Chapter 949
In the evening, the news of the separation of the Shang family spread to every family in the capital, and there was quite a commotion.

Shang Guoping's second son's family was separated from the mansion, and Shang Wei somehow annoyed Mr. Shang, so he kicked him out that day.

Mrs. Xie was crying at the entrance of the Shang Mansion, scolding Shang Huaizhou for being vicious and unable to tolerate his younger brother, blaming Mr. Shang for being unkind to his children and grandchildren, and even slapping Shang Guoping in front of many watching people , Said that he is weak and incompetent as a father, if he can't even protect his son, he might as well hit him to death.

A farce lasted for more than half an hour. Seeing Mrs. Xie beating and rolling in disregard of face, Lord Shang was so angry that he almost fainted. He threatened that if Mrs. Xie didn't know what to do, he would ask his son to send her back to her mother's house, which made Mrs. Xie shut up. .

A few days later, Shang Huaizhou found Mr. Shang with the collected evidence, and claimed that Xie killed his biological mother because he wanted to replace his biological mother as the mistress of the Shang family.

Mr. Shang wanted to send Mrs. Xie to the government for disposal, but was stopped by Shang Guoping.

Said that he has been married to the Xie family for many years, please ask Mrs. Shang not to send her to the officials for investigation for her role in taking care of the children of the Shang family, but send her to a nunnery outside the city to meditate on her past and chant scriptures for her ex-wife pray.

Kneeling in front of Shang Huaizhou again, weeping and begging for his forgiveness.

It was also the first time that Shang Huaizhou discovered that his father was such a man who valued love and righteousness. In order to protect his wife, he actually knelt down to plead for mercy with his son.

But how innocent his mother was!

Sitting opposite Gu Nanyan, Shangmu sighed faintly.

"Father found the doctor who first treated the mother to testify for Xie, saying that the mother was not in good health before pregnancy and was not suitable for pregnancy and childbirth, but the mother insisted on giving birth to a husband. After giving birth, she seemed to be no different from ordinary people, but in fact The inside has been hollowed out long ago, and it died in a short period of time."

"As for Xie's secret replacement of mother's decoction, so that there is no medicine for mother's illness, it only speeds up the course of the disease."

Naturally, Shang Huaizhou would not believe this statement, so he personally went to his grandfather's house to verify it.

"My mother was not favored when she was in her boudoir, and the family was very patriarchal. She regarded her daughter as a stepping stone for her son, otherwise she would not have married such a man as her father-in-law."

Shang Guoping's reputation has always been bad. When he was young, he often lingered in the place of fireworks. Although he was not like Shang Weicai who did not taboo meat and vegetables, both father and son were equally greedy for beauty.

It was only because of his father, Mr. Shang's second-rank official residence, that Shang Huaizhou's mother was betrothed to him by his grandfather's family.

Shang Huaizhou looked through his mother's previous pulse case and confirmed Shang Guoping's words, but he couldn't forgive Mrs. Xie for harming his mother, so he simply sent Mrs. Xie to the nunnery according to what Shang Guoping said.

"Actually, my father and Mrs. Xie's relationship has always been average. It's because of the deep love between husband and wife that he protects her. My father just doesn't want to divorce his wife, and he doesn't want to part with the dowry in Mrs. Xie's name."

The two are still husband and wife, as long as Mrs. Xie wants to return to the Shang family one day, she will be determined by Shang Guoping.

In terms of money, of course Xie will give as much as he wants.

Mother Shang laughed ironically. Although her natal family was not as high as the Shang family, she really despised the couple.

There is also Shang Weicai, Mrs. Xie is too busy to take care of herself at this time, and I am afraid that she doesn't have the energy to take care of him.

But Lord Shang is not a cruel person, for the sake of his sons and daughters, he didn't really just give him a thatched hut to fend for himself.

The middle gift in Xie's hand was handed over to Shangmu, and her own dowry was also taken back.

There are no more troublemakers in the mansion, and the past few days can be said to be smooth sailing.

"My husband said that the smooth progress of the separation of the family depends on the face of the princess. Let the concubine come to thank the princess."

Mother Shang is sincerely grateful to Gu Nanyan, if it weren't for her appearance, their family would never have a good life in this life.

Gu Nanyan waved his hands indifferently.

"I didn't do anything, it's up to you... By the way, what is Shang Huaizhou going to do next?"

The family is also divided, and it is time to find a way out.

You can't rely on Mr. Shang for the rest of your life.

Speaking of this mother is also worried.

"My husband has been good at reading books since I was a child. The old man wants him to pick it up again and take the imperial examination. It's just my husband's legs..."

Shang Huaizhou had fallen off his horse before, but he couldn't walk very well afterwards, so it might be difficult for him to become an official.

Gu Nanyan knew what she meant. Anyone with a disability or loss of appearance in the Jianan Kingdom was not allowed to be appointed as an official, so as not to affect the image of the court.

Even officials who have accidents after entering the court will be criticized.

Otherwise, Mr. Shang would not shut himself at home all day after he got white eclipse.

But in Gu Nanyan's view, this rule is simply unhealthy.

Being an official in court is based on ability, not appearance!
You don't care if Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Ermazi have no hands or feet or have acne, is it enough if you have the ability?
I think so, but the bad habits in the court will not be able to deal with it for a while.

Gu Nanyan thought for a while and said, "Let Shang Huaizhou come over tomorrow, and I'll show him."

She didn't directly say to cure him, after all, Shang Huaizhou's leg has been lame for not a day or two, and she can't guarantee it without seeing her with her own eyes.

But even so, Shangmu was very excited.

If there is one person in this world who can heal her husband's leg, that person can only be Gu Nanyan.

She is someone who is praised by Doctor Dou!

Besides, let's not talk about anything else, just talk about the medicines in Gu's pharmacy, even the imperial physicians in the palace said that the medicines are amazing.

Mother Shang thanked her with tears in her eyes, she felt that she had nothing to repay, and she let Gu Nanyan order more than a dozen kinds of food, and went back home happily to go.

Shang Huaizhou was also very excited when he knew that Gu Nanyan was going to watch his legs, so he took his wife and daughter to drink wine that night.

When he got drunk, he touched his daughter's head with tears in his eyes: "It's all thanks to Yin Yin."

Shang Huaizhou knew very well that if there was no daughter, the concubine would only take care of their family's business when she was full.

He has been a coward for so many years. He thought that this would be the end of his life, but he never expected that he would not have to be tortured by Mrs. Xie in the future, and he would also have the opportunity to pursue an official career.

This made Shang Huaizhou, who was once ambitious as a man, not excited.

For the first time in his life, Shang Huaizhou drank too much, and kept talking about how to make his wife and daughter live a better life and never be bullied again.

Mother Shang also burst into tears.

Shang Yinyin sat at the side, looked up at her parents with teary eyes, swallowed the hibiscus shrimp in her mouth and said: "This dish tastes too light, I'm afraid my beautiful sister won't like it too much, mother, why don't you make it spicy?" of."

She knows the taste of the beautiful sister best, so in case the food cooked by the mother is not to your taste, the beautiful sister appoints her as the exclusive taster, and only the dishes she ordered can be made for the beautiful sister!

Shang Yinyin's dignified appearance with her small breasts puffed out made Shang's mother laugh.

She wiped her tears and pretended to be serious and said: "Mother knows, she must change it to our Yinyin's satisfaction..."

(End of this chapter)

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