The farmer has a mall

Chapter 969 Ruined the Queen's Reputation

Sun Shuyu did mean to intercede for his son.

After all, it was his own flesh and blood, who had cared for him for so many years, how could he be willing to die.

He didn't want to exonerate his son, but he just wanted to ask the emperor to save Cheng'er's life, even if he was sentenced to exile.

But looking at the unquestionable posture of the emperor, I'm afraid it won't work.

Sun Shuyu was sad in his heart, he seemed to have aged ten years in a few days, and his originally dark temples were already stained with hoarfrost.

Knowing that the eldest son would not be able to keep him no matter what, he closed his eyes, as if he had made some decision.

"I know that the evil son has committed a heinous crime that cannot be forgiven, so I dare not ask the emperor for forgiveness, but only hope that the evil son can redeem some of his sins."

He paused, and said in Li Mi's puzzled eyes: "Miss Wu's family has suffered so many crimes, even though it was done by that evil son, the humble minister is also responsible for poor supervision."

If he could have discovered that something was wrong with Cheng'er early in the morning, prevented the tragedy of the Wu family, and kept strict control, Cheng'er would not have come to where he is today.

Sun Shuyu was full of remorse, hating himself for only looking for his body to see a doctor for his son, but ignoring his twisted mentality.

In fact, up until now, he hadn't figured out how Ming Ming Cheng'er had been a glorious figure since he was a child, but why he became what he is today.

It's just that things have already happened, no matter how hard he can figure it out, no matter how much he regrets, he can't undo it.

That being the case, it is better to let him suffer the punishment he deserves.

In this way, at least his second son's future can be preserved.

Thinking of Sun Xian who was working under Gu Yunge, Sun Shuyu's expression became more determined.


Li Mi was curious when he heard this.

"How do you want to atone for him?"

Sun Shuyu bowed his head deeply: "Death cannot be brought back to life. I know that I can't do anything to repay this life debt, but I also want to do my best. I know that Miss Wu's illness is serious, and I may not be able to live independently in the future, so I hope to accept him as a righteous daughter, on the one hand, it will be convenient to take care of her, on the other hand, I also want to use the ability of the prime minister's mansion to find famous doctors for her, it will be better than her living in desolation alone."

He was really ashamed of the Wu family, and even more ashamed of wanting to conceal the truth. The only way he could think of to make up for it was to take care of Miss Wu's family for the rest of his life.

It's a bit ironic to say that for his elder son who was in poor health since he was a child, he would spend all his wealth to keep him. It was so easy to wait for the princess to make a move. Seeing that his son's health was getting better, in the end it was because of him that he had to continue to waste his energy Seek medical treatment for Miss Wu's family.

Sun Shuyu sighed secretly, and collapsed his shoulders dejectedly.

Let's just think that he owed Cheng'er in his previous life, and let him fulfill his responsibility as a father one last time, take good care of Miss Wu's family, and accumulate some virtue for Cheng'er.

Li Mi's first feeling was that something was wrong.

Sun Cheng killed his whole family, but in the end his father still wanted to be the father of Miss Wu's family, not to mention that if the Wu family in the underground knew that the coffin boards would not be able to hold down, it would be wrong for Miss Wu's family.

In case someone wakes up one day and realizes that he is a thief as his father, why not seek death or life?

But after thinking about it, she was already crazy, and even if she was sober, she might not remember the past, and judging from the current situation, she really couldn't take care of herself.

Li Mi was a little conflicted: "Let me consider this matter, you should go back to the house first."

Miss Wu's family is now living in Prince Sheng's Mansion, and Gu Nanyan will take over, so he can't make the decision.

To be on the safe side, let someone ask her what she means.


Of course, Gu Nanyan disagreed. Sun Shuyu might have good intentions, but no matter how sincere he was, he couldn't entrust Miss Wu's family to his care.

I'm afraid I don't want to make people crazy again.

She immediately vetoed the proposal, and Eunuch Zhao, who came to Prince Sheng's mansion to inquire in person, was not surprised, and went back to the palace in a hurry after getting her words.

In the prison of Dali Temple, Sun Cheng heard that Gu Nanyan did not agree to see him, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and he coughed a few times while clutching his chest.

He thought for a while, and then said to the yamen servant who sent the message: "Please trouble the official to run again and tell your lord that the criminal once went to see the princess. Won't miss a word."

He coughed a few more times, and his pale lips didn't seem to be fake.

"My body goes from good to bad, and I feel a little uncomfortable these few days. I want to ask the princess to come and take a look at me."

After that, he glanced around the prison, and said helplessly, "Maybe it's too cold here, I don't feel very well..."

When he spoke, he still had that gentle tone, and his calm tone made it impossible to tell that he was in prison at this time.

The yamen servant almost sneered when he heard this.

"Who do you think you are, and you still want to ask the princess to come here to see you, I'm bah!"

This yamen servant is about forty years old, and there is only one daughter in his family, and he was raised with it in his hands on weekdays. What he despises the most is this kind of beast who preys on women.

Knowing the crimes committed by Sun Cheng, if it wasn't for his job, he would have opened the prison door and beat him.

At this time, he heard him speak out loudly, and slapped him mercilessly.

"You are a bullying bastard who only knows how to attack the weak. What face do you have to let the princess see you? Who are you to dislike! The princess is a doctor and not a veterinarian, but you can't cure your heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. I think you should wait for death honestly, and you don’t need to plead with other princesses because of your illness. It’s better to hold Buddha’s feet temporarily and beg God to worship Buddha. Maybe God will not open his eyes and leave you with a dead body in the end Well, that’s a great fortune.”

The yamen servant was full of sarcasm. In his opinion, this was not the reason. Even if this kind of person died, he was not worthy of keeping the whole body.

He judged others by himself, thinking that if this kind of thing happened to his family one day, he would die. Seeing his daughter being tortured by such a beast, he would definitely die with regret.

Sun Cheng saw that the yamen servant didn't want to see him, but he still smiled.

"How do you know that the princess won't see me if you don't ask me? The princess has promised that she will see me cured after receiving the consultation fee. The official might as well ask your lords first. The princess has an unusual status. There is an army in this city, if I die of illness in this prison, my death will be minor, but ruining the princess’ reputation will be major.”

"If it spreads out, how will the people under her rule be convinced by her again?"

The yamen servant really wanted to pooh him with spit on his face, and really wanted to say that even if he died completely, it was none of the princess's business.

It can be seen that he has a determined look, and his face is indeed ugly. He is afraid that he will really die here and drag the princess down.

The yamen servant struggled for a while, thinking that it was better for a small person like him not to make decisions for his superiors, otherwise if something happened, his life would not be enough to pay for it.

So he hurriedly went to see Dali Siqing, and told Sun Cheng's words verbatim.

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