Sun Cheng's face was flushed red, but he couldn't refute.

The seventh-rank officials in front of the prime minister's gate, not to mention the housekeepers of the prince's mansion, are many high-ranking court officials who would bow their heads.

And he doesn't even have an official status.

To say that he is not worthy of Steward Tao's food is harsh, but it is also true.

Sun Cheng clenched his fingers hidden in his sleeves.

He thinks that his talent and mind are not inferior to anyone, but he can't pass the imperial examination to become an official because of physical reasons. This is the most unwilling thing for him.

And his father also used his relationship to plan for him, but he shrugged it off on the grounds of his body.

Because he feels that he is a bright pearl, and he can shine only when he treats his Bole, and he doesn't bother with those crooked ways.

As it turns out, he was right.

Thinking of what he had planned for a long time, Sun Cheng's fingertips slowly loosened.


Long San held his sword and fought Song Xiao for two full hours, the two would not give in to each other.

Until night fell, Li Yi came back from outside.

Hearing that Sun Cheng hadn't left yet, Li Yi, who was always close to his wife, went into the backyard with a gloomy face.

As soon as he came in, he saw his secret guards fighting with others.

"What is this for?" He walked up to Gu Nanyan and sat down, took the teacup handed by Butler Tao and rinsed his mouth.

"Well, let Long San take revenge."

Gu Nanyan, who watched for two hours, was so bored that the grape seeds in her hand were about to be rubbed into sparks.

"Just him?" Li Yi knew that this person was the one who fought with Long San last night, so he took a look at the scene and let out a cold snort.

"Qinggong is barely evenly matched, but boxing and kicking skills are not as good as others, so I have to practice more."

Every time Gu Nanyan fights, he relies on brute force, and he is completely different from Li Yi, Long Yi and others. Therefore, before one of them shows obvious decline, it is impossible to tell whose kung fu is stronger.

She thought that Long San was slightly inferior before, and she also listened to Yun Xi's analysis with her.

But Li Yi could tell that Long San's moves had slowed down, and it was beginning to struggle to fight back.

He raised his eyelids, picked up a grape and peeled it, and placed it next to Gu Nan's cigarette mouth deftly, but his eyes were on Long San.

"Without fifty moves, Long San will be injured." He said.

Gu Nanyan opened his mouth to swallow the grapes from Li Yi's fingertips, and while spitting out the seeds, asked him curiously, "How did you know that?"

"Experience." Li Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "When martial arts reach a certain level, you can tell the difference between the two at a glance. Does Yan'er want to learn?"

He put his fair and handsome face in front of Gu Nanyan, with a smile in his fox eyes.

"If Yan'er wants to learn, her husband will know everything and say everything... But you have to agree to one condition for your husband."

The fresh scent of jasmine came over her face, and Gu Nanyan could smell the scent of her bottle of shower gel.

She looked at his face that was close at hand, and pressed the somewhat sticky palm of the grapes to his cheek, smiling tenderly.

Then he pushed his face away, grinned and said, "Sorry, I don't want to learn."

Li Yi: "..."

Seeing his frustrated look, Gu Nanyan raised the corners of her lips in a good mood.

The dog man wants to seduce her again, what conditions can he ask?
Whether it's kissing and hugging or holding it high, in short, if she doesn't have a proper shape, she won't be fooled!

Gu Nanyan ignored him, and spent his free time counting Song Xiao's tricks.

Just like what Li Yi said, after the two of them had gone through more than 40 moves, Long San obviously began to feel powerless, even Gu Nanyan could tell.

Gu Nanyan sat up straight, clenched her fingertips and looked at the two intently.

Then, when Long San showed his flaws and was about to be pierced through the shoulder by Song Xiao's sword, his index finger popped out.

A grape seed shot out and hit Song Xiao's sword hilt.

Song Xiao's body was tilted when he was beaten, and a huge force made his feet unsteady.

When he was surprised, Gu Nanyan's crisp voice came from his ear.

"Take the game!" she said loudly.

Hearing this, Long San turned his feet subconsciously, came behind Song Xiao, and kicked him at the knee socket of his right leg.

At the same time, he swung his sword, and the sword touched Song Xiao's arm.

With a "stab", Song Xiao's arm was scratched, and the wound and the size of the wound were almost the same as Long San's.

Song Xiao only felt a pain in his arm, subconsciously dodged, rolled and stopped three feet away from Long Yi.

Before he could get angry at Gu Nanyan's sneak attack, the numbness in his left leg hurt again, and the soreness made him unsteady again, and he threw himself forward.

This time there was no need for Gu Nanyan to remind him, Long San saw his flaws, and it was a sword attack.

The sword struck Song Xiao's other arm.

This is not over yet, Gu Nanyan, who just wanted to let the dragon strike two swords, was about to stop when he met Song Xiao's cold gaze. The grape seeds on the table were all thrown out.

The fruit cores hit Song Xiao's body like a gust of wind, and the stinging pain was more unbearable than the injury on his arm.

Song Xiao couldn't help but hum in pain.

"What is the meaning of the princess!"

Song Xiao knelt down on one knee, supporting the ground with his trembling arms. Due to the force, the wound bled even more, and soon soaked his clothes.

"Of course it's to avenge our Long San." Gu Nanyan shrugged.

"Didn't I say it at the beginning, I want Long San to pay you back twice... As for the last one, it's just that I don't like you."

Gu Nanyan hummed twice.

Who is Zhuzi scaring by staring at his donkey eyes, that is, I have been cultivating myself recently and I don’t want to see blood, otherwise I will stare at you. Do you believe that the fruit core in my hand can be replaced by a kitchen knife?

Sun Cheng on the side frowned. The insult by Yun Xi's words and the scene in front of him immediately made his dissatisfaction intensify.

"As a princess, how can you stab someone in the back, how fair is it to do such a thing, besides, you said that you will not overwhelm others!" Sun Cheng said angrily.

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