The farmer has a mall

Chapter 964 Incompetence

About Miss Wu's family, Sun Cheng has always kept his father a secret.

He thought that what he did was perfect, at least his reputation has been very good over the years, even the fact that he was humiliated by Miss Wu's family back then became a good story, no one in the capital would praise him for his generosity.

Even his father once praised him for being a gentleman.

But now that Miss Wu's family was brought here by her father before she was exposed, Sun Cheng was suddenly a little uncertain...

Father, are you really ignorant of this matter?

If he didn't know, how could he find Miss Wu's family.

You must know that he deliberately placed it in his concubine's room in order to prevent his father from discovering it.

With his father's temperament, it is absolutely impossible to go to his son's concubine's courtyard, and it is even more impossible to talk about the discovery of Miss Wu's family.

But if he already knew about it, why hasn't he mentioned it for so many years?

It can't be a recent discovery!

Sun Cheng shook his head secretly.

Recently, his father's attitude towards him is the same as usual, and it doesn't look like he found it at this time.

The corners of Sun Cheng's lips trembled slightly, his mind was full of question marks, and he was completely dumbfounded.

Gu Nanyan couldn't care about his mood, the moment he saw Miss Wu's family, his face darkened visibly to the naked eye.

"Prime Minister Sun."

Gu Nanyan's tone sank to the bottom of the valley, biting his back molars as if to bear it.

"You are so kind!" She sneered, and walked forward slowly but steadily.

Then he stopped only three steps away from Sun Shuyu.

Her eyes were like two bottomless ice holes, which made one's heart go cold.

"Did you already know that?"

Even though Gu Nanyan had experienced hundreds of battles and his heart was as hard as iron, he couldn't help being shocked by what happened to Miss Wu's family.

According to Long Yi's investigation, it was indeed Miss Wu's fault that she insulted Sun Cheng back then.

Maybe it was spoiled by her family's pampering, but when faced with a man she admired but didn't take her seriously, it's really hateful to utter bad words after being rejected.

But Miss Wu's family is anything but coquettish and domineering at best, why is that so!

Why is there a whole family of exterminated people, let alone more than ten years of continuous abuse!

How did Sun Cheng manage to be so ruthless? It's just crazy!
Even Gu Nanyan couldn't bear to look at Miss Wu's situation, and squinted at Sun Shuyu.

Sun Shuyu, who was standing opposite, was stiff and closed his eyes in despair.

"Don't dare to hide the truth from the princess, I also found out a few months ago." He said in a calm tone.

"Impossible!" Sun Cheng's voice was sharp.

Perhaps it was because someone discovered what he most wanted to hide, so he took off his disguise at this moment, with a paranoid and crazy expression.

"I hid this bitch so well, you can't find it!"

"And if you found out, why didn't you ask me these days..."

"Evil son!" Sun Shuyu closed his eyes, not to look at the son he has always loved.

"What do you want to ask for your father?"

"Ask why you treat Miss Wu like this? Ask why you are so cruel and tyrannical? Or ask you... When did you become so insane!"

Sun Shuyu was so emotional that he burst into tears instantly.

When he found out that his son had imprisoned Miss Wu, he was so shocked that he couldn't describe it, and he almost fainted for a while.

At first, he didn't believe that the eldest son who was gentle and gentle to others was so cruel.

But the facts are right in front of him, and there is no need to verify them. Just look at the way he imprisoned Miss Wu's family and the injuries all over his body. Even if he made countless excuses for his son in his heart, he could not change the facts he saw with his own eyes.

How much he couldn't believe that no one would understand that his most beloved eldest son did such an unreasonable thing.

Later, he also asked people to investigate the affairs of Wu's family in private, but the results he obtained made him even more desperate.

"Since I already knew it, why didn't I report it to the officials?" Gu Nanyan asked.

"Since you are the prime minister, you should know that the law cannot be violated, and that an official should not show favoritism."

"Chen, I can't do it..." Sun Shuyu closed his eyes in pain.

As a father who loves his children, he can't send his frail son to prison for torture, it's no different from sending him to die.

And as the prime minister of a country, he knew very well that it was wrong for him to shield his son. Regardless of the consequences of being found out, the crimes he committed would be deathly unavoidable.

Unbearable and guilt intertwined, although he looked the same as usual in the past few months, he couldn't sleep every night, and the tragic situation of Miss Wu's family appeared in front of him from time to time.

"Oh, you don't want your son to suffer, so you let him continue to abuse other people's daughters!" Gu Nanyan sneered.

"If the master of the Wu family knew about it, wouldn't he be heartbroken? As a father, have you ever thought about the feelings of the victim!"

Although Gu Nanyan can understand Sun Shuyu's entanglement and pain, this is not the reason for him to turn a blind eye.

What's more, the lives of dozens of members of a family were involved.

It has been a principle since ancient times to kill people to pay their lives and pay their debts.

Even if he is the son of the prime minister, there is no exception.

"Wangfei thinks, why did Mrs. Lu come to Prince Sheng's Mansion to ask Wangfei for help?"

Sun Shuyu seemed to be decades old, his back collapsed.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "Did you instigate it?"

Sun Shuyu pursed his lips and said nothing, which meant he acquiesced.

He couldn't bear to report on his son, and he couldn't bear to allow his son to continue to commit crimes against his conscience.

In desperation, people can only encourage Lu Shi, and by the way, let Shangguan Shi "accidentally" find out about Miss Wu's affairs, hoping that they will make a decision for him, a father-in-law.

But he didn't expect that Lu Shi would meet the old housekeeper who was going to Prince Cheng's mansion so unluckily.

As for Shangguan, he also chose to remain silent.

At that time, he thought it was God's will, and even God couldn't bear to see him suffer, so he was really relieved.

He was still thinking about waiting for him to find a way to send Miss Wu's family away quietly, to keep her safe for the rest of her life, and try his best to make up for her, so this matter passed.

But who knows, it was discovered by Gu Nanyan.

Hearing from his son this morning that when the royal guards entered the mansion, he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

He heard that the ink order belonged to Longziying, and Longziying was under the command of Prince Cheng, so he knew that the matter had been exposed.

He waited in the study all afternoon, feeling very anxious, thinking about how to turn this matter around.

He didn't think of a countermeasure until it was dark.

And Sun Cheng hadn't gone back yet, what he was waiting for was Long Yi and the guards of Prince Cheng's residence.

Gu Nanyan didn't ask any more questions, and first asked people to carry Miss Wu's family back to the house, and then asked people to invite a doctor.

After arranging everything, he said with a straight face: "So if the lord didn't send someone to the prime minister's mansion today, and the palace didn't detain Sun Cheng, you plan to continue to hide it, right?"

"I am incompetent!" Sun Shuyu did not deny it, his voice trembling.

Killing so many people, just because of a few words of quarrel, really sending his son to the Yamen is definitely not going to survive.

Even if he is reused by the emperor now, Sun Cheng should at least be exiled.

The result is still death, his body can't even finish the road of exile.

His love for his son surpassed his reason and responsibility, he couldn't bear to send his son to die!

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