Sun Cheng was very anxious. He didn't know how much Gu Nanyan knew about this matter, and he couldn't admit the existence of Miss Wu's family. Otherwise, if the events of the year were found out, the prime minister's mansion might be faced with a catastrophe!
Thinking of those people who helped him solve this matter back then, Sun Cheng calmed down and decided to deny it to the end.

"I really don't know who the Miss Wu family that the princess is talking about is. If you insist on holding on to this person, you are making things difficult for me."

He frowned, looking puzzled.

"If the princess is embarrassed because of the accident where your subordinate was injured, then I have nothing to say and let the princess handle it!"

Sun Cheng bet that she would not dare to send someone to search the prime minister's mansion.

He thought that as long as he passed this level, he would hide Miss Wu's family when he went back, or kill her and throw her into the deep mountains, so that the wild beasts would share and eat her.

At that time, no matter how capable Gu Nanyan is, it is impossible to find a person with no bones left.

A stern look flashed across Sun Cheng's gentle face.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows and sneered,
Yo!Wanted to bite her back.

The mental quality is good enough.


Gu Nanyan nodded slightly, sat back on the chair, and tapped the armrest of the chair rhythmically with her fingers.

"I can't help you say that." She looked indifferent, and sighed faintly.

Sun Cheng thought she was going to give up, but just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard the tall woman across from him speak again.

"In that case, don't leave, I have plenty of time to play with you."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Long San and Song Xiao who were still facing each other with swords.

"You guys continue until there is a winner."

She squeezed the grape seeds and squinted at Song Xiao.

"Let's see, what's the best way to chop him up next, the hamstrings or just remove his arms and legs?"

Gu Nanyan has never been a soft-hearted person, and he can see that Sun Cheng attaches great importance to Song Xiao, saying this is to let him choose between the two.

The choice between Song Xiao or Miss Wu's family depends on the other party's choice.

Taking the lead, Long San raised his sword again and pointed it at Song Xiao.

It wasn't that she was so sympathetic that she insisted on rescuing the Miss Wu family, nor was it that she wanted to embarrass Sun Cheng.

But this matter has already involved her, and she always feels that there is someone behind Sun Cheng.

She doesn't worry if she doesn't find out.

It doesn't matter to her side, since she has a special status, it is convenient for her to plot against her, and it is not so easy to bring her down.

What's more, she would never give the other party that chance.

The key is Gu Jia!
In a few days, she will go to Yangguo, and this trip may take several months, or even a year if it is slow.

The prime minister's mansion tried its best to get closer to the Gu family, who knows what will happen after she leaves.

Although Li Mi and the officials allied with the Gu family would definitely help the Gu family, Gu Nanyan still wanted to solve this problem himself before leaving.

She has decided that even if she confronts the Prime Minister's Mansion today, she will bring things to a head.

To save the other party from using some tricks in the dark to scare people, it doesn't have to upset people.

Therefore, even though Sun Cheng tried his best to stop Song Xiao from trying to keep him, she turned a deaf ear to it.

"Why bother?" Li Yiwen said in a low voice.

"You think the villain can just ask someone to go to the prime minister's mansion to search, and you don't have to waste time talking with him."

After finishing speaking, he said to Long Yidao who was standing behind him with his sword in his arms, "You go and take the guards in the mansion to the prime minister's mansion, and bring that Miss Wu family out. If anyone stops her, say it's my king's intention."

"If we don't have enough people, or if we can't beat the guards of the Prime Minister's Mansion, we can borrow people from the Jinwu Guards... If it doesn't work, just bring all the king's private soldiers outside the city and surround the Prime Minister's Mansion directly."

Private soldiers are a taboo, no emperor would allow his subjects to raise private soldiers, let alone Li Yi is a prince.

But who made their brothers feel good.

Not only did Li Mi not stop him, but he also asked people to pick out some skilled people from the army and the imperial guards and give them to Li Yi.

There are 3 private soldiers like Li Yi, but because they are all carefully selected soldiers, they are not afraid of even an army of [-].

Use an army comparable to [-] troops to go to the prime minister's mansion. Those who know are looking for someone, but those who don't know that Li Yi is going to ransack his family and exterminate his family!

Of course, Li Yi didn't think that the guards in his mansion would be worse than those in the Prime Minister's mansion, so he was just trying to scare Sun Cheng.

Sure enough, Sun Cheng's face changed drastically when he heard the words.

He didn't expect this couple to be more arrogant and unreasonable than the other!

Gu Nanyan just held him tight and threatened him with his men.

It's good for Li Yi, just use the whole Prime Minister's Mansion to play!
The prime minister's mansion is the place where the prime minister of the Jianan Kingdom lives. He is a first-rank official in the imperial court and one of the people whose power center is closest to the emperor!

Isn't he afraid of being blamed by the emperor?
Moreover, Li Yi actually had so many private soldiers. According to him, these people were near the capital, or even in the outskirts of the capital.

But his people never noticed it!

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Sun Cheng's forehead, and his back was dripping with sweat.

Long Yi took the order to retreat.

Gu Nanyan squeezed the only grape seed left in her hand, and then looked at Song Xiao who was already covered in blood after a fight, pursing her lips and wanting to laugh.

Li Yi was also a bad guy, he didn't say it sooner or later, but he only opened his mouth after Long San had almost cleaned up Song Xiao, he was really bad.

But... she likes it!


Sun Cheng was extremely anxious, thinking about countermeasures in a hurry.

He didn't expect Li Yi to be so tough, and it was too late to stop him, so he could only hold the idea that his father would not let people into the mansion easily, hoping to delay it for a while, and then find a solution after he got out of here.

Li Yi's people indeed failed to enter the prime minister's mansion.

Because after Long Yi surrounded the prime minister's mansion with his guards, Sun Shuyu, who knew the ins and outs of the matter, personally brought people over,
Behind him was a soft sedan chair, on which sat an unkempt man covered in blood.

Gu Nanyan could only vaguely tell from her figure that it was a woman.

Without the other party's introduction, she already knew who this person was.

"Miss Wu." Gu Nanyan pursed her lips, her face turning ashen.

It's not to blame for her ugly complexion. Miss Wu's family is so weak that she can't even lift her head. Although the clothes on her body are clean, it is likely that Sun Shuyu had someone take care of her appearance before she came, but there are still flakes on the clothes. blood.

From the neck to the limbs, from the limbs to the torso, there were dense streaks of blood and blood clots, almost all over the body!

The most terrible thing is her limbs, limp and drooping, as if there is no bone, and the joints are still twisted weirdly, even a fool can see that she is useless.

Compared with her, Song Xiao, who was covered in blood and was in a mess, was nothing compared to her!
Gu Nanyan clenched her fingertips tightly, holding back the anger in her heart.

She stared at Sun Shuyu firmly, thinking of killing the family personally.

As for Sun Cheng, he was so frightened that he couldn't even stand up.

He looked at Sun Shuyu with a pale face, shocked and unbelievable, but more guilty!
Father... already know?

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