Chapter 951
Now that Shang Huaizhou has made up his mind, Gu Nanyan will treat him on the same day without wasting any time.

It was so painful to have a broken bone again, but Shang Huaizhou gritted his teeth and endured it, his head was sweating profusely and his face turned pale without crying out for pain.

It made Gu Nanyan look at him differently.

In the afternoon, after the bone setting was over, Gu Nanyan firmly fixed his legs and asked Steward Tao to place him in a guest room in the front yard for a day of observation to prevent postoperative infection.

Hearing that her husband's leg had been successfully fused, Shang's mother was relieved, and she sat beside her husband's bed with red eyes and waited for him to take the medicine.

Shang Yinyin also cried, it's bad, she feels sorry for her father's suffering.

"Yinyin doesn't cry, isn't Daddy doing well?" Shang Huaizhou comforted.

"It's just that daddy is going to break his promise, so he won't be able to go shopping with your mother." Shang Huaizhou still remembered his promise, feeling both guilty and relieved.

What makes me feel guilty is that I have broken my promise to my daughter, but I am gratified that I will spend a lot of time with my wife and daughter in the future, and accompany them with a healthy body.


After treating Shang Huaizhou, Gu Nanyan asked his servants to take care of him and went back to the backyard.

Thinking about going on an expedition in a few days, he wanted to be patient and study the nautical chart drawn by Gu Yunge.

In a tiny place like Yangguo, the limitations of the land have already determined the size of their vision.

Gu Nanyan's original intention was that this kind of tyrannical country that doesn't know how to convince others with virtue and only sees immediate benefits is not worth her troubles at all, all it needs is to stop the war with war.

At worst, spend more military funds and sink the entire island!
But these days, she thought about it, maybe it was the national feelings of the previous life, she didn't want herself and the army under her command to become animals like the Yang Kingdom, hurting civilians.

Even these commoners are hated by her.

Gu Nanyan sighed, spread the nautical chart on the desk, his eyes fell on the location of Yangguo, and his brows were knitted into a ball.

"Master, Long Yi is here." Yun Xi came in through the curtain, with her head down and said a little uncomfortable.

"Let him in."

Long Yi would not come to her if he had nothing to do, he must have something important to come here so late.

It is estimated that the identity of the woman in the Sun Mansion's secret room should be found out.

Gu Nanyan looked away from the blueprint, just as she wanted Yunxi to put it away, she saw an extra jade pendant around her waist at a glance.

The jade pendant is hollowed out, carved in the shape of a fish, with one side in a semi-arc shape, which is the shape of a fish's bow when it jumps out of the water, and layers of waves are carved around it.

The whole is semicircular.

It should be half of the mandarin duck jade.

Gu Nanyan immediately narrowed his eyes with a smile.

"Sent by Long Yi?" She asked knowingly.

The tone was full of ridicule.

"Hmm..." Yun Xi became more cautious, fearing that Gu Nanyan would think that she and Long Yi were giving and receiving privately, so she hurriedly added: "If the master thinks it's inappropriate, the servant will return it to him."

"Pull it down, take it all away, there is no reason to return this kind of thing."

Gu Nanyan waved his hand: "Don't make him turn around and come to me and cry."

Long and Yun Xi's treacherous intentions were clearly revealed, and the whole family probably knew about it. Even Li Yi had approached her for this, hinting whether she should decide on their marriage.

At that time, she saw Yunxi didn't know what it was like, so she didn't agree.

It's good now, looking at it like this, I am afraid that the two of them have the right eyes, and they have affection for each other.

It's a good thing.

Yunxi has been with her for so long, trying to do her best, Gu Nanyan really wants her to have a good home.

That Long Yi... well, although he is a bit unworthy of her family Yunxi, but he is stupid enough, Yunxi won't be at a disadvantage if he follows him.

Of course, with her around, he would not dare to let Yunxi be wronged.

"It's very good. You come and I give and return, which helps to warm up the relationship."

Back then when Long Yi gave Yun Xi rouge and water powder, Yun Xi returned him several boxes of Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, and now he gave him a jade pendant...

Gu Nanyan was looking forward to Yunxi's return gift.

Is it time for her pharmacy to stock some new drugs?
Such as kidney qi pills and the like.

Seen by Gu Nanyan's malicious eyes, Yun Xi felt hairy all over, always felt that the master was trying to play tricks, so she hurriedly retreated to call Long Yi into the room.

"Qi Wangfei, the woman's identity has been found!" Long Yi said energetically.

He is in good spirits on happy occasions, and it is not at all obvious that he has not closed his eyes for several days in order to complete the task assigned by the hostess.

"Wangfei, do you still remember that when the lord ordered his subordinates to dispatch Sun's family, the subordinates said that Sun Cheng was once listed as a son-in-law?"

"That woman is the business woman surnamed Wu who pointed at Sun Cheng's nose and insulted her without saying anything when she caught her son-in-law!"

Gu Nanyan frowned upon hearing the words: "Didn't it mean that the woman's father took his daughter and left Beijing in a panic after knowing Sun Cheng's identity? How could he appear in Sun's residence?"

And it's still in the house of this little concubine, Mrs. Lu.

If she remembers correctly, the Lu family entered the mansion after Sun Cheng was listed as a son-in-law.

"The news found in the capital is indeed so." Long Yiyi said.

"It's just that after an in-depth investigation, the subordinates found that when the master of the Wu family left the capital, he encountered robbers. Almost the whole family died, leaving only one elderly servant."

"This subordinate felt that this matter was strange, so he went to ask the old servant, and only then did he know that the Wu family was indeed dead, except for the Miss Wu family and her personal maid... There is no one alive or dead!"

"So the subordinate dictated that someone draw a portrait of the woman in the secret room for him to see. Although more than ten years have passed, the old servant still recognized his lady at a glance!"

"There is also Mrs. Lu, the maid who disappeared with Miss Wu's back then!"

"The subordinates speculate... Miss Wu's family should have been betrayed by people around her."

After hearing this, Gu Nanyan rubbed her fingertips: "You mean, Miss Wu was murdered by Mrs. Lu...that is, her maid at the time?"

Long glanced at Yunxi, and nodded with difficulty.

Due to Yunxi's identity, Long Yi actually didn't want to make such speculations, lest the princess would create a barrier to the people around her.

But the miserable condition of Miss Wu's family is really shocking, there is no intact skin from head to toe.

New wounds and old wounds criss-crossed, even the scalp was missing in several places, not only cuts but also burns, and even a scar where a piece of flesh was dug out on the thigh!
Long Yi, a blood-licking person, couldn't bear to look directly at him.

However, Lu Shi, who used to be a personal maid, has become a well-clothed concubine, and Miss Wu's family is also locked in her room.

How can people not doubt it!
Loyal people like Long Yi look down on those who betray their master the most, and his words reveal a strong dislike for Lu Shi.

Even Yun Xi lost the good mood she had when she received the gift just now, and her small face looked scary with a gloomy look.

She is loyal to Gu Nanyan, and Gu Nanyan treats her like a sister, so naturally he can't tolerate traitors like Lu Shi more than Long Yi.

"Master, this slave girl asks for orders to kill the traitor Lu Shi and rescue the Miss Wu family, and I ask the master to agree!" Yun Xi gritted her back molars and said.

(End of this chapter)

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