The farmer has a mall

Chapter 960 Turn on the mocking mode

Chapter 960 Turn on the mocking mode

At any rate, Long San came from the Royal Dark Guard Battalion, so even if his martial arts were weaker than Song Xiao's, he wouldn't be defeated too quickly.

In addition, he was holding back all his energy to fight for Gu Nanyan, so he tried his best to deal with it. The two fought for nearly an hour, and it was almost dark before the victory was decided.

Sun Cheng couldn't stop the fight, so he had to watch the two fight and the yard was full of dust, but he was thinking about how to minimize the consequences.

"Princess, according to what I see, the two of them are quite equal in strength. I'm afraid there will be no winner for a while, so it's better to make a peace." Sun Cheng said in a deliberative tone.

Having seen Gu Nanyan's toughness, he is no longer as confident as he was at the beginning.

Gu Nanyan didn't say a word, she didn't even bother to look at him, she just asked Yun Xi to move a stool for the elderly Steward Tao, and then looked at the two people in the courtyard.

It seems that there is no intention to end the competition.

"Princess, it's getting late, don't delay your meal..." Sun Cheng was unwilling to persuade her again.

He couldn't understand the reason why the other party insisted on this competition. If it was to vent anger on his own people, but the man named Long San was obviously not as strong as Song Xiao, otherwise he wouldn't have been hurt last night.

If the fight continued, he would still be injured.

"Don't worry, Mr. Sun. This old slave has already ordered his servants to serve dinner. Let's not talk about those next to Prince Cheng's mansion. It's still good to serve the master."

Tao Guanshi at the side thanked Gu Nanyan, and sat down with his waist supported.

"It's just that there are regulations on expenses in the mansion. I didn't prepare your meals today. I hope you will forgive me."

So go hungry!
How dare he go to the door of Prince Cheng's mansion to provoke their concubine? Does he have the face to eat from the mansion?

Sun Cheng knew that what he did today might annoy Prince Cheng's mansion, thinking that the old butler might have gotten the prince's order, how dare he blame him, he dared not say anything in a hurry, his heart became more serious.

It seems that he really offended the princess this time, which made Sun Cheng somewhat frustrated.

He didn't do anything excessive today, although he came here to test Gu Nanyan, but he also came with the mentality of making friends, but he didn't know that the other party was so difficult to get along with.

Sun Cheng let out his breath slowly, looking at Song Xiao who was fighting with others, he only hoped that he would restrain himself a bit, and don't hurt others again, that would be the real deadlock.

The kind that can't be solved no matter what!
The action of the dining room was very fast, but within a quarter of an hour, not only Gu Nanyan's food was delivered, but Yunxi and Long Yi's meals were also delivered together.

Gu Nanyan glanced at Butler Tao who was a bit hunched, but still sitting in a well-behaved manner.

He is old, and in the past two years, except for the two masters, all other trivial matters have been left to his subordinates.

After standing for an hour just now, Butler Tao's back was a little sore, and he rubbed it from time to time.

"You can use some of them together, I don't know when I will wait."

As Gu Nanyan said, he shared his meal, and asked someone to set up a table for him, and put the meal in front of Butler Tao.

Steward Tao was flattered, "This is not allowed, how can a servant eat with the master, this is against the rules..."

Butler Tao hurriedly shied away, and Yun Xi sat down before he finished speaking.

Even Long Yi hesitated for a moment before sitting beside Yun Xi.

Yun Xi: "..."

Long Yi: "..."

Butler Tao: "..."

The three of them stared at each other in embarrassment.

Yunxi followed Gu Nanyan to the north and south, and sometimes she couldn't find a place to stay when traveling far, and she was used to eating and sleeping together.

Besides, Gu Nanyan is not a rule-abiding person, and everyone around her follows her example, and it is not uncommon to have meals together like this.

But she forgot that there were outsiders here today, and for a moment she felt as if she had a thorn in her butt, standing or sitting or not.

Gu Nanyan saw that she was uncomfortable, and turned to smile and said to Tao Guanjia: "You always follow the prince from the palace, to my husband and wife, you are more like elders, it's okay to just have a meal, besides, if you If she refuses again, this girl Yunxi might not dare to eat it."

Butler Tao's eyes were red after he said those words.

"How dare the old slave be a princess and say elders..." He wiped the cloudy corners of his eyes, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and took the bowl and chopsticks that Gu Nanyan personally handed over.

"It's you and the lord who don't dislike the old slave, don't think that my old bones are an eyesore, and let the old slave stay in the mansion, the old slave is very grateful..."

Sun Cheng looked at this scene with complicated eyes.

It is extremely unruly for the master to eat with his servants, even in the prime minister's residence, let alone Prince Sheng's residence.

But thinking that the person in front of him is Gu Nanyan, it made him take it for granted.

It's not because he understands Gu Nanyan's personality, but because she is a rule-breaking existence.

Whether it is the city defense artillery or the steel battleship, and she became the first princess of the Three Kingdoms in history, or the Mingshan City she built by herself, they did not follow the rules.

It's not that he hasn't studied Gu Nanyan's behavior style in private, but he just thinks that this person is unpredictable.

Holding up his chopsticks, Tao Butler caught a glimpse of Sun Cheng staring blankly at Gu Nanyan out of the corner of his eyes, and his heart became even more displeased.

"Is Mr. Sun hungry?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"The old slave's meals are given by the princess. The 1.1 rice is the grace of the master and cannot be shared with you. However, the old slave's portion is still on the stove. Why don't you let the servants fetch it for you?"

Tao Butler looked at Gu Nanyan as he spoke, as if asking for her opinion.

You must know that Gu Nanyan didn't want to see Sun Cheng, and he didn't even serve him a cup of tea from the beginning to the end.

"If Eldest Young Master Sun doesn't dislike the rough food in Prince Cheng's residence, I don't mind."

Gu Nanyan couldn't help giving Butler Tao a thumbs-up. The old man looked kind and kind, but he didn't expect it to hurt people so much.

After all, Sun Cheng is the eldest son of the prime minister, but when he came to Prince Cheng's mansion, he wanted to eat a housekeeper's meal. Isn't that a slap in the face for him?

Sun Cheng is not a fool, and he also saw Tao Butler's "bad intentions", he was angry and felt humiliated, no matter how well-mannered he was, he couldn't bear it.

"No need, Mr. Sun is not hungry!"

His tone was cold and grim, and his face was quite ugly. His eyes looking at Song Xiao became more and more anxious, and he wished he could step forward and tear apart the two people who were fighting, and leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

Seeing that he was unhappy, Gu Nanyan's appetite increased.

However, this is not over yet, Yunxi sees his humiliated appearance, she is very disdainful in her heart, she just thinks that this person is too pretentious, one thing on the surface and another thing behind the back, it's no wonder the master can't get on with him.

With a pretty face, she turned on the mocking mode seriously.

"No wonder everyone says that the grandpa of the Sun family is Wushuang, he really knows the rules and knows that he is not worthy to eat the food of the palace."

"Our butler Tao is only a butler in the palace, but he is a serious butler of the prince's mansion, and he is also of high rank outside. It is not appropriate for you to eat his old man's share..."

(End of this chapter)

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