The farmer has a mall

Chapter 948 The Woman in the Chamber of Secrets

"That's natural." Xie's eyes rolled, "At the beginning, I was also doing it for your own good. I was afraid that Huaizhou was young and didn't know how to use the money, so I kept it for you for the time being."

She said with a very straightforward look: "But since the family is going to be separated, as a mother-in-law, if I continue to keep the dowry of my daughter-in-law, I'm afraid it would be inappropriate... I will have someone carry it to your yard later."

Mother Shang was surprised when she heard this, and was surprised by Xie's straightforwardness.

Even Shang Huaizhou, who had been silent all this time, gave Mrs. Xie an unexpected look.

At the beginning, his marriage with his wife was arranged by Mrs. Xie. He didn't know how much dowry he paid, but he was the wife's dowry list.


The level of abundance even frightened him, a person who never puts gold and silver in his eyes.

But later, the dowry was taken away by the Xie family with high-sounding reasons, and there was no other way to stop it except for being full of guilt for the new wife.

He and his wife always thought that the dowry would never come back.

But I didn't expect Mrs. Xie to agree without even thinking about it.

But how did they know that Mrs. Xie really wanted to return the dowry to Mother Shang.

Shangmu's dowry is no less than that of her mother-in-law, and most of them are gold, silver and jade objects, which have been replaced by her a long time ago.

Now all that's left is scrap metal.

Mr. Shang didn't know, but when Xie's conscience found out, his complexion eased a lot.

"In this case, when Wei arrives, let's divide the family property."

It's not that the Shang family doesn't have other sons and daughters, it's just that what they did today was to separate Shang Weicai's family to reassure the grandson's family.

Because a single tree cannot form a forest, the others still have to stay in the mansion and support the Shang family together with Shang Huaizhou.

As he was talking, Shang Weicai hurried over with his wife and a pair of children.

Ever since he was caught in the brothel last time and exposed his unknown hobbies, Shang Weicai simply broke his cans and lingered in the brothel Chuguan all day, not even bothering to pretend.

Because of this, Mrs. Xie cut off his source of income, trying in vain to make his son restrain himself, but unexpectedly, Shang Weicai turned around and borrowed usury, but he was unable to repay it.

In the end, someone came to ask for a debt.

After a few quarrels, Mrs. Xie was very angry with this son, hated iron but had no choice but to help him pay back the money and let him mess around outside.

With the connivance of his mother, Shang Wei intensified, and now he rests in the building for three and a half days out of five, which is even more shameful.

Seeing his grandson's disheveled clothes and the fragrance of powder and rouge all over his body, Master Shang couldn't figure out where he came from, his eyes almost burst into flames with anger.

"Bastard, why did the Shang family give birth to something like you!"

He wanted to say, "How did your father give birth to such a thing as you", but he thought that Shang Guoping was still hanging around with his concubine all day long, so he immediately turned a corner.

I am very disappointed in these people in my heart.

The key is that Shang Weicai still doesn't know how to look at his face. At this moment, his mind is full of the new girl in the Chu Pavilion, and he wants to quickly settle the matter in front of him and go back to enjoy the beauty's favor.

After entering the door, he said: "Grandson has no opinion on the division of the family. Grandfather just divides the elder brother's family. As for the dilapidated house, give it to the eldest brother's family. Grandson will never compete with elder brother for family property!"

Before he came, his mother told him that he would leave a house for the elder brother's family.

Although he didn't know how big the house was, his understanding of his mother must not be a good one.

Shang Wei felt that, as a younger brother, he still had the courage to do so, so he pretended to be righteous, and divided the "family property" before Mr. Shang could open his mouth.

Mr. Shang was almost pissed to death by his "brother, friend and brother respectful" appearance.

Everyone thought he was stupid, and they really thought he knew everything!
If he is really so confused, don't be an official, just resign and go back to his hometown to farm!

Lord Shang regretted it very much at this time, regretting that he knew what Xie had done, but he had not been able to control it for many years, which made the family restless and affected his children and grandchildren.

"The house should be reserved for you, you need it more than your elder brother." Lord Shang said in a deep voice.

Shang Weicai's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he still treated him like a grandfather, not wanting to hurt the eldest brother's family.

He just wanted to evade words to show his love for his elder brother, when Master Shang said again: "This house will be your place to stay after you leave the mansion. If the old man finds out that you are still behaving like before, don’t blame the old man for disregarding the love of grandparents and grandchildren and expelling you from the family!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked.

Xie Shi almost fainted.

"What do you mean, old man, are you going to drive my son out of the house?!"


Not to mention that the Shang family was in a mess because of Lord Shang's decision, and Gu Nanyan, who had been sending people to watch the Shang's house, learned that it was rare to praise Lord Shang for not being confused.

Then no more attention.

She picked up the teacup, listening to Long Yi's report, she couldn't help thinking about it.

According to Long Yi's investigation, there was indeed a dark room in Lu's house, and there was a person locked up in the dark room, described as a little crazy.

It is not uncommon to see shady underworld officials in mansions, but such things as private imprisonment still aroused Gu Nanyan's curiosity.

"Do you know the identity of that person?" She asked Long Yiyi.

Long Yi shook his head: "The subordinates were afraid to scare the snake away, only to find out that the person is a woman, who seems to be about the same age as Lu Shi, and besides a few people who take turns in charge of guarding, no one seems to know the existence of this woman."

He looked up at Gu Nanyan.Seeing that her brows were tightened, she was afraid that she would feel that she was not capable of handling things, so she hurriedly added: "Princess, don't worry, since that woman appeared in the Sun's residence, she will definitely leave traces, and I will ask someone to check carefully when I turn back."

With the strength of Prince Sheng's Mansion, it is not difficult to find out a person's identity, it just takes time.

Gu Nanyan nodded slightly, "Then it will be hard work for you."

It's not that she wants to meddle in other people's affairs, but that Mrs. Lu came in front of her, and Prime Minister Sun intends to befriend his grandfather, so she has to find out to avoid his grandfather being implicated.

Moreover, Gu Nanyan had reservations about Sun Cheng.

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