The farmer has a mall

Chapter 972 Judgment

Chapter 972 Judgment
Gu Nanyan didn't expect to get an answer from him, she just came to confirm her thoughts.

Seeing that Sun Cheng's lips were pale at this time, he knew it in his heart.

Immediately ignoring the other party's unbelievable expression, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and walked out of the prison unsteadily.

Although Sun Cheng's character is not good, he still has some brains, plus his special status, if there are really people behind him, he should know a lot of their secrets.

In this way, regardless of whether Sun Cheng is of any use to those people, the other party will come to him, either to silence him or to save them.

If she expected it right, those people might have already started planning.

Gu Nanyan said that she was not worried at all.

As the saying goes, in the face of pure strength, all conspiracies are paper tigers.

She was a little curious about what kind of drama those people could sing.

Gu Nanyan didn't take this matter to heart at all, and fished out the Chaos Beast as soon as he returned to the palace.

She pinched the nape of the Chaos Beast and looked at each other, still looking unconvinced, hanging in the air with its small hands folded over its chest, its two short legs coiled up in the air, and it turned its head away angrily.

Just a look of "I'm very angry and don't want to talk to you, no matter how much you coax me, it won't get better".

Gu Nanyan sneered and shook it.

"It's quite tempered. It seems that the closed time is too short."

Hearing the meaning behind her words, the Chaos Beast showed no sign of weakness.

"You shut it, you shut it, you can shut my body, but you can't shut my heart."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

The corners of her mouth twitched, and she said speechlessly, "I ran out without saying a word for so long, is this your attitude of admitting your mistake?"

I still can't close your heart, have you suffered from a second-year illness?
Besides, does it matter if she wants a beast heart?
Just take it out and it's over.

Speaking of running away from home, Chaos Beast still felt a little guilty.

But thinking that it had been gone for so long, the female devil not only didn't care about it but even snatched its drumsticks, she felt extremely angry.

It doesn't care about the chicken leg...

Chaos Beast was silent.

Well it admits it does care about that drumstick.

But it also wants to get the care of the female devil!
After all, they have been together for several years before coming to this world, so can't they have a little revolutionary friendship!
The Chaos Beast looked angry.

If I knew it earlier, I would come back later!
"Anyway, I don't care, you have hurt the fragile heart of this beast. Now this beast is heartbroken and has nothing to love, and decided to change its mind and never play with you again!"

Anyway, it's the kind that can't be coaxed well by ten chicken legs!
One hundred can still be considered.

Gu Nanyan's eyelids twitched, and the hand holding it couldn't help but want to make a parabolic movement.

"Speak well and don't use idioms indiscriminately. Be careful and I'll sew your mouth shut." Gu Nanyan threatened through gritted teeth.

It's too long for the dog to go out for a trip.

She remembered the reason why this guy was forced to come back every time he ran away from home, and threw it on the table with a straight face.

"Let me ask you, what's going on in Xuanyu."

It must have sent a message to it again, otherwise this guy would be reluctant to come back.

Sure enough, the Chaos Beast curled its lips, rubbed its sore buttocks and squatted down.

"What else can I do, just like that, Xuanyu said, anyway, if you don't help them, they have to ask for foreign aid."

The risk of asking for foreign aid is extremely high, which is equivalent to handing over the company's core secrets to others.

Rounding up means that the company is handed over to others, and the devil's painstaking efforts over the years will be in vain.

Otherwise, if it weren't for the seriousness of this matter, it wouldn't want to come back to see the face of the female devil.

"So have you decided, let me know if you want to help... My energy collection is almost done here, and you can go back anytime you want."

Although it doesn't like that place very much, it has to admit that it is the only place it can call home at present, and no one wants to give up their old den to others.

Last time the female devil said that she would consider it, but she hasn't given an answer until now.

The Chaos Beast sneaked a glance at her.

The cause of the problem is that it has tampered with the system, but it is out of its control now, and I don't know if it is the work of the female devil.

In fact, it became more and more suspicious that the company's accident was related to the female devil, but it was only suspicion, saying that it was impossible to tell.

What it is most worried about now is that her memory should not be fully restored, maybe it will be the shopkeeper.

Thinking of this, it felt the need to remind: "Don't forget, it's where you worked hard all your life, even if you smash it, you can't take advantage of others."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyelids upon hearing this.

"Can't hold it anymore?"

"Almost, after all, there have been many problems since you disappeared."

"Then I'll finish the matter here as soon as possible, and I'll go with you."

On Sun Cheng's side, she still wanted to see the result, and if there was a hidden danger, she would strangle him to death.

Don't worry about going anywhere.

The Chaos Beast understood what she meant, and nodded its head.

"Then let me tell Xuanyu to put some pressure on him, and don't agree to cooperate with that side yet."

I believe he still has this ability, otherwise he wouldn't be worthy of being the devil's younger brother.

"En." Gu Nanyan responded.

After a pause, he asked again: "What you mean is that I came here in the state of a soul body, and it will be the same when I go back?"

"Not necessarily, it can be combined with the current body, but it consumes more energy, it is best not to."

"And your body Xuanyu should always be well preserved, even if only the soul body can go back, but the body here may fall into a deep sleep."


Knowing what he wanted to know from the Chaos Beast, Gu Nanyan didn't ask any more questions.

For the sake of it being quite obedient, I asked the servants to prepare a feast of chicken drumsticks for it.

Seeing the chicken leg that he was thinking about, the Chaos Beast immediately put aside the previous hatred of taking the leg, and happily went to share with its little brother Huhu with a rice bowl that was several times bigger than it. went.

Two days later, Sun Cheng's verdict came down. Because the impact of what he did may be bad, he was finally sentenced to a decisive sentence.

As for Sun Shuyu and others, after Sun Cheng's confession, he learned that he was not involved in it, but he was suspected of concealing it. Li Mi fined him a year's salary and ordered him to contemplate his mistakes behind closed doors in the mansion.

On the day of execution, just when everyone thought the dust had settled, news came that Sun Cheng had been kidnapped.

Gu Nanyan was not surprised at all, and waited quietly in the mansion.

Until sunset, Long Yi, who had disappeared for several days, came back.

"It's a good thing that my subordinates did not disgrace their fate. They have been guarding the Wuming Temple outside the city according to Wang Hao's order. Today they finally waited for those people to show up."

"As you expected, Sun Cheng was indeed taken there, and with him was Song Xiao who was also sentenced to death."

Long San's eyes were shining brightly, he felt that his concubine was really wise and mighty, and she had already discovered where those people were staying.

(End of this chapter)

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