Chapter 952

"That's not the case." Gu Nanyan said with a smile.

"After all, it's someone else's grievances. It has nothing to do with us. You don't have to dirty your hands."

Gu Nanyan pointed at the edge of the table, unable to understand Lu Shi's intention for inviting her for a while.

In addition, Shangguan's attitude towards Lu's is also very fascinated.

The post that Mrs. Lu sent to her was written by Mrs. Shangguan, and logically it should have been instructed by her, but Mrs. Lu was fined after returning.

And when she went to the Sun Mansion to attend the tea party, Shangguan didn't mention Lu Shi during the whole process, and even deliberately avoided the topic of Lu Shi.

He seemed to be respectful to Gu Nanyan, but he was actually not very warm.

"Let's put it aside for now, and watch closely over at the Sun Mansion."

It's because the fox is going to show its tail sooner or later, so just be on guard.

Long Yi responded, took a look at Yun Xi, hesitated to speak, and then backed away.

"You go down too."

Seeing that Long Yi still had something to say to Yun Xi, Gu Nanyan was also happy to match them up, so he found an excuse to send Yun Xi away, thinking that he would have to discuss it with Li Yi later, and if both of them were willing, he would give it to him. They set a date for their wedding.

Otherwise, when she and Li Yi go overseas, it may delay them for another year or two.

Yun Xi stepped over the threshold, closed the door gently, and when she turned around, she saw Long Yi standing under the tree looking at her foolishly and smiling.

"Why haven't you left yet? Didn't the master tell you to keep an eye on that side..." Yun Xi asked knowingly.

"It's not too late, besides, there are other brothers."

Before coming, Long Yi had arranged for other people to watch and report to him if anything happened, so he was not in a hurry to leave at this time.

He told Yunxi to go outside the courtyard gate, trotting hurriedly to follow, wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

"That... do you like the jade pendant?" Long Yi asked cautiously.


Yun Xi walked in front, speaking in a very soft voice, the faint words seemed a bit random, but it still made Long Yi very happy.

"That's good. I'm afraid you don't like it. I specially asked someone to draw it. I carved it by myself. It is incomparable to those masters outside."

"You carved it yourself?"

Yun Xi stopped when she heard this, turned around and asked Long Yi in surprise.

Although the style of the jade pendant was good, but she was used to seeing good things around her master, so she could tell at a glance that although the quality of the jade pendant was not bad, the carving was a bit rough.

She just thought that Long Yi bought it casually from some stall, thinking that it was his wish anyway, it doesn't matter whether the item is good or not, as long as the wish comes to her.

after all……

The lord is not as generous as her master, and Long Yi doesn't have that money to buy things that are too expensive.

Unexpectedly, this was carved by him himself.

"Yeah, I heard people say that something like a token of love must be made by yourself to be sincere, and it took a long time to complete."

Long didn't realize at all that he was a poor boy in the eyes of his sweetheart. When he saw her lightly stroking the jade pendant with her fingers, he thought she liked it very much, and his heart was filled with joy.

Mustering up the courage to step forward and hold Yun Xi's hand.

"Yunxi, you and I are both people who are fighting for our master's life. It doesn't sound good to say it. I don't know what will happen tomorrow... Although I can't guarantee that I can protect your peace for the rest of my life, as long as I, Long Yi, live for a day , I will love you for a day... Would you like... to be my wife?"

Long Yi stammered nervously, looking at Yun Xi with earnest and pious eyes.

As secret guards, their lives belong to their masters, and they never thought that they would be able to start a family one day, and it was the same for Yun Xi.

But they met a pair of good masters, and he believed that as long as the two of them were in love, the prince and princess would agree to their marriage.

This world is extremely harsh on women, if it were an ordinary girl, Long Yi felt that no matter how much he liked her, he would not open his mouth to ask for marriage, lest one day he would die outside while on a mission and leave his wife alone to face the rest of life. Alone.

But Yunxi is different, she is a secret guard just like herself, although the two of them are currently put on the bright side by their respective masters, but they are still living a bloody life, which is not much different from before.

Yun Xi is much stronger than ordinary women, he believes that even if one day he leaves first, she can still take care of herself.

Not to mention that there are princes and concubines looking after him, he can feel relieved.

What's more, he has lived for 20 years, this is the only woman who makes his heart move, he is really not willing to let go...

Long Yi's hands tightened, his eyes fixed on Yun Xi, his heart beat violently, he was afraid that Yun Xi would refuse.

Yun Xi looked into his eyes, and saw anxiety, anticipation, and more turbulent emotions inside.

She thought that the relationship between the two of them was progressing too fast. After all, they had never had a formal relationship before, and today's sudden marriage proposal made her feel uneasy.

But looking at Long Yi's serious expression, she couldn't say no.

"Can you give me some time to think about it?" Yun Xi lowered her head, "I want to ask the master what he means first."

In fact, she knew that as long as she nodded, the master would never stop him, and even wished her sincerely.

But she always remembers her identity, she doesn't want to make a private life with someone before the master nods.

This is disrespect to the master!
It is undeniable that the two years of getting along has given her a different feeling for Long Yi, but the master is always the number one in her heart.

This has nothing to do with the dark guard education she received since she was a child, but that she really admires her master and regards him as a family member, even an elder.

Thinking of this, Yun Xi was a little funny.

She is two years older than the master, but she regards her as an elder. If the master finds out, he may have trouble with her.

Seeing Yunxi smiling happily, Long Yi also raised the corners of his mouth.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you!" He said solemnly.

The phrase "waiting for you" does not just mean waiting for an answer.

Long Yi didn't say that even if the concubine did not agree to their marriage, he would wait until...

Well, the day the prince persuaded the princess!
right!He is so confident that the prince will definitely help him!

Long Yi bid farewell to Yun Xi reluctantly, watched Yun Xi go to the guest courtyard where Shang Huaizhou was, and immediately went to find his prince happily.

I still have to ask his lord to make this happen. If the lord can say something nice about him in front of the wangfei, the wangfei probably won't refuse.

Then, when the affairs of the Sun Mansion came to an end, he could prepare the dowry! !
By the way, there is also a betrothal gift!
Recently, he has to take on more tasks, save more money for his wife, and buy a big house in the capital for his Yunxi to make a home. No matter whether he lives there on weekdays or not, there must be a place... a place called "home" .

In a few years, if he and Yunxi have a son and a half...

You have to have money to raise your kids.

Long Yi, who had never thought about the future, suddenly felt a sense of urgency, regretting that he didn't take money seriously before, and spent as much money as he earned, and used it to buy wine with his brothers in the dark guard camp.

Especially Long Er Long San, they are the most invisible ones, they drink more than anyone else every time.

It was all his daughter-in-law's fault!

No, he suffered a big loss, he has to find a way to get them to return it!
(End of this chapter)

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