The farmer has a mall

Chapter 953 each with their own minds

The front yard of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Sun Cheng held the Zihao brush, with his left hand behind his back, and stroke by stroke on the fine rice paper.

His handwriting is vigorous and powerful, like a sharp sword horizontally, like a dangerous peak towering in the clouds, and the pen drawn with iron and silver hook penetrates the paper.

Recognized by the characters, it can be seen that his mind is firm and his ambition is great.

Those who have no desires are kings.

In just six words, Sun Cheng was exhausted, and the last stroke was drawn out of the paper.

"I'm still a little anxious."

Sun Cheng sighed, he didn't know whether he was writing the word too hastily or something else, he looked regretful.

He put down the pen in his hand, looked down at the big characters that he had finally written, and then threw them into a ball into the brazier beside him.

"It's only the end of July now, so there's no need to put on the brazier so early, it's too hot, let people remove it."

As Sun Cheng said, he took the medicine bowl from Shangguan's hand behind him, and drank it slowly, with noble and elegant gestures, as if tasting a bowl of delicacy.

Shangguan folded his hands in front of him and waited quietly with downcast eyes. Seeing him put down the medicine bowl, he hurriedly brought him the candied fruit on the table.

Sun Cheng waved his hand and refused.

"It's just a bit of bitter medicine soup. After drinking it for so many years, I'm used to the taste. I don't need to prepare this candied fruit in the future. I don't need to waste the money of the government."

Shangguan responded softly, and asked the maid beside him to bring out the candied fruit and the medicine bowl.

But he didn't follow Sun Cheng's order to remove the brazier.

Sun Cheng knew that she was afraid that he would catch cold, so he didn't say anything.

After all, even in summer, he would get cold in previous years.

But not recently, after taking the medicine prescribed by Gu Nanyan, he obviously felt that his body was getting better.

It's autumn now, but it's not as cold as it used to be.

"How's Lucy?" he asked.

The last time Lu Shi visited Gu Nanyan privately, he was locked up when he came back, and he has not been released until now.

"It's still the same. I only said that she went over the rules to visit the princess in order to win face for her husband, and didn't ask anything else."

"Yes." Sun Cheng replied noncommittally.

"Then close it for a few more days."

Shangguan nodded: "I know."

Sun Cheng looked at his wife with low eyebrows and smiled knowingly, as if he was very satisfied with her obedience.


He picked up the tea cup in his hand and rinsed his mouth: "I heard that you wrote the post when Mrs. Lu visited Prince Sheng's mansion. Is this true?"

He looked at his wife with a smile in the corner of his eyes, and said in a tone of reproach, "Didn't I tell you that you don't need to worry about the princess, I will personally thank her for her kindness, did you forget? "

Sun Cheng's tone was soft and tender, like a lover whispering in his ear, but it made Shangguan's back tense instantly.

"It's my concubine's thoughts."

Taking a deep breath, Shangguan's smile became a little stiff and said: "I thought that the concubine is your wife after all, if I don't show it, it will inevitably make people feel that our prime minister's mansion is not polite, so I wrote that post."

"It's just that after I finished writing, I thought of my husband's confession. After much hesitation, I still felt that my husband's confession should come first, so I ordered my servants to take the post and destroy it, but for some reason, it ended up in Lu's hands."

After saying that, Shangguan blamed himself and knelt down in front of Sun Cheng, full of guilt, said: "It's my concubine who didn't manage the back house well, and made my husband bother."

The room was silent and the needle drop could be heard, Sun Cheng was silent for a few moments, then suddenly sighed.

"What is this for? Why should it be like this between you and me?"

As he spoke, he got up and bent down, held Shangguan's shoulders with both hands and squeezed them affectionately, and said with a smile: "Madam is too reserved, if this is seen by the servants, I will treat you as my husband and abuse you. I am just doing it casually." After asking, get up quickly..."


Shangguan left from Sun Cheng's study room, walked a long way without stopping, and only then held on to the arch and gasped for breath.

It wasn't until this incident that she realized that her back was already drenched with sweat, and her fingertips were trembling uncontrollably.

She looked back in the direction of the study, her heart beating like a drum.

Seeing a group of guards walking in front of him, he hurriedly straightened his clothes, put on a haughty expression, and headed for the backyard.


In Lu's room, the serving maid wiped Lu's body with a wet handkerchief, and seeing some blood stains on her snow-white tunic, she couldn't bear to turn her head away.

"Why are you bothering?" the maid choked up.

"It's not like you don't know the young master's temper. Isn't this just asking for guilt?"

Lu looked at the bed curtain in a daze, and after a long while, said weakly: "I have to do something..."

She turned her head slowly, looked at the few bottles of golden sore medicines placed on the small table beside the bed, pasted to the "Gu's Pharmacy", and said to the maidservant: "Send these bottles of medicine to the young lady, I am all skin Trauma, don’t need such good medicine.”

"Why don't you need it? Do you still have few injuries on your body? There is so much blood..."

The maid seemed a little angry, and couldn't even care about the rules.

Staring at Lu Shi dissatisfiedly with red eyes: "It's this time, just take care of yourself, you won't be able to get out of bed, don't look back and get sick, it's up to you!"

"What else can I do? It's just a roll of straw mat left and thrown to the mass grave. I've already seen it."

It's just a pity that I didn't fulfill the master's entrustment to protect my young lady.

But she can't help it.

Being in a wealthy family, alone with no one to help, I can't do anything.

She has tried her best.

Thinking of the young lady who is still imprisoned, Lu's eyes are also red.

At the beginning, the whole Wu family was killed by bandits. If the young lady hadn't risked her life to threaten the villain and insisted on taking her with her, who was still alive, she would have turned into a lonely ghost, wandering the world. .

Later, the young lady was imprisoned, and she was taken in as a concubine by Sun Cheng for unknown reasons, responsible for taking care of the young lady's food and daily life.

It's not that she never thought of risking her life to save the young lady.

But the woman in charge of guarding is very skilled, she is a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, how can she have a chance.

In the end, he could only pretend to be ingratiating, so as to take care of him from the sidelines, so that the young lady could save her life and wait for the right time.

But after waiting for so many years, she really couldn't wait any longer, and she didn't want the young lady to suffer from that flesh and blood every day.

She heard that Princess Sheng took extra care of women, and she hated those who bully weak women. The fief even built a women's factory for the benefit of women.

While longing for it, I also had the idea of ​​visiting Prince Sheng's mansion.

It's just that I didn't expect to meet the housekeeper there, so I had to swallow all my grievances and pretend to be an ambitious concubine to dispel everyone's doubts.

In fact, it was not that she had no chance to ask the princess for help at that time.

But she dared not gamble.

In case the princess refuses to help because of the prime minister's mansion, she who has revealed her purpose will definitely be taken back to the mansion to silence her!

According to Sun Cheng's ruthless temperament, I'm afraid even the young lady will not die well...

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