The farmer has a mall

Chapter 962 Surrender Miss Wu Family

"That's right, I did say that I wouldn't use force to overwhelm others..." She paused, then looked over with a cool look.

"I never said I wouldn't do it!"

Overpowering people with power and using hands are two concepts, the former uses the mouth, and the latter uses the fist.

Gu Nanyan clearly distinguished the two.

Sun Cheng clenched his fists angrily.

"But if you are a majestic princess, Song Xiao dares to fight back, but he can't do it, so he can only swallow his anger and let you do what he wants. How is this different from using power to oppress others!"

"There is no difference. Anyway, he can't beat me if he doesn't fight back."

Seeing Song Xiao's dissatisfied expression, Gu Nanyan curled his lips.

"How about this, I allow Song Xiao to fight back, so as to save him from the crime of offense. If he can hurt a hair of mine, how about Long San letting you deal with it?"

Long San: "..."

After that, she looked sideways at Li Yi, who was also in the presence of an old god: "My lord, will you prove me?"

"Yes." Li Yi said with fondness in his eyes.

The daughter-in-law is heaven, she can play with her however she likes, and he will do it when it is dangerous.

What's more, Li Yi felt that it was impossible for Gu Nanyan, who could not even beat him, to be hurt by someone like Song Xiao.

So he wasn't worried at all, but rather looked forward to it.

Li Yi raised his eyes coldly.

It's best if the daughter-in-law gets red-eyed and even beats up Sun Cheng together!

He has long disliked this sick guy, and always feels that he has other plans...

Definitely fell in love with his wife!
damn thing! !

"How about this, this king puts an extra bet, if Song Xiao wins, he can make a request to this king."

Damn it!

Li Yi didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and he succeeded in getting Gu Nanyan to roll his eyes.

"Then what if I win?" Gu Nanyan squinted.

"Well, of course it's what the princess says... How about I give you my whole body?"

He blinked at Gu Nanyan, his long eyelashes looked like feathers against that handsome face, making people tickle.

Gu Nanyan: "..."

The dog man is emitting hormones all the time, if it wasn't for her determination, he would have been executed on the spot.

However, her body is still immature, who knows the feeling of being unable to eat...

Gu Nanyan's villain was rolling and crying on the ground.

"Cough, no need, I've been a vegetarian recently." She refused righteously.

Li Yi raised his eyebrows, looked at her reddish ears, hooked the corners of his mouth, and leaned forward to whisper in her ear.

"When did the concubine start eating meat, remember to tell this king, and I will sweep the couch to welcome you."

His daughter-in-law is so cute, she blushes after a few teasing words, she is too shy.

Instead, it made him want to tease her more.

But Li Yi understands the principle of accepting as soon as he sees a deal, and occasionally says a few words as the flirt between husband and wife, if he talks too much, he will probably be beaten by his wife.

He's not that stupid.

After Li Yi finished speaking, he shrank back, picked up the tea cup and savored it with a smile on his face like a normal person.

The corner of Gu Nan's mouth twitched, thinking that Li Yi must have awakened some extraordinary physique, and he has become more and more boring recently.

Obviously when they got married, he was not such a person.

Was she cheated into marriage?

"Just like the prince said, Song Xiao, if you are not convinced, then make a few gestures with me."

Gu Nanyan tried his best to ignore Li Yi's affectionate gaze, got up and walked down the steps with his hands behind his back.

The aura of the whole person is domineering... It's just that the footsteps are a little hurried, as if trying to avoid something.

On the other end, Sun Cheng, who felt overwhelmed after being fed dog food, was silent for a while.

A request from Prince Sheng, Li Yi, is a rare promise.

He has always kept his word, as long as he promises, he never breaks his word, he is more trustworthy than the emperor's golden words.

I have to say that Sun Cheng was moved.

But he had also heard about Gu Nanyan's methods, so he wasn't sure if Song Xiao could win.

"What if we lose?" Sun Cheng asked, "What if we lose?"

Before Gu Nanyan could answer, Song Xiao took the lead and said, "I'll compare!"

"No matter what conditions you have for losing, I will compare!" He almost gritted his teeth and said these words.

For a top expert, Gu Nanyan's sneak attack is simply a humiliation to him.

What's even more humiliating is that he still can't fight back!

Otherwise, no matter how capable he is, he might not be able to get out of Prince Sheng's mansion today.

He felt that his ability was not strong enough to compete with the entire Dragon Character Camp.

"Brother Song, don't be impulsive, why don't you listen to Wang Hao's conditions first."

Sun Cheng stopped him and said, "I know you are proud and arrogant, but today you... are not ashamed to lose."

If it wasn't for Gu Nanyan's sneak attack, Long San's loss to him would be a certainty. Although he wasn't angry with Gu Nanyan's actions, he still had a bit of sense and wouldn't let Song Xiao go head-on to confront him head-on.

If he loses, what if people ask him to abolish his martial arts or simply kill him!
Song Xiao, but the number one expert around him, must not break here!

"If you lose, I only have one condition." Gu Nanyan squinted at Sun Cheng.

"Give Miss Wu's family to me, she's alive."

Sun Cheng was shocked.

What surprised me was not that Gu Nanyan's request was too much, but that she mentioned Miss Wu's family.

How did she know Miss Wu's family!
The woman has been locked in the secret room and has never shown her face in front of others. Even Lu Shi has someone guarding her to prevent her from revealing the matter.

Is it him?

Sun Cheng looked in Long San's direction with gloomy eyes.

It suddenly occurred to him that he had a task for Song Xiao a few days ago, and Song Xiao was not in the prime minister's mansion at that time, could it be that he was discovered by this person at that time?
Sun Cheng's guess was very close to ten, but the person who discovered this was not Long San, but Long Yi.

But no matter who discovered it, it was obvious that Gu Nanyan had been informed of Miss Wu's existence.

And seeing the calm look of the prince, I'm afraid he already knew it.

"Miss Wu, there is no lady surnamed Wu in the courtier's house." Sun Cheng continued to quibble.

If it was said that he was just jealous, now he is frightened.

Even if people knew about what happened at Prince Sheng's Mansion today, he could still deceive his father well and find a safe excuse to take it off. Harsh.

But Miss Wu's matter is different.

Sun Cheng knew in his heart that this matter was totally shameful!
Whether he is in front of his father or in the hearts of outsiders, he is a gentleman with good character.

If he is found out about this aspect, he will be reviled.

The most important thing is that it will affect his plan.

Sun Cheng didn't know how much Gu Nanyan knew about Miss Wu's affairs, and felt uneasy, beating like a drum.

Such intense beating made Sun Cheng, who was much weaker than ordinary people, feel a little dizzy.

Gu Nanyan was too lazy to chat with him.

"You know in your heart who I'm talking about. We smart people don't say dark words, you just say whether you agree to this bet or not."

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