daughter-in-law?

Gu Shen firmly disagrees.

Gu Nanyan, who had been silent all this time, said: "One person has one's own way of living. I don't feel anything now. What will you do when you get older?"

"Unless you are willing to follow me in the palace for the elderly, who cares if you are sick or in disaster?"

Gu Nanyan didn't think that Gu Shen had to continue.

But his situation is a bit special.

Originally a total of one son and one daughter.

He knew that her daughter was not his own, and later found out that the son Ge Shi gave birth to was not his own either.

As a man, it is indeed a bit miserable.

It's no wonder that he insists on living alone now, fearing that he will be disgusted by Ge Shi's affairs.

Gu Nanyan's heart softened for a rare moment.

Gu Shen was moved by her daughter's filial piety, but she still didn't let go.

"Daddy knows that you are a good boy, but whoever's father will live with his daughter at his husband's house, and his father is still young, in another ten or twenty years, if he has that idea, it won't be too late to remarry."

Gu Nanyan always felt that her father lacked a string in his mind.

Today is verified.

Ten or twenty years later, you want to remarry, but which little old lady dares to risk the world's disgrace and remarry in old age, marry you!
Unless you marry a young girl.

That would be a real restlessness!
Guo Shi was also very speechless, "What are you saying, if my in-laws hear it, I'm afraid you will be mad at me to death!"

It's clearly procrastinating to remarry after 20 years.

Guo Shi still has the majesty of a sister-in-law. Seeing that she was angry, Gu Shen shut up obediently.

The eldest sister-in-law is like a mother, and this is also a half-mother.

Just still not letting go.

Gu Shen is no longer a child, Guo Shi can't hold his head down and make him continue.

But she was not reconciled to leaving her like this.

She grew up with Yang Shi since she was a child, and she knows her temperament very well.

He was a person who could not tolerate sand in his eyes, but he was very open-minded, and he was also very skillful in the matter of managing the family.

The reason why she divorced her man at the beginning was also because the other man indulged her concubine's room and caused her miscarriage.

Then he left her husband's house in a rage.

Guo thinks that the two are quite suitable, they are both hurt people, and they will definitely cherish the new relationship more.

The most rare thing is that the Yang family has no children, and there are no miscellaneous relatives in her natal family. It is very clean and will definitely not cause trouble for Sister Nan.

For this alone, in Guo Shi's opinion, she and Gu Shen are simply destined by fate.

The two were in a stalemate for a while, one refused to let go and the other did not want to give up.

Gu Nanyan rubbed her forehead with a headache, seeing the two uncles and sisters-in-law, who together were over half a hundred, staring at each other, neither of them would bow their heads, could not help crying or laughing.

She thought about it, and this time she stood at Guo's.

"I just met that Mrs. Yang, and I chatted with her a few times, and we got along quite well."

This is not nonsense, Mrs. Yang has a cheerful personality, without the twists and turns of those little women, Gu Nanyan is also straightforward, and the two of them talked very easily and casually.

"Besides, I think she has a gentle manner in her gestures and gestures. She should have been well-educated, and she is much, much better than the original Ge Shi."

She didn't say to let Gu Shen accept Mrs. Yang's words, she only analyzed Mrs. Yang's personality from her own perspective.

He also cited Gregory as an example.

Gu Shen frowned as soon as he heard the word "Ge Shi", and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

Hearing that my daughter spared no effort to praise Mrs. Yang, she seemed to like her very much, so she couldn't help hesitating.

Speaking of which, his precious daughter has no mother to take care of her since she was a child, and she has been tortured by that temptress Ge Shi for so many years. It can be said that she has never enjoyed maternal love.

Although there is a sister-in-law who treats her like her own daughter now, it is different after all.

Could it be that the girl wants a mother?
Although he really doesn't want to continue, but if it's the girl's intention, it's not completely impossible...

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