The farmer has a mall

Chapter 947 The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

Chapter 947 The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

Mother Cheng went back to Mrs. Xie's place, and described the matter in an exaggerated way.

Because he had lost face, he acted like he was crying and grabbing the ground, as if he was wronged by someone who wiped out the whole family.

Mrs. Xie was naturally very angry when she heard the words, and deeply felt that she was too tolerant in ordinary times, which made Shang's mother so arrogant and domineering.

She was determined to punish him herself, so that the servants in her yard who were floating around could have a look.

Unexpectedly, before she went out, the butler came to invite her.

After Mother Shang returned from Prince Sheng's Mansion, she immediately told her husband what the princess had said.

Shang Huaizhou immediately went to Mr. Shang to give an answer without stopping.

So Mr. Shang sent someone to invite Mrs. Xie.

Xie knew that her father-in-law must be looking for her to talk about the separation of the family.

It was a shame to be invited to Dali Temple, but she did not object to the separation of the family.

Even agrees.

Of course, she thought that the separation was to separate Shang Huaizhou's family from the mansion.

When the time comes, everything in the Shang family will belong to her own son and grandson, so how can she object.

The little grandson Shang Bao sitting next to her, since suffering from Gu Nanyan, did not dare to hate Gu Nanyan, who is a princess and princess, but hated Shang Yinyin's family instead.

Hearing Mrs. Xie talk about the purpose of great-grandfather inviting her to Madam Cheng, she immediately twisted her immature face, and said bitterly: "The bitches of that family dare to embarrass grandma, they deserve to be kicked out of the house, grandma, hurry up and go with her." The great-grandfather said, let this family get out of here quickly, and let them starve to death on the street without giving them a single coin!"

"Oh little ancestor, please keep your voice down!" Mother Cheng was startled and hurriedly stopped him.

What surprised her was not Shang Bao's outrageous words, disrespect to Shang Huaizhou and Shang Mu's elders, calling them "sluts".

It's not surprising that he was so vicious at such a young age that he wanted the lives of his uncle and aunt's family because of a little grievance.

What she was afraid of was the housekeeper who was still waiting outside. If the little master's words were heard by him, he would be punished if he reported to the old man!
Xie touched her grandson's head with a distressed face, and comforted her in a soft voice: "Bao'er is not angry, it is not worth being a bitch for that screwdriver, grandma will definitely vent her anger for you!"

Mrs. Xie also hated, not only hated Shang Huaizhou's family, but also hated Gu Nanyan for meddling in his own business.

This is probably because the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

Mrs. Xie comforted her grandson, and went to Mr. Shang with high spirits.

I thought Lord Shang ordered someone to call her over this time to discuss with her about the separation of the family.

After all, Shang Guoping doesn't care about everything. He is too old to hang out with the concubine in the backyard. He doesn't do any business at all. The old man can only discuss with her if he has something to do.

Mrs. Xie had already made up his mind along the way, and later, he would kill Shang Huaizhou as his grandson said, and not distribute the property to Shang Huaizhou, so that he and the servants in the mansion would know the consequences of offending him.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she entered the door, she saw Shang Huaizhou's family of three sitting there waiting neatly.

"Huaizhou came quickly." Xie said with a fake smile.

Thinking that Shang Huaizhou had got the news, he came to the old man to intercede in advance, and wanted to share more benefits.

Thinking about it, Mrs. Xie winked at Mother Cheng who was behind her.

Mother Cheng came forward with a few booklets, and placed them respectfully in front of Mr. Shang.

"Huaizhou's daughter-in-law wanted to leave the Shang family wholeheartedly, and she even went to Dali Temple to make the whole city laugh at her. When the daughter-in-law came back, she thought about it and felt that since the Huaizhou family insisted on separating the family, there must be a better way forward. It's not good for me as a stepmother to hinder their future, so I asked someone to sort out the details of the family property overnight, as well as the account books of the mansion over the years, and show it to the old man."

Lord Shang squinted his old eyes and looked at her lightly.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. What kind of virtue does his wife have, she will give him the account book so simply and neatly, she must have done something wrong.

Mr. Shang originally thought that since he wanted to keep the eldest grandson's family in the mansion, he should give the second grandson Shang Weicai more of the family property, and he should be compensated.

But when he opened the account book, he almost didn't throw the account book in Xie's face!

"Mr. Xie! Don't tell this old man, apart from the mansion, Nuo Da Shang's family only has a dilapidated house in the suburbs of Beijing!"

Mr. Shang shook his hands, pinching the so-called family property details and his face flushed.

Thinking of him as a dignified second-rank official, there is no gold and silver deposits, no mansion, fertile land, and no trace of antique jade, only a farmhouse left!
Like talk!
Xie Shi was not afraid at all, and calmly nodded.

"To tell you the truth, my daughter-in-law subsidized this house with her own dowry... It's not like my father doesn't know about our family's situation. How can your monthly payment be enough to pay for it? If it wasn't for the separation, my daughter-in-law would not be willing to buy this house." What about the house?"

"That can't be the only room left!"

"That's quite a lot. At least there are tiles to cover your head... My daughter-in-law is more generous, so let's give this room to the Huaizhou family. After all, they are going to separate from the house, so they can save sleeping on the streets."

Xie stared at Shang Huaizhou maliciously, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

His mother couldn't beat her back then, how could he, a junior, take advantage of her?

After the separation, she has a lot of means to toss the family and see how they die when the time comes!
Mr. Shang looked down at the four big characters "a hut" written on the huge paper, and the veins on his forehead twitched.

He is a man who doesn't understand general affairs, but he also knows that no matter how poor the Shang family is, they won't have this little property left.

After a little thought, he immediately understood Xie's intentions.

When we were in Dali Temple, Huaizhou's daughter-in-law said that her family separated from the Shangfu, and Xie wanted to leave only a thatched hut for Huaizhou?
How vicious!

Those are descendants of his Shang family!
Mr. Shang, who has been cultivating himself for many years, almost ruined his achievements, and wished to beat and scold Mrs. Xie for being unkind in public.

And thinking of his purpose today, Mr. Shang's heart calmed down again.

He gritted his molars and asked, "Are you sure you only give a thatched hut to the children who are separated?"

Mrs. Xie didn't understand the question in his words, so she nodded without much hesitation.

"This is already the daughter-in-law's best effort. If the father is not satisfied... the big deal is to subsidize it later."

It is impossible to subsidize, but everything in the mansion is in her hands, even if the old man wants to subsidize, it depends on whether she agrees or not.

Shang Huaizhou's family did not speak from the beginning to the end, but just sat there quietly, neither fighting nor grabbing.

Not to mention that they already knew about their grandfather's decision, even if they were the ones who distributed it today, they didn't care about the family property.

Shang Huaizhou felt that although he had no great talents, he still had a bit of cleverness, so it was not a problem to support his family from scratch.

As long as there is no pressure from the Xie family, he believes that he can make his wife and children live a good life...

Shang Huaizhou held back, but Shang's mother refused to suffer any more.

She is not something in the corrupt mansion, but...

"The mother said that there is no permanent property in the family, and the daughter-in-law dare not question it, and the daughter-in-law doesn't want anything else. She just asks the mother to return the dowry brought by the daughter-in-law and is satisfied!"

(End of this chapter)

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