Chapter 968
In fact, as long as Miss Wu's family goes to Dali Temple to show her face, plus Lu as a witness, the truth can be known after some investigation.

Other witnesses are secondary.

I am afraid that the third division will not do anything, and dare not offend Sun Shuyu.

Gu Nanyan thought about this matter and Li Yi helped to watch over it, the people in the third department should not dare to obey.

Thinking of this, she stopped worrying about it, and concentrated on staying in the mansion and doing psychological treatment for Miss Wu's family.

Within a few days, Dali Temple began to hear the case. Since the ministers of the DPRK and China were involved, the trial process was kept secret.

Li Yi is naturally a person outside the secrecy, he will go to observe, and let Long Yi watch when he has no time.


Gu Nanyan was communicating with Miss Wu's family when Yun Xi came in from the door.

After a few days of treatment, although Miss Wu's family still looked like she was being bullied, she occasionally exchanged glances with Gu Nanyan.

The eyes are the windows of the soul, don't just look at it, for a patient with serious psychological problems, it is no different from stripping naked in front of others.

This is already a great improvement, not to mention it's only been a few days.

Even Gu Nanyan didn't expect the treatment process to be so smooth.

If things go on like this, even if Miss Wu's family can't recover, it's not a big problem for her to take care of herself and lead the life of an ordinary person.

The only problem is... she just needs to stop poking her face every time.

Seeing that Miss Wu's family quickly retracted into her turtle shell when she heard Yunxi's voice, and then turned into that unresponsive appearance again, Gu Nanyan was both funny and helpless.

"What's the matter?" she asked.

"Long San is here, and the lord sent word that Sun Cheng wants to see you, and that as long as he sees you, he will confess all his crimes."

Ever since the master vented his anger for Long San, those fellows were scrambling to get to the master's side, and he was basically the one who spread the word these days.

Yun Xi paused for a moment, then frowned and said: "The Minister of Dali Temple means that if the concubine has time, she can go there and punish Sun Cheng as soon as possible, so as to avenge Miss Wu's family."

"What does your lord mean?" Gu Nanyan asked again.

"What the lord means is, depending on what the princess wants, you can go if you want, and you don't have to go if you don't want to."

Yun Xi's brows relaxed, obviously dissatisfied with Dali Siqing's request, but satisfied with Li Yi's words.

Could her master be able to see whoever he wanted?
Even if he is a prince, he has to come over in person if he has something to do. How could Sun Cheng, a prisoner, have the audacity to ask her master to move his honor!
Simply overwhelmed!
When Miss Wu's family nestled in the corner of the bed, when she heard Sun Cheng's name, obvious fear flashed across her eyes.

Gu Nanyan patted her on the shoulder reassuringly, and said directly, "No."

"If he doesn't want to admit it, then go and check it out. Are all the people in the third department living on nothing? The prisoner must admit it himself before the case can be settled?"

Gu Nanyan's face turned cold: "Don't do those three divisions, find a few people who can talk and coax people, and they can take their jobs!"

Lu Shi on the side laughed.

It's not to blame for the concubine's hate. It stands to reason that she and the young lady should have been called to testify on the first day of the trial in Dali Temple, but it's been five days, and there's not even a single person there.

In the words of the princess, these people are just delaying time, so as to get the exact attitude from the emperor before deciding what to do.

Mrs. Lu was a little angry, the matter went to Dali Temple, and the prince even said that the three divisions will interrogate, how can these people not let people down if they still deal with it like this.

Looking at the desolate appearance of the young lady in front of him, and thinking of the local officials who had a vegetarian meal after the master's family was killed, Lu once felt a sense of powerlessness.

Fortunately, this time they have the princess by their side!
During these days of getting along, Lu Shi saw that she was a cold-faced and warm-hearted person, and she was even more careful and gentle with her young lady.

Otherwise, the young lady who has always been afraid of people who have not communicated with her will not appear so close to the princess.

Although this kind of intimacy so far is only the exchange of fingers and faces.

Lu Shi glanced at the fingerprints on Gu Nanyan's face, and felt a warm current in his heart.

"Go and tell the prince to ask the third division to close the case within five days. If such a simple case can't be handled, the third division's head should be replaced."

Gu Nanyan has always been a person who will not offend me, and I will not offend others. Although Li Mi gave her the right, she never asked about the appointment and removal of court officials.

This time it was really pissed off.

Anyone who sees Miss Wu's family being tortured like this will feel angry.

Yunxi passed the message to Long San, and Long San said happily, "My concubine is wise and mighty", and then rushed to deliver the message to his master.

Gu Nanyan's refusal to see Sun Cheng was unexpected by Dali Siqing.

After hearing Long San's threat, he wiped off his cold sweat, complaining incessantly.

The emperor has not said a word until now, he really meant to delay the time.

But he doesn't have the guts to use the princess to delay time!Not impatient anymore.

And his delay is not just because of the emperor...

Dali Siqing was careful, her heart was pounding, she thought about it and went directly to Li Yi.

The concubine's jealous nature, if Sun Cheng is not sentenced to death, I'm afraid she won't let it go.

Judging from his experience in solving cases over the years, it is absolutely unusual for Sun Cheng to agree to plead guilty so readily.

One must know that the whereabouts of the killer who wiped out Wu's family have not yet been found.

If these people were not found, Sun Cheng would at most be charged with imprisoning a good citizen, not a crime that would warrant death.

But he directly admitted that the Wu family's death was controlled by him.

Dali Siqing is in a heavy heart, always feeling that there are still unknown things in it.

In the palace on the other side.

Li Mi looked at Sun Shuyu who had been kneeling in front of him all day in embarrassment.

Since Sun Cheng's accident happened, Sun Shuyu came to plead guilty for five consecutive days, kneeling for a whole day, and he couldn't afford to leave the palace gate open.

Li Mi didn't plan to see him at first.

He had heard from Yi'er about Miss Wu's matter, that a madman like Sun Cheng is not worthy of sympathy, and Prime Minister Sun as his father is even more to blame!
Not to mention dozens of lives were involved.

As an emperor, he knew that he was not a wise lord, but he would not take the lives of the common people lightly, and he would never let Sun Cheng go just because of pleading.

Even if Sun Shuyu is his favorite person!

More importantly, if he really did this, that stinky girl would have to take his skin off!
Thinking of Gu Nanyan, Li Mi, who was a bit pitiful at first for having such a son, Sun Shuyu, who would suffer along with him, was instantly hardened.

People don't kill heaven and earth for themselves, even the emperor can't be exempt.

Sun Cheng should die!
"The prime minister can get up now. I will never tolerate it at this time. The people under the rule of Jianan Kingdom are all my children. Those who kill and abuse my children will be severely punished!"

Love the people like a son, he still knows this.

Speaking of which, the stinky girl is also considered as a citizen of Jianan Kingdom, and even if rounded up, she is also his child.

If she committed the act of abusing him, the emperor's father, Sun Cheng must be severely punished!
Li Mi stroked his chin and poked secretly to take advantage of Gu Nanyan, feeling secretly refreshed.

(End of this chapter)

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